Accession Number:
[Southern Sudan]
Cultural Group:
Date Made:
By 1936?
Animal Hide Skin
Plaited , Perforated , Wound , Burnished
L = 370, W body = 28, th body = 7.5, ends W = 14.5, th = 11, diam knob = 28, loop internal diam = 32 by 24, internal diam of collar = 325 by 225 mm [RTS 2/12/2004].
155.7 g
Other Owners:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Field Collector:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Found unentered February 1948
Collected Date:
1930 - 1931 or 1935 - 1936
Bullock's collar, consisting of a narrow rectangular band made of plaited hide strips in a 2-row herringbone design.
The body is made as 2 parallel sections, each composed of 2 strips pierced by a series of lentoid holes and woven in and out of each other, with the sections fastened together by a thin hide thong that interweaves horizontally across the body and is visible along the long sides as a series of simple loops.
This creates a flat band with rectangular section.
At one end, these two parts then combine to form a thicker oval sectioned body that then divides to form a simple loop at the end, still using the herringbone technique.
At the other end of the collar, there is a similar thick oval sectioned part; the component strips have been wound horizontally around the end of this, and then vertically over themselves to create a raised knob.
The end loop fits over this knob to fasten the collar in place around the animal's neck.
The outer surface of the collar has been burnished.
The collar is complete, with some patches of surface wear, and ranges from a light yellowish brown (Pantone 7509C) to a darker brown colour (Pantone 439C).
It has a weight of 155.7 grams, and is 370 mm long, 28 mm wide and 7.5 mm thick, with the thicker ends measuring 14.5 by 11 mm across, the knob having a diameter of 28 mm, and the loop having an opening of 32 by 24 mm.
The collar itself, at its full extent, has an internal opening that measures 325 by 225 mm across.
This object was probably collected when Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard did his fieldwork amongst the Nuer, with expeditions taking place in 1930, 1931, 1935 and 1936 (see E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 1940, The Nuer ; a map showing the areas visited is published in D.H. Johnson, "Evans-Pritchard, the Nuer, and the Sudan Political Service", African Affairs 81 no. 323, p. 233).
For a Dinka Tuich cow collar made using similar techniques, and used to hang a bell from the neck of a cow, see 1979.20.93; for a Nuer collar used for a similar purpose, see E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 1940, The Nuer, fig. 4.
Currently on display in the Upper Gallery, case 26A.
Rachael Sparks 18/9/2005.
This object was probably collected when Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard did his fieldwork amongst the Nuer, with expeditions taking place in 1930, 1931, 1935 and 1936 (see E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 1940, The Nuer ; a map showing the areas visited is published in D.H. Johnson, "Evans-Pritchard, the Nuer, and the Sudan Political Service", African Affairs 81 no. 323, p. 233).
For a Dinka Tuich cow collar made using similar techniques, and used to hang a bell from the neck of a cow, see 1979.20.93; for a Nuer collar used for a similar purpose, see E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 1940, The Nuer, fig. 4.
Currently on display in the Upper Gallery, case 26A.
Rachael Sparks 18/9/2005.
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry
264] - E.
Found unentered; collected by donor.
[p, 268] 1948.2.156.
Bullock's collar of plaited hide.
Additional Accession Book Entry [page opposite 268, red biro] A20.F12 11.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the tribes catalogue card [RTS 23/7/2004].
Old Pitt Rivers Museum label - On a large brown luggage label: Bullock's collar NUER. 1948.2.156, d.d. EVANS-PRITCHARD (ink), Bullock's collar (pencil), Nuer Round bullocks neck (pencil, label reverse). More modern white label tied to this: 16/92 [both stored in RDF; RTS 30/11/2004].
Additional Accession Book Entry [page opposite 268, red biro] A20.F12 11.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the tribes catalogue card [RTS 23/7/2004].
Old Pitt Rivers Museum label - On a large brown luggage label: Bullock's collar NUER. 1948.2.156, d.d. EVANS-PRITCHARD (ink), Bullock's collar (pencil), Nuer Round bullocks neck (pencil, label reverse). More modern white label tied to this: 16/92 [both stored in RDF; RTS 30/11/2004].