Acholi family portrait

135 x 90 mm | Print albumen paper
240 x 315 mm
Poor, overall fading dirt ingrained in mount fragile corners
Date of Print:
Previous PRM Number:
Previous Other Number:
54 185
Accession Number:
A family group posed in front of a homestead, with a woman and girl standing behind a man wearing a skin seated in profile on a low stool.
They are all wearing metal arm and ankle ornaments as well as strings of beads.
The image seems to have been taken sometime in January 1879 when Buchta travelled through Acholi country en route to Bunyoro.
Richard Buchta
Date of Photo:
1877 - 1879
Publication History:
Contemporary Publication - Richard Buchta,
Die Oberen Nil-Länder: Volkstypen und Landschaften
Dargestellt in 160 Photographien, nach der Natur aufgenommen von Richard Buchta.
(Berlin 1881.
Verlag Von J.
In H.
Thomas' article 'Richard Buchta and Early Photography in Uganda'
Uganda Journal
25, no.
1, 1960, p.
115, he notes that '...on 7th January 1879 he [Emin Pasha] records that, resting under a large tamarind tree...
he came upon Herr Buchta with his baggage on his way to Fatiko.
To this period may be reasonably attributed the photographs of Acholi types which appear in the latter's album and elsewhere.' [CM 16/6/2005]
PRM Source:
Other Owners:
Clothing Skin , Ornament
Ornament Arm , Ornament Leg
Primary Documentation:
Notes on mount ms pencil - "54 Schuli family"
Notes on mount reverse ms ink - "Acholi (Shuli) Is this from the Napoleon volumes under the Buddha & animals?" & added ms pencil "Not same style of mount"
Notes on mount reverse ms ink - "185"
Contemporary Publication - Richard Buchta, Die Oberen Nil-Länder: Volkstypen und Landschaften . Dargestellt in 160 Photographien, nach der Natur aufgenommen von Richard Buchta. (Berlin 1881. Verlag Von J. F. Stiehm)
Other Information - In H. B. Thomas' article 'Richard Buchta and Early Photography in Uganda' Uganda Journal Vol. 25, no. 1, 1960, p. 115, he notes that '...on 7th January 1879 he [Emin Pasha] records that, resting under a large tamarind tree... he came upon Herr Buchta with his baggage on his way to Fatiko. To this period may be reasonably attributed the photographs of Acholi types which appear in the latter's album and elsewhere.' [CM 16/6/2005]
Notes on mount reverse ms ink - "Acholi (Shuli) Is this from the Napoleon volumes under the Buddha & animals?" & added ms pencil "Not same style of mount"
Notes on mount reverse ms ink - "185"
Contemporary Publication - Richard Buchta, Die Oberen Nil-Länder: Volkstypen und Landschaften . Dargestellt in 160 Photographien, nach der Natur aufgenommen von Richard Buchta. (Berlin 1881. Verlag Von J. F. Stiehm)
Other Information - In H. B. Thomas' article 'Richard Buchta and Early Photography in Uganda' Uganda Journal Vol. 25, no. 1, 1960, p. 115, he notes that '...on 7th January 1879 he [Emin Pasha] records that, resting under a large tamarind tree... he came upon Herr Buchta with his baggage on his way to Fatiko. To this period may be reasonably attributed the photographs of Acholi types which appear in the latter's album and elsewhere.' [CM 16/6/2005]
Elizabeth Edwards 5/9/95 Christopher Morton 21/6/2005 [Sudan Project]