Francis Galton 20.4.1876
(Address) 42 Rutland Gate
April 20/ 1876
My dear Colonel
Pray excuse a few days delay in sending the Anthropometric Schedules, in reply to your note of the 14th which owing to some mistake, has only just reached me in the country. I shall be back in town on Monday [illegible] & will see next day to the matter The schedules were only finally presented (after numerous rewrites) just before Easter. You are indeed most zealous in all anthropological matters Such cases as you can find of "pace origin" or "race" will be of especial interest
Yrs very sincerely
Francis Galton
[This letter was found tucked between two pages of Pitt-Rivers' notebook on Buildings and Architecture No 2, where Pitt-Rivers recorded interesting extracts from books he was reading, mostly dating to the early 1860s.]