Accession Number:
[Southern Sudan]
Cultural Group:
Date Made:
By 1957
Wood Plant , Pigment
Carved , Stained , Polished
Ht = 340, rim diam ext. = 290 x 266, rim diam int. = 246 x 228; W between tops feet = 410; feet W (individually) = 59, (as pairs) = 175, th = 50.5; base plate L = 185, W = 151, th = 33.5 mm [RTS 16/5/2005].
Other Owners:
Collected by Reginald W. Davies, most probably during his time working for the Sudan Political Service, between 1911 and 1935. According to a label attached to the object, this was stored for him in a warehouse by D. Mann and Sons (probably David Mann an
Field Collector:
?Reginald W. Davies
PRM Source:
Reginald W. Davies
Donated 1966
Collected Date:
By 1957
Bowl carved from a single block of wood and consisting of a narrow flat-topped rim on a deep hemispherical body with convex base, oval in plan view.
The body has been shaved horizontally around the body into a series of 6 concave sided facets, and rests between 2 pairs of vertical leg supports.
Each pair is joined together at the top with a flat, trapezoidal shaped upper surface, with a bevelled edge, before dividing into 2 columns with vertically facetted surfaces that extend down and then curve in at their base to join onto a flat base plate.
2 deep v-shaped notches have been cut into either long side of this plate, with the sides shaved to create further faceting, and a shallow oval depression carved into its underside.
The area between this plate, the legs and the bowl body has been completely hollowed out.
The wood is a yellowish brown colour (Pantone 7509C) that has been stained a dark brownish black (Pantone black 4C) throughout and then polished.
The bowl is complete except for a few surface chips and a major area of insect damage across the base of the interior; several cracks have also developed across the body.
There is also an iron staple attached to the base underside, probably relating to some form of label attachment in the past, no longer present.
It weighs in excess of 1000 grams and is 340 mm high, with the rim measuring 290 by 266 mm across its outer edges and 246 by 228 mm across the mouth, and the total width across the tops of the feet being 410 mm; the feet themselves measure 59 mm in width, individually, and are 175 mm wide and 50.5 mm thick as a pair; the base plate is 185 mm long, 151 mm wide and 35.5 mm thick.
Collected by Reginald W. Davies, most probably during his time working for the Sudan Political Service, between 1911 and 1935. According to a label attached to the object, this was stored for him in a warehouse by D. Mann and Sons (probably David Mann and Sons) Ltd of Cranleigh on 2nd November 1957, indicating that it had been shipped back to England by that time; it was donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1966.
According to Evans-Pritchard, specialist Zande craftsmen carved wooden bowls from several species of green timber, probably during the dry season, and were in use by the people from whom they were acquired; they were stained and polished by the owners themselves (from information provided for items 1970.38.1-12).
For similar bowls, see 1970.38.5-7, used for food, and 1948.2.140, which has fluted body and pairs of legs,in this case separated at their bases.
A company called David Mann and Sons Ltd is still currently operating in Cranleigh, as a hardware and furnishings store ( High Street, Cranleigh, Surrey).
Rachael Sparks 30/9/2005.
Collected by Reginald W. Davies, most probably during his time working for the Sudan Political Service, between 1911 and 1935. According to a label attached to the object, this was stored for him in a warehouse by D. Mann and Sons (probably David Mann and Sons) Ltd of Cranleigh on 2nd November 1957, indicating that it had been shipped back to England by that time; it was donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1966.
According to Evans-Pritchard, specialist Zande craftsmen carved wooden bowls from several species of green timber, probably during the dry season, and were in use by the people from whom they were acquired; they were stained and polished by the owners themselves (from information provided for items 1970.38.1-12).
For similar bowls, see 1970.38.5-7, used for food, and 1948.2.140, which has fluted body and pairs of legs,in this case separated at their bases.
A company called David Mann and Sons Ltd is still currently operating in Cranleigh, as a hardware and furnishings store ( High Street, Cranleigh, Surrey).
Rachael Sparks 30/9/2005.
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry
95] - 1966.25.
[1 - 4] G[ift] MR REGINALD W.
Large oval wooden food bowl, carved in one piece with stand [p.
96] which encircles it, with uprights flush with the brim.
Outside of bowl decorated with a series of parallel ridges.
Overall length 43.3 cm, height 32.9 cm.
Bowl, (external) 29.5 x 27.5 x 22.8 cm.
Additional Accession Book Entry - [Facing page 95] No further documentation - "I never served in the deep south of the Sudan where they were made. They were either given to us by friends or bought in Omdurman". Letter from R. Davies, 24 Aug. 1966 (in file). [In pencil in column of pages 95 and 96] 18 P[ar]ks Road.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 28/1/2004].
Related Documents File - A scrap of paper in the RDF file reads: "R.A. Malyn Tile Ho Stratton Audley 322; cf food bowl from Omdurman, pres. by D.D. Gunn 1903 [1903.16.69]; Reginald Davies, C.B.E., ... Stratton Audley, near Bicester (formerly Reg[iona]l Gov[erno]r in Sudan; Dep[uty] Dir[ector] Brit[ish] Council, etc). There is also a letter from Davies to Mr Fagg, dated 24th August 1966, in which he states: "I am afraid that I could not reward your trouble by giving you any reliable information about the specimens from the Sudan which I sent to you. I never served in the deep south of the Sudan, where they were made. They were either given to us by friends or bought in Omdurman. I have an idea that the Zande made one or more of them, but am not at all sure of that" [RTS 23/12/2003].
Pre-PRM label - Warehoused with D. MANN & SONS LTD., CRANLEIGH [printed text] (3) R.W. DAVIES. ESQ. [stamped]; date [printed] 2/11/57 [stamped] No. [printed] 184 [stamped; brown luggage label with square reinforced eyelet, stapled to top of foot].
Pitt Rivers Museum label - 1966.25.1. SOUTHERN SUDAN. Food bowl with stand cut from the solid. d.d. Reginald Davies [plastic label with metal eyelet, tied to object; RTS 16/5/2005].
Written on object - S. SUDAN 1966.25.1 [white ink, below rim; RTS 16/5/2005].
Additional Accession Book Entry - [Facing page 95] No further documentation - "I never served in the deep south of the Sudan where they were made. They were either given to us by friends or bought in Omdurman". Letter from R. Davies, 24 Aug. 1966 (in file). [In pencil in column of pages 95 and 96] 18 P[ar]ks Road.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 28/1/2004].
Related Documents File - A scrap of paper in the RDF file reads: "R.A. Malyn Tile Ho Stratton Audley 322; cf food bowl from Omdurman, pres. by D.D. Gunn 1903 [1903.16.69]; Reginald Davies, C.B.E., ... Stratton Audley, near Bicester (formerly Reg[iona]l Gov[erno]r in Sudan; Dep[uty] Dir[ector] Brit[ish] Council, etc). There is also a letter from Davies to Mr Fagg, dated 24th August 1966, in which he states: "I am afraid that I could not reward your trouble by giving you any reliable information about the specimens from the Sudan which I sent to you. I never served in the deep south of the Sudan, where they were made. They were either given to us by friends or bought in Omdurman. I have an idea that the Zande made one or more of them, but am not at all sure of that" [RTS 23/12/2003].
Pre-PRM label - Warehoused with D. MANN & SONS LTD., CRANLEIGH [printed text] (3) R.W. DAVIES. ESQ. [stamped]; date [printed] 2/11/57 [stamped] No. [printed] 184 [stamped; brown luggage label with square reinforced eyelet, stapled to top of foot].
Pitt Rivers Museum label - 1966.25.1. SOUTHERN SUDAN. Food bowl with stand cut from the solid. d.d. Reginald Davies [plastic label with metal eyelet, tied to object; RTS 16/5/2005].
Written on object - S. SUDAN 1966.25.1 [white ink, below rim; RTS 16/5/2005].