General Letters

B4. General letters

Francis Galton 20.4.1876 [or poss 1875 [Anthony Pitt-Rivers]

Lane Fox to E.B. Tylor in 29.5.1879 about the secretaryship of the Anthropological Institute [PRM ms collections Tylor papers Box 13]

Lane Fox to Tylor 6.6.1879 [PRM ms collections, Tylor papers, Box 11a, Fison 1]

F.W. Rudler 16.10.1882 about journal paper illustrations [S&SWM PR papers]

J.G. Garson 18.7.1886, 7.8.1887, 18.8.1887 and Francis Galton 19.4.1887 about Notes and Queries [S&SWM PR papers]

H. Neale [?] London Institution 15.10.1888 about attendance at South Kensington Museum [S&SWM PR papers]

G. Black 22.10.1888, 3.11.88 suggesting republication of Primitive Warfare [S&SWM PR papers]

C. Gray undated but 1888 [S&SWM PR papers]

H.J. Wood 24.3.1891, 31.3.1891 and reply dated 30.3.1891 about Society of Arts paper [S&SWM PR papers]

T.C. Horsfall 16.9.1891 about art museums and education [S&SWM PR papers]

Pitt-Rivers to W.H. Flower 9.11.1891, letter from W.H. Flower 15.12.1891 about museums arrangements [S&SWM PR papers]

B. Quaritch 27.4.1892 about Pitt-Rivers policy of giving his Excavations on Cranborne Chase away [S&SWM PR papers]

Correspondence regarding the Ethnographic Survey of the UK [S&SWM PR papers]

J.P. Harrison 24.12.1892, 28.12.1892 about Archaeologia Oxoniensis [S&SWM PR papers]

J.J. Foster 24.2.1895 about Dorset worthies [S&SWM PR papers]

H. Spencer 24.7.1895, and reply, and 19.9.1895 requesting information [S&SWM PR papers]

Letters about the 1895 art exhibition at Larmer [S&SWM PR papers]

McKenny Hughes 24.9.1895 about boomerang evolution [S&SWM PR papers]

J. Callcott Horsley 2.12.1895, 6.12.1895 about loan of Gainsborough portraits to Royal Academy [S&SWM PR papers]

The Sunday Society 7.12.1895 [S&SWM PR papers]

British Association 19.12.1895 about Petrie's proposal to set up a national store of objects [S&SWM PR papers]

Alex Fisher 26.12.1896, 24.12.1897, 1.1.1898, 8.10.1898, 29.8.1899 regarding an enamel commission [S&SWM PR papers]

Burlington Fine Arts Club 12.3.1897, 2.4.1897, 7.4.1897, 13.4.1897, 17.4.1897, 22.4.1897, 29.4.1897 about loaning enamel art objects for exhibition [S&SWM PR papers]

The Strand Magazine 24.3.1897, 6.4.1897, 9.4.1897, 21.4.1897 asking for an interview for an article about Pitt-Rivers' work [S&SWM PR papers]

Pitt-Rivers to J. Sparkes 26.4.1898 about his artistic assistants [S&SWM PR papers]

Pitt-Rivers to F.W. Rudler 23.5.1898 about the arrangement of museums [S&SWM PR papers]

G.H. Fowler undated about memorial portrait of Moseley [S&SWM PR papers]

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