Analysing the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum

Explore the database of all the people associated with the Pitt Rivers English collections. This gives information about their lives; their education, careers, place of residence, and their network of friends and colleagues. Select the first letter of their surname from the list below.

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Individual's Details

Charles or Charlie or Charley Eaton

Career Forger

Biography [Also known as Charlie or Charley, see also Billie or Billy or William Monk] Nineteenth-century London-based forgers of medieval and other material [Alison Petch [as part of 'The Other Within' project 2006-9] 11/01/2007]

Biography References http://www.mernick.co.uk/B&C/page1.htm

County Oxfordshire / London [Greater]

Relationship Maker

Archaeological or Ethnographic Ethnography

Date made around ?circa 1850 - 1900

Dates active 1834-?

Donated around 1949

English collections Metal heart-shaped locket in two pieces joined by a brass ring

Oxford Uni Education No

Oxford based No

English collection size 2

Connections Charles Overy