Hoeing a field in Anuakland

Hoeing a field in Anuakland
82 x 55 mm | Negative film nitrate
There are records relating to alternative images that we do not have scans for in the database:
1998.342.102.2 - Print gelatin silver , (82 x 55 mm)
Date of Print:
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A cultivated area of land near Pochala village with three men using sticks to hoe in a large maize or millet field. Predominantly agriculturalists, the Anuak clear the fields (often in forest soil) sometime around March and April and sow in May as the rains come on. Since Evans-Pritchard was in Anuakland during this part of the year only, this indicates that this cleared field is being sown in early May.
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Date of Photo:
1935 March - May
[Southern Sudan] Jonglei Pochala
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Donated 1966
Other Owners:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection
Agriculture and Horticulture , Topography
Crop , Field
Soil Preparation
Primary Documentation:
PRM Accession Records - Accession Book Entry [p. 98] 1966.27 [1 - 24] G[ift] PROFESSOR E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD; INST. OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 51 BANBURY RD. OXFORD - 1966.27.19 - S. SUDAN, DARFUNG. VARIOUS TRIBES. Box of negatives in envelopes, [1 - 242] & 1966.27.20 - Box of prints of these negatives [refers to object 1966.27.19] [1 - 242], in envelopes.

Note on negative m/s ink - "196"

Other Information:
In The Political System of the Anuak of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (monographs on Social Anthropology no.4, London School of Economics, 1940) page 21-22, E. E. Evans-Pritchard notes that 'A rough measurement of the cultivations at the back of the village of Pocala showed that they run without a break for about three quarters of a mile with an average breadth of about 350 yards...Millet is the staple crop in the Sudan and many varieties are cultivated. The ground is cleared in March and April and sown early in May... Maize is also sown around homesteads in the villages in April.'[Chris Morton 18/12/2003]
Christopher Morton 6/1/2004 [Southern Sudan Project]
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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