
Bloodstone, Morocco


Transferred from the Wellcome Institute in 1985; 1985.52.1544
This dark green jasper stone flecked with red iron oxide forms the mineral heliotrope, and is commonly known as a ‘bloodstone’. Bloodstones were popular in the Middle Ages. It was thought that they had originated at the crucifixion of Christ, when drops of Christ’s blood fell on a piece of green jasper and became infused in the stone.
Bloodstones were believed to cure nosebleeds and control haemorrhaging. Their power to stop the flow of blood could be invoked by wearing the stone around the neck on a cord, or, for a better effect, by dipping the stone in cold water and then holding it in the right hand. 

Artisans of Memory

Behind the scenes of an amulets project

This series of short films follows the progress and practices of those connected with the Small Blessings project as they unravel the stories surrounding these curious objects.

The full series of films may be viewed here.


Amulets Competition

The competition is now closed and a winner has been announced. Find out more here.

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