Accession Book V entries 57-60. 1884.98.58-61 1884.98.1 - 66 Writing etc - 4 Iron styli, mounted on a cord, for writing on wax tablets probably Medieval London Wall 1860 [sic]
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. Case 37 1579 Tools iron various kinds (3681)
61-62. 1884.105.15-16 1884.105.1-39 Needles and Cases - Large round-sectioned ?bronze needle with nail head and central eye and Bronze needle, large darning needle type Excav'd at London Wall 1865 (1580) [Drawing]
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. Case 37 1580 Bronze needles tweezers pins etc (3684)
63. 1884.105.17 Large bright bronze needle with spatulate terminal (above eye) found 2 ft down in peat London Wall 14.12.66 [Drawing]
64. 1884.116.80 1884.116.1-121 Lamps (ancient) - Glazed ware socket candlestick, yellowish green (much chipped). Dug up at London Wall
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. Case 37 1569 and 1570 Fragments of pottery or 1582 Collection of objects including pottery of various kinds ...
65-66. 1884.117.25-26 1884.117.1-35 Miscellaneous - 2 Heads (upper part with horns) of Bos longifrons London Wall excavs A L Fox 1866-7
Additional Accession Book V entry - JAI V 1867
67. 1884.117.27 Antler of fallow deer found 14ft below surface with Roman remains London Wall excavs A L Fox 1866-7 7.1.67
Additional Accession Book V entry - JAI V 1867
68-70. 1884.118.213-5 1884.118.1-273 Implements Bone Ivory Horn - 3 ... anvils made of bone of bos longifrons London Wall excav Oct 1866
71. 1884.118.216 Stout point of ?ox-bone with condyle top London Wall [Drawing]
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. 1564 Three bone instruments points of pins or 1565 Bone points (4) Handles bone (2) or 1567 Bone objects for points of pins Red deer (5) or 1568 Case 37 Pointed bones probably tools
72. 1884.118.218 Similar brown point with articular butt [to 1884.118.217] London Wall [Drawing]
73. 1884.118.219 Similar brown point with flat articular top [to 1884.118.217] London Wall [Drawing]
74. 1884.118.220 Stout dark brown point, hollow through top, found 16ft deep with Roman pottery London Wall 12.1.67 [Drawing]
75. 1884.118.222 Small stout point, yellowish brown, with flat articular top London Wall excav.
76-78. 1884.118.223-5 2 upper parts of brown point with long shank (point broken away) and Point end (triangular cross section) of a similar large object London Wall excav.
79. 1884.118.226 Small stout point of ?ox bone, brownish-yellow, with flat articular top (point splintered) London Wall excav.
80-81. 1884.118.228-9 2 Short stout point with same articular butt cut in below it [as 1884.118.227] London Wall excav.
82. 1884.118.230 Similar larger dark purple-brown worn point [to 1884.118.229], found 13 ft deep in roadway 11.1.67 London Wall excav
83. 1884.118.231 Ochrey-brown, much damaged, point, the top open, hollow through London Wall excav.
84. 1884.118.232 Very dark brown point of flat articular end of bone, split through diagonally London Wall excav. [Drawing]
85. 1884.118.233 Ochrey-brown bone point, the top worn away, hollow through London Wall excav. [Drawing]
86. 1884.118.234 1884.118.1-273 Implements Bone Ivory Horn - Brown point of large split bone, worn away on the top London Wall excav.
87. 1884.118.235 Flat articular end of bone, hollow at the top, broken across the opening, filled with ?lead London Wall excav.
88. 1884.118.236 Long slender bone point with spatulate oval (natural) terminal plate found at 20 ft depth at bottom of peat 24.1.66 [sic] London Wall excav.
89. 1884.118.237 Long slender bone point with spatulate oval (natural) terminal plate found at 20 ft depth at bottom of peat 24.1.66 [sic] London Wall excav.
90. 1884.118.238 Long slender bone point with spatulate oval (natural) terminal plate found at 20 ft depth at bottom of peat 24.1.66 [sic] London Wall excav
91. 1884.118.250 Short stout pointed wedge of flat articular end of an ?ox bone, pale brown coloured London Wall [Drawing]
92. 1884.118.256 Bone skate made of an ox cannon bone London Wall [Drawing]
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. 1566 Bone ?skates (3)
93. 1884.118.257 Large point with clean-sawn butt of ox-bone in perfect condition, rich grey-brown and black tones (length c 20 cm) London Wall 11.1.69
94. 1884.118.260 Greeny-grey length of bone, corroded surface, 'shaved' away at the top with scored longitudinal lines, pin [sic - fire?] maker's anvil London Wall [Drawing]
Accession Book VI entry - 95. 1884.120.30 1884.120.1-82 Iron Implements. Note - Most of these implements are black-brown completely oxidised and encrusted 1884.120.6 - 31 Knives Axe-heads - Double axehead (?miners) with expanded blades, upper edge straight (19 1/2 cm) found at 17 ft deep London Wall Noorh [sic - ?North] End 1866 [Drawings]
Additional Accession Book VI entry - Found while digging foundations of a house
96. 1884.140.36 Pitt Rivers Catalogue Entry (1874) - Skull. Romano British. Found by Col. A. Lane Fox with Roman remains 20 feet beneath the surface in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall in 1866. Index 70. A good typical specimen of the dolichocephalic British or Romano-British form [p3]
97-103. 1884.140.37-43 7 calvaria as 72 above
104-123. 1884.140.44-63 20 fragments of skulls as 72 above
100. 1884.140.256 Found unentered skull marked London Wall December 1866 Found 22 ft deep in peat, A. Lane Fox
124-125. 1884.140.258-259 PR VIII entry - Europe, London Wall. Two large piles with one end shaped to a point.
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. 1583 and 1584 Two large wooden piles page 60
126-135. 1884.140.492-501 10 bronze needles, pins and implements.
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. Case 37 1580 Bronze needles tweezers pins etc (3684)
136-142. 1884.140.502-508 Pitt Rivers Accession book VIII entry - 7 knives.
Blue book entry - Objects found in various parts of London Case 37 1591 Iron knives etc (3688)
143-155 1884.140.509-521 Pitt Rivers Accession book VIII entry - 13 iron tools of various kinds.
Blue book entry - Objects found in digging the foundations of a house in London Wall 1866. Described in the Journal of the Anthropological Socy. 1579 Tools iron various kinds (3681)
156. 1884.140.887 Detailed Footwear Card Catalogue entry - Group: Footgear Division: Soles Class: Leather Description: Leather sole for the left foot with the toe cut off abruptly at the end, and a slight stamped design Length 21 cm People: Roman Locality: London Wall 1866 How Acquired: PR coll (1456? black) [Drawing]
Possible items from excavation.
These are not marked on records as being obtained in 1866 by Pitt Rivers but are marked as being 'London Wall':
Accession Book IV entries - 1-4. 1884.2.30-33 1884.2.1-35 - Locks and Keys 4 Iron keys from excavation London Wall
5-6. 1884.2.34-35 1884.2.1-35 - Locks and Keys 2 Bronze keys from excavation London Wall
In addition some clay pipes are listed as being found 'London Wall' but no date is given, they might be from this excavation [see 1884.101.61-64 on Pitt Rivers Museum's object database. There are also some small human remains (mostly teeth) possibly found in same excavations. There are also a larger number of artefacts noted as being from 'City of London excavations', these might be from London Wall 1866 excavations, or other 1866 sites or indeed material collected 1865 if the date is not confirmed by the documentation. (see below).
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