Analysing the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum
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Explore the database of all the people associated with the Pitt Rivers English collections. This gives information about their lives; their education, careers, place of residence, and their network of friends and colleagues. Select the first letter of their surname from the list below.
N. [unknown surname], [full version unknown] J.M.
Nagel, David Henry
Narracot, Peter
Nash, [full version unknown]
National Building Record
National Maritime Museum Shop Greenwich
National Museums Consortium
Nauticalia Ltd
Neale, [Mrs] L.M.
Neame [father], Philip
Neame [son], Philip
Neate, [Mrs] J.
Needham, [full version unknown]
Needs, J.T.
Negretti and Zambra
Neligan, William C.
Nelson, Horatio
Neubauer, Adolf
Nevell, Amy J.
Nevell, [Mrs]
Nevill, Charles Henry
Nevill, Thomas Nevill Carleton
Neville, Louis
New College University of Oxford, The Warden [Spooner] and Fellows [properly Scholars]
Newbury Museum
Newdigate, [Miss] K.
Newdigate, [Mrs] P.
Newhook, [Mrs] [full version unknown]
Newnham, G.W.
Newnham, [Miss] G.F.
Newport, [Mr][full version unknown]
Newton Bank Print Works
Nicholes I or II, John
Nicholson, Charles [possibly Charles Archibald]
Nicholson, Edward
Nicholson, Julia
Nicole Freres
Nix, [Mr][full version unknown]
Noakes Brothers Tobacco Company
Noel, [Miss] E.F. [probably Emilia Frances]
Norman, Eric
Norris, Herbert Ellis
North, E.H.
Northcote , Cecilia Frances
Northcote, Margaret Stafford
Northcote, Stafford