Analysing the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum

Explore the database of all the people associated with the Pitt Rivers English collections. This gives information about their lives; their education, careers, place of residence, and their network of friends and colleagues. Select the first letter of their surname from the list below.

Browse by Surname

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [ ' ?


Rackham, Angela

Radmore, P.M.

Radmore, Tony

Raphael, Oscar Charles

Rathenau, Ernest or Ernst G.

Rauche, Michael

Rawlings, H.T. possibly Henry J.

Rawlins, Frank J.

Rawnsley, T.S. [possibly T.J.]

Rayner, [Mr][full version unknown]


Read, Charles Hercules

Read, [Mr][full version unknown]

Reading Museum

Ready, A.

Ready, Robert

Redborn, John

Reed, Unknown

Reid, Mabel

Reilly and Co , E.M.


Renshaw, Alan

Retlaw, J.

Revell and Dayne / Revell and *P.K. Patent Temper, F.G.R.

Rhymes, Mrs] D.H.

Richards, J. & W.

Richardson, [Mrs][full version unknown]

Rickaby, Joseph

Rickets, [Mr][full version unknown]

Ridgeway, William

Rigaud, Gibbes

Rigaud, John

Rigaud, Stephen Peter

Rigaud, [Miss][full version unknown but possibly Jane]


Riley, Derrick N.

Riley, F.



Ritchie, James

Ritchie, Robert

Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt

Rivers, Florence

Rivers, Robert 'Bob'

Rivers, [Mr] [full version unknown] [Florence's husband]

Robbins, [Mrs][full version unknown]

Roberts, Ben

Roberts, Charles

Roberts, William

Robertson, Struan

Robertson, [Miss] M.E.G.

Robertson / Robertson Electric Lamps Ltd, C.J.

Robertson-Fortay, C. Philip M.

Robieson, James Frank

Robins, Frederick William

Robinson, Alfred

Robinson, Messrs

Robinson, T.

Rodgers, T.

Rodgers, William

Roe, Derek

Roe, [Miss] M.D.

Rogers, Ann

Rogers, G.L.

Rogers, [Mr] [full version unknown]

Rogers Kidderminster

Rogers [& Sons], Joseph

Rolfe, [Mr][full version unknown]

Rolleston, George

Rook, K.G.

Roscoe Place Works

Rose, James

Rose , William

Rosenheim, Max and / or Maurice

Rostant, Lorraine

Rostrand , Edward

Rothenstein, William

Rothschild , [family][full versions unknown]

Routh, Martin Joseph

Rowe, Thomas

Rowell, George Augustus

Rowley and Company

Royal Armouries London, The Assistant Master of the Tower Armoury / per British Museum

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Royal Doulton Pottery

Royal Selangor

Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield

Royal Society

Royal United Services Institute [Museum]

Rudder, William

Rudhall or Reed, John

Rue & Co., Thomas De La

Russell, John

Russell, John

Russell, William

Rutland, James

Rutland Duke of , [full version unknown]

Ryman, [Mr][full version unknown possibly James]

Individual's Details

Royal United Services Institute [Museum]

Biography Initially RUSI was set up to study naval and military science, recently it has widened its remit to cover all aspects of defence and security. [Alison Petch [as part of 'The Other Within' project 2006-9] 09/05/2007]

Biography References http://www.rusi.org/ / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_United_Services_Institute

County Norfolk

Relationship Other Owner

Archaeological or Ethnographic Archaeology

Collected around 1832

Dates active 1831-to present

Donated around 1884

English collections Bronze axe with pronounced cusped points to edge.

Institution Yes

Oxford based No

English collection size 1

Connections T.G. Bayfield / Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers