Louis Sarno Seminar
Louis Sarno, pioneering field recordist, in conversation with Dr Noel Lobley, ethnomusicologist at the Pitt Rivers Museum, on the 24th April 2012.
In April 2012 Louis came to Oxford for a month as a guest of the Pitt Rivers Museum, where he collaborated with Noel to enhance understanding of the content of his archive of recordings and images. On April 23rd 2012 the Museum hosted a reception tea for Louis to share stories of the Bayaka community he lives with. Louis spoke to a packed room, reflecting on Bayaka music, his conversations with Bayaka friends, and discussed some of the pressing social and political forces that are threatening the livelihood of such communities in around the rainforests of the Central African Republic.
Further information about this seminar can be found in Noel Lobley's article in the journal Radical Anthropology, which can be found at http://www.radicalanthropologygroup.org/old/journal_06.pdf
The playlist below accompanies both the article in Radical Anthropology and the seminar given by Louis.
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