Digitizing Wax Cylinders at the British Library
The sound collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum includes three different sets of wax cylinders: over 400 cylinders recorded by Northcote Thomas in Nigeria and Sierra Leone (1909-15), 86 cylinders recorded by Evans-Pritchard in Zandeland, South Sudan (1928-30), and 94 cylinders recorded by Diamond Jenness in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands off New Guinea in Melanesia (1911-12). All of the playable cylinders have been digitized for the Pitt Rivers Museum by expert engineers at the British Library, Nigel Bewley and Will Prentice.
On 22nd January 2013 Chris Morton, project manager for 'Reel to Real', Noel Lobley, ethnomusicologist and project researcher, and Peter Hudston, research assistant, travelled to the studios at the British Library sound archive to retrieve the original cylinders. During this visit, Nigel Bewley, Will Prentice and Janet Topp Fargion were interviewed about their experiences working with these sound collections.
British Library Sound Archive website:
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