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Here is a list of the objects that were displayed at meetings of the Anthropological Institute,and its forebears, between 1843-1891 by John Evans, A.W. Franks and John Lubbock. There also follows a list of the items displayed in this time frame by E.B. Tylor and Henry Balfour. This list is taken from the Index to the Publications of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1843-1891) including the Journal and Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London (1843-1871), the Journal of the Anthropological Society of London (1863-1871), the Anthropological Review; and the Journal of the Anthropological Institute (1871-1891), compiled by George Bloxam and published in 1893 by the Anthropological Institute, London. It can be compared with the list of objects displayed by Pitt-Rivers given here.
[from p. 112-125] J.A.S. = A.R. = Anthropological Review; J.A.I. = Journal of the Anthropological Institute; J.A.S. = Journal of the Anthropological Society; J.E.S. = Journal of the Ethnological Society, P.E.S. = Proceedings of the Ethnological Society; N.S. = New Series
John Evans
214. Bronze Socket Celt from Italy (Evans, J.) [no page reference] ...
216. Stone Adzes from Burmah. (Evans, J.) [no page reference] ...
232. Chert Implements from the Valley of the Axe. (Evans, J.) J.A.I. vii, 499 ...
337. Worked Jade Hatchet. (Evans, J.) J.A.I. xv, 185 ...
362. Worked flints from Albania. (Evans, J.) [no page reference]
363. Stone implements from India. (Evans, J.) [no page reference] ...
A.W. Franks
140. Photographs of the Tattooed Man from Burmah, (Franks, A.W.) J.A.I., ii, 180 ...
152. Japanese Roll Representing the Manners of the Ainos. (Franks, A.W.) J.A.I., iii, 137 ...
157. Photographs of Skulls and Objects from Caucasus (Franks, A.W.) J.A.I., iii, 176 ...
166. Bow and Arrows of the Modoc Indians. (Franks, A.W.) J.A.I., iii, 204 ...
187. Gorget from Easter Island (Franks, A.W.) J.A.I., v, 220 ...
199. Photographs of Natives of New Guinea. (Franks, A.W.) J.A.I., vi, 214 ...
John Lubbock
11. Gold Torque from an Irish Peat Moss, in the County of Sligo (Lubbock, J.) J.E.S. N.S. i, 51
12. Stone Implements from the Cape. (Lubbock, J.) J.E.S. N.S. i, 51-53 ...
122. Stone Implements from Africa. (Lubbock, J.) J.A.I. P.E.S. p. xcii ...
134. Stone Polished Implements from Greece (Lubbock, J.) J.A.I. i, 348 ...
248. Stone Implement from Algeria. (Lubbock, J.) J.A.I. x, 316 ...
Henry Balfour
393. "Elk" Teeth used as Money in North America (Balfour, H.) [no page reference] ... [1]
E.B. Tylor
345. Australian Tunduns or Bull-Roarers. (Tylor, E.B.) [no page reference] ...[2]
385. Scourge, Flagellum, etc., from the Azores (Tylor, E.B.) J.A.I. xviii, 274 ... [3]
394. Brass Harness Ornaments used as Amulets against the Evil Eye (Tylor, E.B.) J.A.I. xix, 54 ... [4]
[1] These elk tooth money is likely to be 1889.22.1-2, donated to the PRM, Oxford by Balfour in 1889, obtained by J. W. Young 1888
[2] There are some Australian 'bull-roarers' in Tylor's personal collection which came to the PRM, Oxford after his death, which might be these objects. There are also some objects donated by Tylor to the PRM, Oxford in 1911 which are called tunduns, see 1911.32.10-12 which are more likely to be the ones referred to. They were collected by A.W, Howitt in Gippsland.
[3] These are 1888.31.1-4, actually sent to PRM, Oxford by Pitt-Rivers in 1888 [the only such objects added to the collection after the initial donation]
[4] The brass amulets may be 1917.53.625, 1917.53.626, 1917.53.636, all from Naples, Italy and bequeathed by Tylor to the PRM, Oxford in 1917. .
AP, September 2011.