Papers in Press, under review or submitted
(In Press - 2009) Review of Amiria Henare, Sari Wastell and Martin Holbraad (eds), Thinking Through Things: Theorising Artefacts Ethnographically, London: Routledge 2007. Journal of Museum Ethnography. No. 21.
(In Press - 2009) Is the heart at home? E.B. Tylor’s collections from Somerset. Journal of Museum Ethnography No. 22.
(In Press – 2009) Touching the Buddha: Encounters with a Charismatic Object. In Museum Materialities/Matter-realities: Objects, Engagements, Interpretations. Ed. Sandra Dudley. Routledge: London.
(Accepted for publication - 2010) A Case Re-Opened: E.B. Tylor and the Witches’ Ladder. Journal of Material Culture 15(1) (Accepted for publication - 2010) An Imperialist Folklore? Establishing the Folk-lore Society in London. In Folklore and Nationalism in Europe during the Long Nineteenth Century » Eds. Timothy Baycroft and David Hopkin. Brill: Leiden. (Accepted for publication - 2010) Placing Britain in the British Museum: Encompassing the Other. In National Museums. Eds. Peter Aronsson, Arne Bugge Amundsen and Simon Knell. Routledge: London. Published During Course of Project 2008 Review of Hassan Arero and Zachary Kingdon (eds), East African Contours: Reviewing Creativity and Visual Culture, (Contributions in Critical Museology and Material Culture) London: The Horniman Museum 2005. Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 20 pp. 169 – 171. Papers in Press, under review or submitted Published During Course of Project 5th – 6th June 2009 UCL Department of Anthropology & The Centre for Museums, Heritage and Material Culture at University College London: Re-Thinking Ethnology Workshop 6th – 9th April 2009 ASA Conference: Anthropological and archaeological imaginations: past, present and future. Panel 08: Civilisation: A Reintroduction 2 & 3 April 2009 MEG Conference: 'Amateur Passions / Professional Practice: ethnography collectors and collections' 13 March 2009 Pitt Rivers Museum Lunchtime Seminar Paper: 17 -19 November 2008 – NaMu 6 Oslo: European national museums encountering a globalized culture 29 -31 August 2008. Invited to symposium "Protestant Missions-Local Communities: Regional and International Dimensions of Missionary Encounters" at the University of Bergen, Norway. 29 June – 4 August 2008. World Archaeological Congress 6 Dublin. Session: Unpacking the Collection 10 & 11 April 2008. Museum Ethnographers Group Conference: 18 -20 February 2008 NaMu 4: Sweden: Comparing European national museums : territories nation-building and change: 10 December 2007 Presentation Reading University / Oxford University representatives 25 November 2007 - Public talk on the opening weekend of the Pitt Rivers Museum Research Centre 19 – 21 November 2007 NaMu 3 Oslo: European national museums in a global world 29 June 2007 Oxford University Museums Collections History Group: 18 – 20th June 2007 NaMu 2, Leicester: National Museum Narratives: 27 April 2007 Lecture Pitt Rivers Museum Friday Seminars Work in Progress 19 December 2006: Oxford University Museums Collections History Group presentation 18 -21 September 2006 European Association of Social Anthropologists conference on Europe and the World. 'Past vs Present' Conference, Churchill College, University of Cambridge 13-15 July 2009. 'Revisiting Victorian Anthropology', Pitt Rivers Museum [this seminar series is co-ordinated and led by Wingfield and Petch] Paper presented to MEG Annual Conference, May 2007 National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. [Wingfield and Petch] 23 January – 13 March 2009: Pitt Rivers Museum Research Seminars In Material And Visual Anthropology, Fridays Hilary term 2009: [Wingfield and Petch] 10 & 11 April 2008 Museum Ethnographers Group Conference:
2007 “Feeling the Vibes: Dealing with Intangible Heritage’ – An Introduction” Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 19 pp. 9-20.Alison Petch:
2009 'The Other Within at Oxford' Museum Fabric [in press]
2009 'Ellen Ettlinger: Her contributions to English folklore and the Pitt Rivers Museum' Folklore [under review]
2009 Book review of Material Histories: Proceedings of a workshop held at Marischal Museum, University of Aberdeen, 26-27 April 2007 edited by Alison K. Brown. Published by Marischal Museum, University of Aberdeen, 2008. Journal of Museum Ethnography [in press]
2009 'Walter Baldwin Spencer and the Pitt Rivers Museum' Journal of Museum Ethnography 20 [in press]
2008 'Measuring the Natives: Beatrice Blackwood and Leonard Dudley Buxton's work in Oxfordshire' History of Anthropology Newsletter, 35: 1 July 2008.
2008/9. Book review of Traditional Archery from six continents: The Charles E. Grayson Collection. Charles E. Grayson, Mary French and Michael J. O'Brien. University of Missouri Press, Columbia Museum Anthropology Review
2008 'A Typology of Benefactors: the relationships of Pitt Rivers and Tylor to the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford' Forum for anthropology no. 4 pp. 251-268 St Petersburg [English version]
2008 'Colonial Collections Revisited' (Review of Pieter ter Keurs (ed). 2007. Leiden) Journal of the History of Collections 2008; doi: 10.1093/jhc/fhn023
2007 'Notes and Queries and the Pitt Rivers Museum' Museum Anthropology vol 30 no. 1 Spring 2007 pp 21-39
2007 'Cabinets for the Curious: Looking back at early English museums' Museum Anthropology Spring 2007 vol 30, no.1 pp 64-66
2007 'Collections Research and the Web: Reflections on a successful [half-]day's work at the Pitt Rivers Museum' Museum Anthropology Weblog at
2007 'Opening the Pitt Rivers Museum' Journal of Museum Ethnography 19 pp. 101-112
2007 [co-authors, Chris Gosden, Fran Larson] 'Origins and Survivals - Tylor, Balfour and the Pitt Rivers Museum and their role within anthropology in Oxford 1883 - 1905' in P. Riviére [ed.] A History of Anthropology at the University of Oxford. Oxford: Berghahn
2007 [with David Zeitlyn, Frances Larson] 'Social networks in the Relational Museum: the case of the Pitt Rivers Museum' Journal of Material Culture vol. 12 (3) November 2007 pp.211-239
2007 'Isolation and Anthropology: the correspondence of Patrick Byrne', Friends of the PRM, Oxford Newsletter Issue 58 March 2007
2007 'Upholding the law - Central Australian Style', Friends of the PRM, Oxford Newsletter Issue 59 July 2007Talks, lectures, conferences, papers
Chris Wingfield:
Ethnology, Folklore and Anthropology in England: A View from Oxford
Civilisation and Culture: Untangling Tylorian Roots
'Making Professionals': The Pitt Rivers Museum 1884-1914
Back to the Future? Locating and Re-locating England
Placing Britain in the British Museum: Incorporating the Other.
From ‘horrible idols’ to ‘sentiment to the past’: the moving objects of the London Missionary Society
Donors, Loaners, Dealers and Swappers: The Relationships behind the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum
'Museum Ethnography At Home'
Is the heart at home? Defining the self and collecting the other at the centre of Empire
Nationalist, colonialist and imperialist : a useful model for understanding archaeological disciplinary traditions and their museums?
Civilization and teutonism : situating the PRM in 19th century
20 objects, 2 million years : a whistle stop introduction to the Pitt Rivers archeological collections
Nineteenth century British narratives of civilization and nationalism : intersecting modes of engaging with the global world
Witches' ladder : fake or mistake - E.B. Tylor, C.G. Leland and the Victorian search for magic
Englishness & others : narratives of belonging and civilization in English anthropology collections
The witches ladder : 1911.32.7
English folk-lore : a forgotten branch of British anthropology
“Engaging with complexity : museums and the diversity of the European colonial encounterAlison Petch:
From the homogeneous to the heterogeneous': Categorising the Pitt Rivers collection.
2009 Folklore Society AGM and Conference "Collecting Folklore"
Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers, the Pitt Rivers Museum and Folklore
23 January 2008 Total immersion or paddling?: different models of fieldwork in Victorian anthropology, 1874-1914
Commercial gain? The relationships between ethnographic collectors, dealers and auction houses: a case study.
Several other Friday seminar papers at the Pitt Rivers Museum including:
'The other within, an anthropology of Englishness'
'The products of industry? The early development of the Pitt Rivers Museum'
'Death and Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers'
Museum of English Rural Life day seminar. presentation 10.12.07 'Viewing England through objects'
Presentation on the project to Oxford University Museums and Collections History day December 2006
Presentation on 'The Other Within' Englishness project to the MEG AGM May 2006Project Organization:
Re-visiting Victorian Anthropology?
'Museum Ethnography At Home'