The Committee for the Pitt Rivers Museum as at 1 October, 1988

Vice-Chancellor (Sir Patrick Neill, QC, BCL, MA)
The Senior Proctor (Dr. D.J. Mabberly)
The Junior Proctor (Dr. D.L. Miller)
The Assessor (Mr. C.J. Wells)
Dr. R.H. Barnes
Dr. J.K. Campbell
Dr. Malcolm Coe
Professor B.W. Cunliffe
Professor G.A. Harrison
Mr. F.R. Maddison
Dr. W.J. Kennedy
Professor Kenneth Kirkwood
Dr. D.F. Shaw
Dr. Christopher White
Secretary: Dr. Schuyler Jones

1988 - 1989
The Pitt Rivers Museum
The Committee for the Pitt Rivers Museum, having received the following annual report from the Curator, presented it as their report to Congregation.

The Committee met three times during the year. Once again, a good deal of time was devoted to consideration of proposals for the reorganization of Anthropology and the place of the museum in the proposed new School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography.

 It was with great regret that members of the Committee and museum staff learned of the death, on September 4th, 1989 of Bryan Cranstone. Bryan served as Curator of the Museum from 1976 until his retirement in 1985. Prior to coming to Oxford he had worked in the Ethnographic Department of the British Museum from 1947 and in 1969 had been appointed Deputy Keeper. He thus brought to the Curatorship not only some thirty years of museum experience, but also a pleasant manner, quiet efficiency, and a cooperative spirit. He was both respected and well-liked and his loss is deeply felt by all his colleagues.

 The financial position of the Museum gave cause for concern, as for the first time in its history there was a budget deficit at the end of the year. This was directly attributable to the annual reduction in funding imposed by the University and the future outlook is bleak. It is unclear where any further economies can be made if the essential activities of the Museum are to be maintained at acceptable levels. Between 1985-6 and 1988-9 the non-staff grant has been reduced by 17%. By way of comparison, it is interesting to note that in the 1988-89 Annual Report for the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology comment is made on the "current severe financial problems faced by University museums" and then we are told that "once again the University was only able to increase its provision for the museum's recurrent expenditure by an amount somewhat less than the prevailing rate of inflation".

The Main Museum
Work has continued on the planning and setting up of both temporary exhibitions and permanent displays. On the north side of the Court a major new display of looms has been completed by Mr. John Todd complementing the textile display set up in 1983. At the east end of the Court the last remaining wall cases to be re-displayed were cleared of canoes and boat models by Mr. Bob Rivers and Mr. John Simmons. Lighting units were installed by Mr. Ken Walters, the cases were painted and, at the time of this writing, the new canoe and boat model displays are nearly complete.

 In the lower gallery two original display cases were brought out of storage and reinstated on the railings behind the desk-top cases on the south side. Mr. Rivers designed special display units for these and, assisted by Mr. Simmons and Mr. Munsch, made them up to take the museum's collection of Japanese netsuke. For security reasons, the quarter-inch plate glass on these units was replaced with laminated glass at a cost of £365. When completed, these will enable us to display nearly all of the museum's collection of netsuke.

 In the upper gallery Mr. John Todd began work on a new display of bows and arrows in the wall cases toward the north-east corner. This is to be a major permanent exhibition and will enable us to put on view once again an important part of the museum's weapons collection. Some of the earlier displays devoted to toxophily had either been taken down or closed off from public view in the early 1970's during the disruption to the upper gallery caused by the loss of our reserve collection storage area at 18 Parks Road.

 In the Balfour Building Mr. Ray Inskeep and Mr. John Simmons resumed work on the new permanent exhibitions in the archaeology gallery with a display of hunter-gatherer materials for the period 10,000-100 years b.p. The original plans for that gallery are thus nearing fulfillment. Mr. R.J. MacRae gave valuable assistance with the reorganization of the reserve collections of British Lower Paleolithic artefacts. The work is as yet unfinished but would never have reached its present good state without his interest and hard work. Further work was carried out on the reserve collections of archaeological material, with the assistance of Mr. John Simmons and Mr. Cyril East.

Temporary Exhibitions
I. Main Museum
Following the Tibet exhibition, which featured the photographs taken by Sir Charles Bell in 192~21, the Australian exhibition was open to the public from March 25th, 1988 to May 1989. This was followed by a special exhibition of still photographs from the well-known Granada TV series of documentary films The Disappearing World. The photographs were supplemented by sound tapes and videos from the series. The rather complicated arrangements necessary for this exhibition to come to Oxford were made by Dr. Donald Tayler and we were very pleased that his friend and colleague, Brian Moser, originator and producer of the series, was able to come to speak at the opening. As the exhibition was scheduled to appear at other venues in Britain, it closed here on June 29th, and work was started on Molas - Textiles of the Kuna Indians an exhibition conceived and planned by Mrs. Linda Mowat.

The impetus for this exhibition was provided by the Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum as it was their generosity which made possible the purchase of a large collection of mola textiles from the San Blas Islands off the Isthmus of Panama. These, together with an earlier collection of textiles and other Kuna artefacts donated by Lady Richmond Brown in 1924, formed the basis of the exhibition. Mrs. Herta Puls, author of the Shire book Textiles of the Kuna Indians, kindly lent some fine textiles from her own collection and the exhibition received sponsorship from Shire publications, Ltd.

An exhibit of Makonde wood sculpture from Tanzania was mounted to coincide with an exhibition of Makonde materials at the Oxford Museum of Modern Art. Our thanks go to Deirdre Schaarfs for all the planning and preparation which went into this project, and to Jeremy Coote for his assistance.

Staff shortages continue to cause great inconvenience in the day to day running of the museum. From October 1988 to September 1989, out of a possible 300 days when the museum was open to the public, the top gallery had to remain closed for 84 days (28% of the museum year) due to lack of warding staff.

II. The Balfour Building
An exhibition of festival costume and ornament from Yugoslavia was open to the public from September 14th to November 5th, 1988, incorporating examples from the museum's collections (much of it from the Pennington Bequest) and material lent by members of Oxford's Yugoslavian community. We gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic assistance of Jill Loveday, who lent several items and helped organize the exhibition, and Harriet Jellema.

From November 13th, 1988 to May 13th, 1989 there was a special exhibition entitled Instruments of War which brought together Naga, Dayak, and European materials from the museum's collections and work by artists Steve Hurst, Brian Yale, and Lol David. The exhibition was accompanied by an education programme supported by Southern Arts which involved Bicester Community College. The programme was coordinated by Jill Parvin, who was assisted by the participating artists. An edited video was made of the whole project to demonstrate the possibilities of collaboration between schools, artists and museum, and was recorded by the Oxford Independent Video Unit. The resulting video Strange Meeting is now on sale as an example of this type of work.

From May 15th to June 14th, 1989 there was an exhibition entitled Still Collecting - a title chosen to answer the most common question put to staff members: "Is the museum still adding to its collections?" The exhibits displayed artefacts collected by Dr. Helene La Rue in the course of her 1989 field trip to China and Japan and included an audio-visual presentation.

In May, during Oxfordshire Art Week, Chris Dorsett exhibited five sculptures in a presentation entitled Chanting Genealogies. These had been inspired by a photograph in the museum's archives.

Shadows and Strings - a changing exhibition of puppets - opened on June 14th, 1989 and in October members of Oxmus (the Oxford Museums school children's club) had an opportunity to spend a day in the museum making puppets under the supervision of Geoff Higley.

Other Events at the Balfour Building (Helene La Rue)
A demonstration of Oin and calligraphy by Professor Li Xiang-ting of the Central Conservatory of China was given on October 6th, 1988.
On October 20th Pablo Martinez gave an illustrated lecture on and demonstration of folk songs from Nicaragua.
On November 15th there was a concert of traditional Chinese music played by the London Chinese Orchestra featuring Li Lisha, Wang Lisheng, and Chen Dacan.
These three events were arranged, at the request of the Local Education Authority, to be held at 4.30 p.m. so that teachers and pupils could attend.
The Third Oxford Festival of Traditional Music was held on Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th of June, 1989, featuring music and dance from West Africa. There was an illustrated backgrund talk on The Peoples and Musics of West Africa by Professor Nketia, Andrew Mellon, Professor of Music at the University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
The Festival was held in association with a schools programme (Bletchingdon and Banbury) which ran during the summer term. The Queensway School in Banbury invited three other schools to take part and incorporated a project on puppets, some of which are now on display in the Balfour Building.

Other Museum Events
On September 29th Maori weavers Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa and Emily Rangitiria Schuster visited the museum to examine our Maori collections, particularly the cloaks. In the afternoon they held a workshop on Maori crafts, demonstratng among other things, the ways in which Phormium tenax fibres are used.
On April 21st, 1989 the museum was joint host, with the Ashmolean, of a meeting of the Museums Computer Group. Elizabeth Edwards and Linda Mowat gave papers describing the setting up and operation of the electronic data-retrieval system in use at the Pitt Rivers Museum.

Visitors and Enquiries
During the year 63,410 visitors came to the museum, continuing the steady annual increase in numbers. Some 120 written enquiries concerning the museum's collections were received and dealt with during the year. In addition, there were numerous telephone enquiries and visits from members of the public seeking information. As in the previous reporting period, some 80 visiting scholars came by appointment to study museum records and collections.

In the Archive Department Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, although on maternity leave from luly 1988 to March 1989, continued to deal with academic research problems and enquiries. The number of visitors using the collection was inevitably reduced, although we anticipate heavy use next year if the figures since April are any indication.

Mr. Ray Inskeep recorded twelve enquiries for access to sections of the archaeological collections, and there were several others for information that were not specially noted down.

Museum Documentation and Records (Linda Mowat)
Fifty-five new collections were accessioned during the year and the work of entering existing records on database went ahead. All records, for example, relating to artefacts from Panama were entered in the data retrieval system as part of the preparations for the exhibition of Mola textiles.
As part of the Museology option of the M.St. course, Linda Mowat gave a seminar on Museum Documentation to the Department’s students.
Once again our thanks are due to Mrs. Sally Owen for providing voluntary secretarial assistance on one day each week during the reporting period.

Specimens Acquired by Purchase
Mr. S.E. Carter: two brocaded huipiles [women's blouses] and a tsute [headcloth], collected in Guatemala. Christie's: a tree fern house decoration in the shape of a stylized human head from Malekula, Vanuatu. Dr. Schuyler Jones: a collection made on The North West Frontier of Pakistan in April 1989, including some fine examples of Turcoman jewellery from Afghanistan, jewellers' tools from Peshawar, some imitation dzi beads, and several specimens of porcelain made for the Central Asian market in Francis Gardner's porcelain works in Moscow in the 19th century. Dr. Helene La Rue: a large collection made during her visit to China and Japan from January - March 1989. The collection includes many musical instruments: from Japan a frame drum used in temple worship, a bamboo shakuhachi (flute) of the type used by monks and a number of whistles and bells; from China two erhus (fiddles) of traditional and modern type, two clarinets and some pottery whistles. The collection also includes textiles and clothing, with some beautiful examples of embroidery from the Miao minority people of China; other items indude amulets, telephone cards and chopsticks. Dr. Howard Morphy: 6 Aboriginal bark paintings collected in Central Arnhem Land during a field trip in the summer of 1988. Papua New Guinea Church Partnership: a wooden war-shield from the Simbai people of the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Mrs. Herta Puls: A Kuna woman's red and yellow print headscarf from the San Blas Islands, Panama.

Specimens Acquired by Donation
Adderbury House, Banbury (via Oxfordshire County Museum): a knobkerry from southern Africa and 3 Jekri paddles from Nigeria. Mrs. B.L. Anscombe: a set of Freemason's regalia. Robert Atkins: a children's book and cassette in Pidgin from Papua New Guinea. Anthony Baines: a collection of gramophone records from various countries. Mrs. Bao: a pair of embroidered insoles and a purse from the Dong minority people of Chongjiang County, Guixhou Province China. Mr. R.C.J. Burford.: a collection of gramophone records from various countries. Rev. I.C.G. Campbell: some items of jewellery from the USA, Eastern Mediterranean and India. Mr. Michael Carey: a collection made during his period of voluntary service in Papua New Guinea from 1970-72. Objects include weapons, masks and figures as well as Pidgin books and records. Mr. Chen, Music Faculty, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang: two mask models for 'field opera' in Guizhou province, China. Chen Guan Minorities Affairs Offfce: a sample of batik and 3 batik pens from Chen Guan, Guizhou Province, Peoples Republic of China. Mr. Chen Ning Kang: 2 batik pens, a reed brush, a silk purse and a quantity of 'ghost money' made by the Buyi minority people. Mr. Cyril East: a casette of North American music. Mr. M. Edwards: 2 necklaces of teeth and claws and a West African leather knife-sheath. Mrs. Dorothy Morley Fletcher: 2 inlaid hory bezique counters, probably from Japan. Mrs. Vaughan-Fowler a sword in beaded sheath from Sarawak. Miss Jean E. Gould: 3 Japanese dolls. Guiyang Institute of Folk Arts: a mask model from Fortress Han, Guizhou Province, China. Joy Hendry: some children's clothes from Japan. Mrs. Hailey: a Chinese sword and a framed Tibetan text. Pauline Holden: 2 English banjos. Mr. Stuart E. Jenness: a piece of printed barkcloth from Papua New Guinea, collected by Diamond Jenness in 1912. Dr. Schuyler Jones: a stone bullet-mould and a yak-hair spindle from Pakistan and a batik pen, some weaving equipment and a breadstamp from China. The Koto and Samisen Factory, Tokyo: a samisen (lute) of the Hirosaki-Aomori type, presented to Dr. La Rue for the Museum during a visit to Japan. Mrs. La Rue: A pair of English tap-dancing shoes. Professor Li Xiang-Ting: 3 examples of Chinese calligraphy, made during a visit to the Museum. Mr. B.S. McElney: A Ming Dynasty banknote dating from the time of the Emperor Hung Wu (1368 1398). Dr. Howard Morphy: a goose-wing fan and an Aboriginal bark painting of an echidna from Central Arnhem Land. Mrs. K.R. Mortimer: 2 Nepalese kukris. Linda Mowat: 2 animal bells, some worry beads, a votive float-wick lamp and an amulet from Greece: 2 men's hats from Albania. Newbury Museum: a dagger and sheath, found between Marlborough and Pewzey, but probably Sudanese. Mr. Robert Oliver: a replica of an 18th century Flemish flintlock pistol. Oxford Archaeological Unit: an engraved human skull, possibly from New Guinea, which was found buried at Nettlebed in Oxfordshire. Dr. Charles R. Peters: Samples of mongongo nuts from Botswana. Mrs. A. Hewitt Pitt: 2 embroidered bedspreads, from the northem areas of the North West Frontier Province or Central Asia, collected by her father Sir Armine B. Dew, Govemor of Baluchistan, Political Agent, Gilgit, etc. Queen Mary College, London: a collection of stone tools from Africa (including Egypt) and Britain, collected by Professor W.W. Bishop. Miss Joan Richards S Yoruba thorn carvings of human figures, a spindle and a sample of antimony from Nigeria. Mrs. Emily Rangitiria Schuster and Mrs. Diggeress Ranituatahi Te Kanawa: a sample of 'New Zealand Flax' fibre (phormium tenax) and a mussel shell used for stripping it. These were presented after their workshop held in the museum on Maori weaving techniques in September 1988. The Home Office (via the Royal Armouries): a collection of firearms obtained as a result of the National Amnesty. Dr. Robert Sherlaw Johnson: a double Bezique pack from Britain. Mrs. Yuriko Shibata: a pair of girl's shoes from Japan. Dr. Charles Swaisland: the brass badge of office of a government-appointed chief in Southem Matabeleland (Zimbabwe). Mr. Tian: a friction drum and a plastic lantem from China. Mrs. Monica Turner: a collection of gramophone records, mainly from South America, made by her husband, Geoffrey Turner. Mrs. Nancy Villiers: a throwing club from Fiji which can also be used as a smoking pipe. Collected by her husband Alan Villiers, during the round-the-world Cruise of the Conrad. Mr. Wu: a bowed lute, nubatei, from the Dong minority people of Guizhou province, China.

Conservation (Sue Walker)
In October 1988, we organised and hosted an AMSEE seminar on the Care of Ethnographic Collections, which was well attended and successful. In November 1988, Birgitte Speake attended an AMSEE seminar on Pest Control, held at the Horniman Museum. During the year we worked on material for our own temporary exhibitions: Instruments of War and Molas. and also on boats for the permanent re display of model boats at the east end of the Court. Conservation was also carried out on items for loan: a Sinhalese ivory comb; the Tahitian Mourning Dress; a Palestinian coin headdress and items for the Oxfordshire Museums Showcase exhibition. During the summer, Birgitte Speake undertook a systematic freezing programme to eliminate possible insect infestation of textiles and furs in part of the Textile Stores.
Volunteers: Our NADFAS volunteers worked on amulets from the Wellcome Collection. Svetlana Taylor and Geoffrey Fouquet gave valuable assistance with current work, the latter in particular whilst Sue Walker was on sick leave.

Photographic Department (Malcolm Osman)
During the year the re-equipping of the studio/darkroom continued with the installation of an Ilford 2150 RC paper processor. This has proved to be of great benefit with savings in both time and materials as well as producing excellent results. Several hundred black and white negatives were taken during the year for accession/archive purposes and a substantial number of external requests for both black and white and colour large format transparencies were undertaken. The department continues to provide a rapid turn around of work whenever possible, although this is becoming increasingly difflcult with the many demands now placed upon it.

Balfour Library (Jane Feaver and Elizabeth Edwards)
The library has had a particularly difficult year, Mrs. Edwards' absence on maternity leave compounding the problems of an already over-stretched staff, and a substantial increase in the demands made upon the library. In the absence of Mrs. Edwards, Miss Jane Feaver was promoted to Librarian and the Library Assistant's post filled on a job-share basis by Mrs. Ione Tayler and Mrs. Deidre Scharffs, both of whom had helped in the library and museum respectively on a voluntary basis. Both left in the summer vacation for other commitments. Mrs. Edwards returned to work on a part-time basis in April, concentrating almost entirely on archive work and maintaining only a consultative Librarian's brief. Jane Feaver remained as the active Librarian. Walter Ainscough, the Library Cleaner and often emergency Library Assistant, also retired in the summer. He is much missed, not least by the library plants who depended upon him.

In spite of the rather unsettled year, progress continued on the reclassification of the library. The Pacific holding, a major and complex section, was completed and the Africa holding started. This should be complete next year, leaving only the Americas to be done. Justification for the scheme, if one were needed, becomes increasingly self-evident as the process reveals and helps exploit the full potential of the library holdings.

The library added 12 linear metres this year, which comprises 306 accessioned volumes, 145 pamphlets, 12 microfilm units and 358 journal parts. One hundred and ninety five new readers were registered and, with a significant increase in undergraduates from Human Sciences and Geography taking the Man. Culture and Environment option, loans were up by almost 20% to 3,270.

The library wishes to thank the following who kindly donated material in the course of the year: The Ashmolean Museum Library, the late Mr. B.A.L. Cranstone, Professor Joanne Eicher, Dr. Schuyler Jones, Mr. Francis Maddison, Linda Mowat, National Museum of African Art (Smithsonian), Newarke House Museum, Mr. Hamo Sassoon and Helene La Rue (Lintera and ICOM Joumal).

Archives (Elizabeth Edwards)
The archives, despite the problems of Mrs. Edwards' absence, accessioned about 3,000 photographs during the year. The major accession was c. 1,500 negatives and print from the Sudan, North Africa and the Middle East taken by Professor E. Evans Pritchard. These join the photographic record of his major fieldwork in the Sudan which have been in the collections for many years and we are very grateful to Dr. Wendy James for arranging this. We wish to thank Mrs. Audrey Smith and Mrs. Ruth Wicketts for their valuable voluntary work on the Donald Baden-Powell Collection.

Photographic Material Acquired by Purchase
Mrs. M. Ganguli, Calcutta 500 photographs and transparencies taken in the Naga Hills on the North-East Frontier of India. Miss C. Simpson, Brighton 76 photographs of Nepal c. 1921.

Photographic Material Acquired by Donation
Institute of Social Anthropolog Evans-Pritchard photographs and negatives, c. 1,500 including Nuer, Anuak, Nandi, Egypt, Trans- Jordan. Mr. Ronald Buxton (via Institute of Social Anthropology) Jean Buxton field photographs, Madari, Sudan. c. 1,500 Dr. Edwin Clarke, Sherrington Room, Dept. of Physiology. Album and loose prints of Cameroon and series of documents.

Publications (Julia Cousins)
No new publications were produced in this reporting period. Sales of museum publications, souvenirs and other books from the two shops and by mail order amounted to £8,962.

The Department continues to offer optional courses to undergraduates reading for Honour Moderations in Geography, as it has done for the past 48 years. We also contribute to the Human Sciences Prelims course. Each year we offer lectures and provide tutorials for about 50 undergraduates taking these two courses.

The new M.St and M.Phil graduate courses in Ethnology and Museum Ethnography, commenced in 1987, have proved very popular. We have also had requests for information about the M.St in Anthropological Archaeology.

The total number of graduate students carrying out research for higher degrees in the Department during this reporting period was 25.

Mr. Ray Inskeep provided lectures on 'Metals in pre-industrial Africa' for three M.St. Students. Dr. Schuyler Jones, Dr. Donald Tayler and Dr. Howard Morphy taught courses in Ethnology & Museum Ethnography; Dr. Helene La Rue taught Ethnomusicology and Dr. Derek Roe taught M.St and M.Phil. courses in Prehistoric Archaeology, as well as certain options in the M.St. in Ethnology and Museum Ethnography course and for undergraduates studying Quaternary Environments for the Geography Final Honours School. Dr. Roe also provided some supervision for research students in earlier prehistoric archaeology. Mr. Dennis Britton taught for the graduate courses in Prehistoric Archaeology and supervised research students.

Donald Baden-Powell Quatemary Research Centre (Dr. Derek Roe)
In the previous Annual Report, the Committee expressed the view that '... it is clearly important that both the Centre and Prehistoric Archaeology should retain their identities and their teaching and research roles.' (p.15). During the period here considered, no final decisions have been taken concerning the proposed new structure for Anthropology in Oxford, so the Centre has operated exactly as in previous years. The moving of Mr. Dennis Britton's office to 60 Banbury Road this year, which was welcomed by both staff and students, means that the whole of the Prehistory side of the Department is now housed in the building of which the Centre occupies a part. The close of the year saw the retirement of Mr. Cyril East, the only non-academic member of staff, now replaced by Mr. Norman Cox. Cyril East has given marvellous and efficient service; in addition to his regular duties as caretaker/cleaner, he has used spare moments to carry out redecoration, which could not have happened otherwise in view of the Department's overstretched budget. Thus a new verb 'to cyrilize' has entered our language here, and Mr. East will be sorely missed.

During the year, Dr. Katherine Scott became a Research Associate of the Department of Ethnology & Prehistory, and will be attached particularly to the Centre; her main research interest is Pleistocene fauna. The Centre has continued to provide an Oxford base for British Academy Research Fellow Dr. Peter Mitchell, and for Dr. William Waldren and Dr. Simon Colcutt, both Research Associates of the Department of Ethnology & Prehistory, who continue to be active in fieldwork and research in, respectively, Southern Africa, the Balearic Islands, and Britain and France. Mr. R.J. MacRae continues to be a welcome user of the Centre in his study of sections and finds of artefacts and faunal remains at active local gravel pits. Several others have assisted with this, and also with the long-term search for new exposures of the important Wolvercote Channel deposits, whenever commercial excavation takes place in the relevant area of North Oxford. Amongst those involved are geologists and other Quaternary scientists from Sheffield and London Universities and Huddersfield Polytechnic.

As usual, the Centre has hosted various seminars and meetings during the year, and has received over a hundred visitors from all over the world. When appropriate, and, provided sufficient notice is given we like to persuade distinguished visitors to give informal talks on their work: this year's speakers included Professors Bourke (Gnada), Parkington (South Africa), Ronen (Israel) and Paddayya (India). The Centre was again visited by a party of staff and students from Liverpool University (Institutute of Prehistoric Sciences and Archaeology) in the course of their annual field

Educational Services (Helene La Rue)
Our education service continues to develop. This year 171 schools and colleges came to both museums, making a total of 5,654 visitors, of which 1,310 visited with a guide or guides. This means that 23 % of all school children visiting both museum sites made use of the Education Service. The most popular 'trails' on particular subjects proved to be 'The Inuit' closely followed by Northwest Coast Indians' and 'Music'. We gratefully acknowledge the most generous help given by Maggie Bicknell, Jean Flemming, Frances Martyn, Sally Owen, Annelie Rookwood and Joan Shaw, without whose help this service could not have been offered.

James A. Swan Fund
This research fund, established out of a bequest by the late J.A. Swan, is for research work either at the Pitt Rivers Museum, or for any work sponsored by the Pitt Rivers Museum, on the archaeological, historical, physical, and cultural nature of the Batwa, Bushmen and Pygmy peoples and their prehistoric antecedents in Africa. Grants are awarded primarily for fieldwork and the publication of such work. The fund is administered by the Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum in consultation with the Professor of Biological Anthropology and the Professor of Social Anthropology.

On the 31st of July, 1989, the total assets of the James A. Swan Fund amounted to £30,112. In the eleven years from 1978 to 1989 a total of £78,315 was given from the fund to support research. In the three year period from January 1987, grants totalling £15,292 were awarded, the average amount being £1,019.

Further information about the James A. Swan Fund can be obtained by writing to the Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford.

Publications by Staff Members and Research Associates
Carter, P.L., Mitchell, P.J. and Vinnicombe, P. Sehonghong: The Middle and Later Stone Age industrial sequence at a Lesotho Rock-Shelter. Oxford: B.A R. S 406
Edwards, Elizabeth J.M., 1989. (Ed.) 'A Question of Image'. Journal of Museum Ethnography     1, special issue.
Edwards, Elizabeth J.M., 1989. 'Images of the Andamans', Journal of Museum Ethnographv: 71-78.
Edwards, Elizabeth J.M., 1989. 'The Innocent in Computing'. Journal of MuseumEthnography: 85-91.
Edwards, Elizabeth J.M., 1989. "Photographic Collections and Ethnography', Proceedings of  the European Society for the History of Photography Symposium 1985. Antwerp: E.S.H.Ph.
Edwards, Elizabeth J.M., 1989. 'African Photographs in the Collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford' (In) Roberts, A. (Ed.), Photographs as sources for African History.
Inskeep, R.R., 1988. Africa: Everything but Flint, Non-flint stone tools and the Paleolithic occupation of Britain. R.J. MacRae and N. Moloney, Eds. Oxford: B.A.R. 189.
Mitchell, P.J., 1988. The Early Microlithic Assemblages of Southern Africa. Oxford: B.A.RS-388.
Mitchell, P.J., 1988. 'The First Hunter-Gatherers and the First Modern Humans'. (In) Scarre, C.  (Ed.), Past Worlds: The Times Atlas of Archaeology. London.
Mitchell, P.J., 1988. ' Human adaptations in south Africa during the last glacial maximum. In     Prehistoric Cultures and Environments in the late Quaternary of Africa, Eds. J. Bower     and D. Lubell. Oxford: B.A.R. S-405.
Mitchell, P.J., 1989. Archaeology in Lesotho. The Digging Stick. Claremont, Cape, South Africa.
Morphy, Howard, 1989. 'Eliciting and recording - reflections on the use of photography in the field.' In Journal of Museum Ethnograph (March) 1989 p.p. 29-44.
Morphy, Howard, 1989. 'From Dull to Brilliant: the Aesthetics of Spiritual Power among the Yolngu.' Man (NS) 24, 21-40.
Morphy, Howard, 1989. (Editor) Animals into Art. London. Unwin Hyman.
Morphy, Howard, 1989. 'Introduction', in Animals into Art. p.p. 1-20.
Morphy, Howard, 1989. 'On representing ancestral beings', Animals into_Art, p.p. 144-160.
Morphy, Howard, 1989. ' North East Arnhem Land' (In ) Caruna, W. (Ed.),Windows on the Dreaming. Canberra: Australian National Gallery p.p. 102-129.
Mowat, Linda, 1988. 'The Chimu Potter: Mass Producer or Master Craftsman?' Museum Ethnographers' Group Newsletter 22.
Mowat, Linda, 1989. 'Ethnic Fans at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford'. Fans, 41.
Mowat, Linda, 1989. 'Textiles at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford.' The Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Vol. 151, No.3.
Roe, D.A. 1988. 'The Study of Non-Flint Artefacts in the British Paleolithic: its value and significance.' In Non-flint Stone Tools and the Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain. Eds R.J. MacRae and N. Moloney. Oxford: B.A.R. 189.
Roe, D.A. , 1988 ‘The Neopalaeolithic.' Quarterly Review of Archaeology. Vol. 9, No 3. London
Roe, D.A., 1989. 'Advancing the Study of Early Man in East Africa.' (Republication of an earlier     paper, with additional text, as a selected item in The interpretation of Prehistory, essays from the first ten years of Quarterly Review of Archaeology). The Review of Archaeology Vol.10, No. 1: 82-88.
Tayler, Donald and Brian Moser. Music of the Tukano and Cuna People of Columbia. National Sound Archive (Rogue Records). The British Library 1987.

Staff Activities
Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards continued to serve on the Committee of the Museum Ethnographers Group, edited a special photographic issue of the new Journal of Museum Ethnography, and was appointed editor of the Royal Anthropological Institute project Anthropology and the Camera
Mr. Ray Inskeep gave a public lecture to O.U.A.S. in May, and continued to serve on the editorial board of World Archaeology.
Dr. Schuyler !ones. in addition to his teaching and administrative duties, worked in Copenhagen for two and a half months during the summer on the Tibetan Collections obtained in the 1950's for the Ethnographic Department of the National Museum of Denmark by H.R.H. Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark. This work is part of a major Asian nomad project financed by the Carlsberg Foundation which is to be published in some 22 volumes. In September he travelled to Poznan in Poland, meeting colleagues, lecturing at the Institute of Ethnology, and attending a conference in Opole. He continues to serve as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the History of Collections. and as a Member of Council at the Royal Anthropological Institute in London.
Dr. Howard Morphy continued to serve on the Editorial Board of Man, and was appointed to the Editorial Board for Oceania. He was Chairman of the Oxfordshire Museums Panel, member of the Oxfordshire Museums Advisory Council, Chairman of the sub-Facu!ty of Anthropology, and Chairman of the Human Sciences Library Committee Dr. Morphy was discussant at two conferences in Oxford: 'Dress and Gender' and 'Sacred and Profane', gave lectures at the University of Chicago, conference papers at the L.S.E. Conference on Landscape, and seminars at Durham and the Museum of mankind. He is at present advisor to Macmillans on the Aboriginal and Melanesian section of their Encyclopaedia of World Arts and consultant/adviser to the Sacred Literature Trust.
Dr. Helene La Rue spent three months in Japan and China at the beginning of 1989 doing research on Japanese and Chinese musical instrument makers and the Chinese Spring Festivals. She met colleagues and gave lectures at Osaka and at the music conservatories of Guiyang and Beijing. She also continued as editor of the Newsletter of the International Council of Museums International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums and Collections. In September she acted as the local section secretary for the anthropology section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science annual conference which was held in Oxford, and was elected onto the committee for the following year. She continues to serve as membership secretary and treasurer for Oxmus, a club for children linking County, University and private museums which held many events throughout the year.
Mrs. Linda Mowat read a joint paper written with Elizabeth Edwards at the 1988 Conference of the Museums Documentation Association held in Cambridge from 21-24 September 1988. In January she spent a week in Washington DC researching the MOLAS exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution and the Textiles Museum before escorting a loan back to Oxford. She also attended the Annual General Meeting of the Museum Ethnographers' Group in Glasgow on 13 and 14 April 1989. She edited MEG NEWS, the Museum Ethnographers' Group members' newsheet.
Dr. Derek Roe gave special lectures in Oxford (2), Liverpool (2) and at Amgueddfa'r Gogledd, Llanberis (the 1989 Edward Lhuyd Memorial Lecture). He edited and supervised a section of Chronicle of the World and contributed three specialist essays to it. He continues as a Contributing Editor of the Quarterly Review of Archaeology and is a member of the advisory boards of World Archaeology and L 'Anthropologie.
Dr. Donald Tayler was Admissions Secretary for Ethnology. He also arranged for and contributed to the museum's summer exhibition Disappearing World, and acted as advisor and contributed to the American section of the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia (Vol V: The Arts). He was granted Sabbatical leave for the academic year 1989-90 to pursue his research on a village community in Asturias.

Friends of the Pitt Rivers (Mrs. Sally Owen)
We were sorry to lose Dr. Clark Brundin as Chairman of the Friends, when his duties as Vice Chancellor at Warwick made it impossible for him to attend meetings of the Council. He was succeeded by Professor Kenneth Kirkwood. After an interval following the resignation of the first Hon. Treasurer, Mr. George Wareing, Miss Christine Wrigley took on this office, and has been getting all membership records onto computer discs, thus making the running of the Friends much easier. Mrs. June Bedford, who was co-opted on to the Council, has agreed to become Programme Secretary, and we are benefitting greatly from her wide knowledge of interesting speakers.

The Friends' lecture programme for 1988/9 began in November with a talk on Early Flint Implements by Derek Roe at 60 Banbury Road, where members of the audience were able to handle specimens. At the December meeting refreshments followed a colourful talk on Indian Theatre by David Mowat. The Curator showed slides of his visit to China in February, and in March Mrs. Catherine Fagg brought tapes and slides to illustrate her talk on Rock Gongs. Julian Jacobs of the Cambridge Experimental Videodisc Project came over in July to demonstrate the new equipment pioneered by his team, with data showing Naga Material Culture in historical perspective.

Friends were invited to previews of the temporary exhibitions in the Music Gallery and the main museum. We were able to make a grant towards the purchase of the collection of Molas shown in the exhibition in the main museum, and also towards the cost of producing more new greetings cards.

The Friends continue to provide volunteers to be on duty in the museum during staff shortages (our thanks to Mrs. D. Carruthers, Mrs. A. Dunbabbin and Miss Esme Hadfield for their help in this respect), and also to provide valuable help in running the Education Service.


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Supported by the John Fell OUP Research Fund


(c) 2012 Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford