Nuer men

Nuer men
58 x 55 mm | Print gelatin silver
faded [EE 2/87]
Date of Print:
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Accession Number:
Looking towards a man wearing the metal arm badge of the Chief's Police (right shoulder, less visible than in another image), with a rectilinear building in the background and a tall post with a sign above it. The native police force was recruited from 1927 to assist with the enforcement of judgements made at local chief's courts, which were also augmented at this time, a policy forcefully pushed through by C. A. Willis who became governor of Upper Nile Province in 1926. Evans-Pritchard arrived at Adok on 1st October 1936 after making a survey of the Luo of Kenya. He then moved on to spend most of his time among the Leek.
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Date of Photo:
1936 October - November
[Southern Sudan] Wahda Adok
Nuer Dok
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Donated 1966
Other Owners:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection
Insignia , Colonial , Shelter
Building Official
Original catalogue lists in Manuscript Collections. Additional material in related documents files. [CM 27/9/2005]
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry [p. 98] 1966.27 [1 - 24] G[ift] PROFESSOR E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD; INST. OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 51 BANBURY RD. OXFORD 1966.27.1-16 S. SUDAN. NUER TRIBE. Sixteen negative albums containing negatives and prints of photographs taken by donor during field-work. All listed in albums. Added Accession Book Entry - [p. 98 in right hand column, in pencil] Catalogue room.

Manual Catalogues [index taken from album book VIII, ms ink] - 88. Man at Adok

Note on print reverse ms pencil - "71 Adok" & print front border ms ink - "NUER VIII/88"

Other Information:
Willis's establishment of a Nuer police force in the Upper Nile is discussed in D. Johnson's Nuer Prophets (Clarendon, Oxford, 1994) pp. 184-6. Percy Coriat, a D.C. in the Sudan in the 1920s-30s also noted that 'Chief's Police start and end on 10 pt. per month pay plus a red armlet. They are given a toga of cloth as they are inclined to be shy if in Malakal.' (D. Johnson (ed.), Governing the Nuer: Document by Percy Coriat on Nuer History and Ethnography 1923-31 (JASO, Oxford 1993) p.76. [Chris Morton 13/7/2004]
Christopher Morton [13/7/2004] [Southern Sudan Project]
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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