Report of the Curator of the Pitt-Rivers Museum, 1913.
A new exhibition-case has been added for a series of rare carvings used during funeral ceremonies in Bali, Eastern Archipelago, and given by Dr. Ridley. Another case has been erected for West African ceremonial masks, and one has been added to supplement the Textile series. A number of smaller cases have also been made for small series or individual specimens, and sundry rearrangements have been effected in consequence. A series of weapons edged with sharks' teeth have been brought together and arranged in the upper gallery. The collection of Burmese MSS. has been transferred from an exposed table-case to a cabinet of glass-topped drawers, for better protection from the effects of a strong light.
During the Easter vacation, I visited the Dordogne district of Central France, and collected a large number of stone implements of various palaeolithic periods and from a number of sites. These have been added to the Museum series illustrating the later palaeolithic cultures, which have been considerably reinforced. Important accessions to other sections of the early Prehistoric collections have also been made, involving sundry rearrangements of the series. The additions to the collections from the Swiss Lake-dwellings, and to the series of N. American stone implements are especially note-worthy. An interesting collection of small implements exhibiting delicate microlithic workmanship from Mauretania and Tunisia was purchased. A group of stone implements bas been brought together to exhibit, as far as the material allows, the highest technique of the various Stone-age periods.
I have published a short monograph dealing with the geographical distribution of the practice of using a kite in fishing, which has an important ethnological bearing.
The usual lectures on Prehistoric Archaeology and Comparative Technology have been given in the Museum throughout the year to candidates for the Diploma in Anthropology and to the probationers for the Sudan Civil Service. The attendances have been very satisfactory. I have also given special lectures to societies upon the following subjects connected with the Museum—"The Early Stone-age Cultures of South Africa" (to the African Society), "Evolution of Stringed Instruments of Music" (at Norwich and in Oxford), "The Gun-flint Industry" (to the O.U. Junior Scientific Club), and two demonstration-lectures were given to University Extension Students.
The card-catalogue has been considerably advanced and the series of Musical Instruments, Fire-making, Charms and Amulets, have been completely catalogued to date. This work has been in the hands of Miss W. Blackman, who is still engaged upon the catalogue. I have to thank Professor K. Hamada and Captain H. Ninomiya for their kind assistance in describing a number of Japanese specimens for the catalogue. Mr. G.R. Carline has kindly continued his volunteer work of copying and re-drafting the accessions-books.
The accessions have been numerous and of considerable scientific value. Especial reference may be made to the Kikuyu objects given by Mr. W. Scoresby Routledge; to the set of trepanning-instruments from the Aures Mountains, given by Mr. M. W. Hilton Simpson; to the varied and interesting collection from W. Africa, given by Mrs. Temple, to the collection made by Miss B. Freire-Marreco in New Mexico and Arizona, and to the curious Chinese cross-bow trap, presented, with full details, by Mr. H. E. Laver. Amongst the purchases the specimens selected from the collection of Mr. J. Edge-Partington, the specimens from the Philippine Islands acquired from Mr. Turnbull, and the "goa-stone" acquired through Dr. H. Woodward, are especially noteworthy. A detailed list of accessions is appended.
I have gratefully to acknowledge the following sums granted for the purpose of collecting specimens for the Museum: £10 given by Exeter College, and £10 by the Committee for Anthropology, for specimens to be collected by Mr. M. W. Hilton Simpson in Algeria and the Aures Mountains during 1914; .£24 granted by the Committee for Anthropology for expenses incurred in the transport of the collection made by Mr. D. Jenness in British New Guinea. This collection has been presented to the Museum by the Committee. Both Mr. Hilton Simpson and Mr. Jenness are former students of Anthropology in Oxford, and it is of interest to record that a considerable number of the Diploma students are or have been engaged in researches in the field, and are applying in a practical manner the knowledge which they acquired as students in the University.
Twenty-seven ancient stone beads from the bottorn of Lake Guatabita, Colombia. (Received from the British Museum.) Complete outfit of a professional thief, consisting of charms, chisel for cutting fetters, &c., captured by the police, Abuja, Nassarawa Province, N. Nigeria. (Presented by Mr. H.F. Matthews, Assistant Commissioner, N. Nigeria.) Thirty-six ancient pottery vessels, plain and decorated, from graves near Bugaba, Chiriqui Province, Central America; and potsherds from site of the Old Spanlsh town of Panama, destroyed in Elizabethan times. (Presented by Mr. D.F.S. Filliter) ' Small ground stone celt, W. Central Africa. (Presented by Sir J. Smalman Smith,) Specimens from the collection of the late Sir J. Smalman Smith, viz.: Japanese sword; 2 Spanish knives; bark-cloth, kava cup and piece of Kava root, Fiji Islands. The following from W. Africa—Wooden statuette of the Yoruba goddess Odudua; brass figure of Ishu, Dahomey; carved wood divination bowl, gourd rattle used in Shango-worship, 3 Yoruba dance-masks, carved dish with figures, Lagos: knotted cord which was placed in the mouth of a figure of the god EKPE and then worn as a charm against disease; I6 charms of various kinds; snake's vertebral column worn as a charm against snake-bite, Lagos; 2 Mahomedan rosaries; bead necklet and strings of trade beads; beads of stone and glass, Iyeshi country; 2 bead-work figures of birds and white-metal pendant, Lagos; I0 armlets of glass, wood and brass, N. Nigeria; 2 glass finger-rings; camwood used as a dye, Lagos; antimony flask, Lagos; leathern bag; sandals, Mandingo, Sierra Leone; beans for the warri game, strings of cowrie currency, samples of native cloth, native hammock, Lagos; long pipe with brass bowl, hide box, stand-lamp, Upper Niger; ewer and bowl of brass and copper, Bida, N. Nigeria; carved calabash; 3 engraved gourd cups; wooden bowl carved to represent a ram's head, small carved stool, 2 slings for pots, Lagos; triangular harp, Kru Coast; sansa, Old Calabar; drum, Cape Coast Castle; gourd end-flute, Bornu; ivory trumpet, Welle River; gong, Lagos; 3 Hausa swords; 8 sheath-knives, Lagos; machete, Lagos; 3 sheath-knives; chopping-knife; beheading-knife, Ba-Lala tribe, Congo State; T-shaped knife, ? Kwilu R., Congo; 10 spears and harpoon; 2 gourd powder-flasks, iron slugs and case, Lagos; 3 shields. (Presented by Lady Smalman Smith.) Specimens collected among the A-Kikuyu of Mount Kenia, British East Africa, viz.:—specimens illustrating the native iron-smelting industry; specimens illustrating pottery-making; fire-drill; native iron-bladed axe; 2 quivers; 17 arrows; small trap; 2 wooden throwing-clubs; saline ash used as salt; oil-gourd; 12 goat-and bullock-bells; fungus used as a styptic; ochre used as pigment; a charm against lions; clay figure of an animal; trade beads; 8 wooden ear-plugs; 31 ear-ornaments of metal; pendant, ikenti, made from a cone-shell base; 2 head bands worn by girls at initiation; 2 necklets made from aromatic leaves; necklet of plaited bark-fibre worn by children; torque of iron; necklet of iron and copper wire; necklet of reed-sections; triangular bone pendant for attaching to the hair. A number of specimens illustrating pottery-manufacture in the Canary Islands, and the appliances used. (Presented by Mr. W. Scoresby Routledge, M.A.) Three Pointes a cran of flint from the Upper Solutrian layer, Grotte du Placard, France. (Presented by the Abbe H. Breuil.) Spiked "knuckle-duster" of horn, S. India; parchment deed of Elizabeth's reign; sling, Paraguay; spear, Nigeria 2 painted bows and a staff, Ceylon; 2 bamboo bows and 2 quivers, Khasia Mountains, Assam; quiver and arrows, Akka, Assam; dart made of peacock's feathers, Assam; band arrows, Santa Cruz Islands; cross-bow, European. (Presented by Mr. A.W. Fuller.) Model of an obsolete iron-smelting furnace and bellows, Ceylon; spindle, El Kab, Egypt; distaff, Dalarne, Sweden; wooden weaving-heddle, Denmark; ditto, Auvergne, France; ground stone celt, from plateau above the Gorge d'Enfer, Dordogne; a large number of palaeolithic stone implements, animal bones, &c., of various periods, from La Micoque, Gorge d'Enfer, Laugerie Haute, Laussel, Grotte de la Greze, Grotte des Eyzies, Laugerie Basse, La Madelaine, La Ferrassie, Fourneau du Diable (Bourdeilles) and Grotte de La Mouthe, in the Dordogne district, France; 29 wooden tallies used by Kentish hop-pickers near Maidstone, Kent; shell-necklet, Tierra del Fuego; 8 stone implements, Tasmania; steel horse-collar with lock and owners name, used in the days of frequent horse-thefts, Gloucestershire; flint and quartzite hammer-stones, scrapers and other flint implements and flakes from Grime's Graves, Santon Downham, Brandon Park, banks of the Ouse at Brandon, Suffolk and Croxton, Norfolk; modern flint working, Brandon, and circular flint scraper, Aberdeen. (Presented by the Curator, H. Balfour, M.A.) Specimens collected in Upper Egypt and Sennaar, viz.— wooden dish for roasting coffee, fire fan, pottery coffee-jug, decorated gourd cup, spear, primitive clarinet, 3 toy windmills, 3 children's dolls, and decorated gourd bowl, Gebel Moya, Sennaar; lyre with gourd body, sheath-knife with forceps, Baggara armlet of giraffe hairs worn as a charm against snakes, and Dinka spear with antelope's horn point, obtained in Omdurman. (Presented by Mr. L.H. Dudley Buxton, B.A.) Specimens collected in the Niger Province, W. Africa, viz--24 pottery pipe-bowls, Kamuku, Makungara; 2 ditto, Ura, Kwongoma; 2 string-work bags, plaited cord of rama fibre, rama fibre, 2 palm-leaf hats, hoe, 2 hunting axes, 2 fishing arrows, and 2 iron thumb rings for drawing the bow-string, Kamuku; 2 Gwari war-arrows, Makungara. (Presented by Mr. G Monk, B.A.) Four large Chellean implements of Table-Mountain lime-stone, leaf-shaped stone blade of the Cape-Flats type, and perforated stone ball (? Bushman), found at Beyer's Kloof, Cape Colony; partly-ground neolithic celt, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. (Presented by Professor H.T. Brown, F.R.S.) Specimens collected at El Kantara, Algeria, and in the Aures Mountains, viz.—Shawia curved club, 2, wooden tumbler-locks, 2 wooden keys, model plough, blade of winnowing-shovel, preserved milk, 2 spring bird-traps, sandal of palm mid-rib, adze, distaff and spindle, weaving-sword, clamps for looms, comb and awl for beating up the weft in weaving, instrument for picking up warp-threads, ochreous earth used as pigment, wax for varnishing pottery, 2 bone pipes, sling, 2 dolls and various toys and games, resinous substance used to cure toothache, substances used medicinally or as charms, Aures Mountains; Arab wooden door-lock, wooden plough, basket for steaming kuskus, bird-trap, spindle, distaff and spindle, awl for making basketry, bellows used by silversmiths, gun- smith's bow-drill, kohl pot, horn snuff-box, 8 slings, disk of chalk hung as a charm over cradles, various toys and games, native dental pincers, cupping-instrument, set of 10 surgical instruments used in trepanning, and sheath-knife used in surgery, Algeria and the Aures; 2 flint arrowheads, El Wad, Algerian Sahara. (Presented by Mr. M.W. Hilton Simpson.) Large decorated bronze fibula found at Charlbury Camp, Qxon. (Presented by Sir W.R. Anson, Bart., D.C.L., Warden of All Souls College.) Baganda Iyre and model canoe, Uganda Protectorate. Presented by Mr. G.D.H. Carpenter, D.M.) Chellean stone implement, Natal; Chellean stone implement, S. Africa; 3 Bushman stone weights; Bushman paint-muller; Bushman ostrich-egg-shell beads from a grave, Griqualand West; several potsherds, S. Africa. (Presented by Mr. E. Armour.) Tiqa, light club used in a throwing game, Bau, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. (Presented by Miss M.F. Bayley.) Blue glazed "hand of Fatima" used as a charm against the evil-eye, Constantinople; small brass donkey-bell and basket set with blue beads as charms, Smyrna; large Pai Ute basket, Yosemite Valley; Sioux basket, Daota; Klamath basket, Oregon; Alaskan basket; Navajo basket, Arizona; 3 Macusi baskets and cassava-strainer, British Guiana; yam-basket, Guiana: basket used for watering streets, Peking, China; spherical stone ball, Yellow River Valley, China. (Presented by Miss E.C. Bell.) Friction-drum and 2 "bull-roarers", Norwich; wooden bailing-scoop, ? S. Pacific; child's doll, Sidmant-el-Gebel, Egypt; blue-glazed hand worn as a charm, Upper Egypt; 9 modern imitations of ancient symbolic figures, employed as fertility charms, Upper Egypt; small guitar, N. Africa; holy-water flask, Brittany; complete loom, Santa Cruz Islands. (Presented by Miss W. Blackman.) Fringed tail-like ornament worn by Jaluo women, British E. Africa. (Presented by Mr. O.F. Watkins.) Dervish sword, Egyptian Sudan; iron spear-head, Upper Nile. (Presented by Mr. W.B. Chamberlin.) Two Bamboo jews'-harps, notched reed flute, syrinx-whistle, jingle of nutshells, 3 syrinxes, monochord of sago-palm midrib, and pair of-fire-making sticks, Kiwai-Island, Fly River, New Guinea. (Presented by Dr. G. Landtman.) Sixty-two "Pigmy" implements of white quartz and seven flakes, found on high ground near Bandarawela, Ceylon. (Presented by Mr. C. Hartley.) Ten stone arrow-and lance-heads, 8 scrapers, borer, polished ;axe.blade; leaf-shaped blade and blade flaked over one surface, from old Indian camp-sites, Grand River, Tuscarora, Ontario (Presented by Mr. F.H.S. Knowles, B.A.) Specimens collected during a journey through Nigeria to Lake Chad, viz. 4 - pottery vessels, Maiduguri, Bornu; native ink-pot, Kano, N. Nigeria; 2 decorated pottery vessels with bird figures, Lokoja; 3 baskets, large shield of ambatch, 3 brass armlets, ambatch float, model of canoe, neck-band of papyrus for cattle, Buduma, Lake Chad; basket, Asben shield of white oryx hide, 2 leather armlets, 2 wooden armlets, 4 ground stone axes, Kano, N. Nigeria; basketry platter covered with cowries, 2 cloth helmets, iron-bladed axe, end-flute. of, gourd, 2 clay dolls, 2 walking-staves, Fika, Bornu; 2 iron daggers, iron fetters, riding-boots, cotton cap, velvet cap, sun-hat, brass pin for hair-dressing, saddle, stirrups and other horse-furniture, doll made of mud and honey, Maiduguri, Bornu; heavy silver ear-ring, head of ground hornbill used in stalking game, thorn-tweezers, Bornu; thorn-tweezers, Kaua Baga, Bornu; horse's breast-band, Maifoni, Bornu; wooden throwing-club, 4 iron throwing-knives in case, end-flute(?) with brass mounts, Tchekna, Bagirmi; basket whose owner's life depends on its safe keeping, helmet of fibre-work, hide cuirass, Banana, Logone River; iron throwing-knife, Mundonng quiver and arrows, Kotoko shield of ambatch, Mundonng spoon, end-flute of horn, notched-flute and fiddle, Lake Lere; pito-strainer, guitar, Ibi, Benue R.; ring-handled dagger, Munshi, Benue R.; archer's thumb-ring, 8 armlets of grass-work, horse amulets and fan, Yola, Benue R.; Wadama helmet and notched-flute, L. Tikem; 3 daggers, bow, cotton robe, leather shoes, necklet of shell disks, 3 antimony flasks, scent-bottle of hide, purse, calabash pot, Lokoja; Tangale shield, Bauchi; tin armlet, Fort Lamy; hair-brush of hedgehog skin, Zungeru; razor, Gongola R.; native needles, Loko, Benue R.; Gwari guitar, Minna, Nigeria. (Presented by Mrs. Temple.) Carved mandrake root, Cappadocia. (Presented by Mr. F.C. Conybeare, M.A.) Guitar, Gunibry, and a flint flake, Mogador, Morocco. (Presented by Mr. G.V. Forrest.) Potsherds, shells, animal bones, &c., found in kitchen middens, Bay of Joao d'Erora, St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands, (Presented by Mr. O.G.S. Crawford, B.A.) Rude stone implements and flakes from ancient moa-hunters' camp site, S. Rakaia, South Island, New Zealand. (Presented by Sir E.B. Tylor, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., F.R.S.) Three friction-drums used ceremonially, small pellet-drum and end-flute, Cairo, Egypt. (Presented by Mr. A.M Hassanein.) Eight wooden spoons, Burma. (Presented by Mr. H.G.A. Leveson, I.C.S.) Specimens collected in Lower Nubia, viz.:—lyre, Kenus district; pottery bowl and suspender, Gudi; pot-suspender, Gerf Husein; partly-made basketry plate, Dobod; 3 native dolls and iron sickle, Lower Nubia. (Presented by Mr. A.M. Blackman, M.A.) Wooden mask representing Jumbi (the womens' devil), used to keep women in subjection, Yakoko, Yola Province, N. Nigeria. (Presented by Miss K. Dillon.) Specimens from the Swiss Lake-dwellings, viz.:—ground stone axe in horn socket, Yverdon; 8 ground celts, small celt in horn socket, arrow-head, scraper, racloir, burnishing-stones, bone burnisher, 9 bone implements, 3 pottery whorls, animal teeth, 8&c., from neolithic site, Chabrey, L. Neuchatel; bone awl, Moringen; bronze pin, socketed knife, 2 pendants and lump of bronze, Corcelettes, L. Neuchatel. Five Neolithic scrapers, 2 leaf-shaped blades and chisel, Suffolk Downs. Ground stone celt, ? Central France. Nineteen bronze arrow-heads, 4 bronze rings, 2 buckles, fibula of bronze and iron, broken bronze armlet, &c., Kiev Province, Russia. Small pottery vessel from a grave, Duna Pentele, Hungary. Glass and other beads from a grave, Baja, S. Hungary. (Presented by Mr. B. de Crushchoff)Three "Pigmy" stone implements found on sand-dunes, Maronbra Bay, Sydney, New South Wales. (Presented by Mr. J.P. Johnson.) Bamboo cross-bow ernployed as a tiger-trap, and native painting showing the method of using the same, Ningpo, Che Kiang, China. (Presented by Mr. H.E. Laver.) Alabaster and black-stone hookah-bowls, Agra, Bengal; 2 pottery ink-pots, Khulna, Bengal; pottery vessel shaped like a wine-skin, Greco-Roman, Naples. (Presented by Sir R.C. Temple, Bart.) Two water-colour copies of Bushman paintings, Modderpoort and Liappering, S. Africa. (Presented by Miss M. Wilman) End-flute, Tlemcen, Algeria; 16 flint arrow-heads, flint drill, trimmed flake and 4 ostrich-egg-shell beads, S. Tunisia. Presented by Mr. P.P. Hasluck.) One hundred and fifty-three stone arrow-heads, II obsidian blades, 3 curved stone blades, jasper scraper, 7 borers, grind-stone of lava, &c., Lake Co., Oregon, U.S.A. Presented by Mr. T.B. Kitteridge.) Gaucho bridle, horn stirrups, lasso and bolas, Monte Video, Uruguay. (Presented by Mr. H.E. Berthon, M.A.) Copy of “Die Benin-Sammlung des Reichsmuseums fur Volkerkunde in Leiden " by J. Marquart. (Mr. H. F. Amedroz.) Specimens of stone implements from sites near Bellary, Madras Presidency, viz.:—From Peacock Hill, also known as Kappagal, 83 celts and flakes, &c., 15 hammer-stones and mullers, 2 pottery fragments and 2 lumps of vitrified ash from cinder-mounds. From Fort Hill (Face Hill site), 31 celts and fragments, 25 hammer-stones, &c., 13 pottery fragments (some of late date), and piece of iron slag and smelted iron; From one or other of the above sites, but data missing, 6 celts, 3 hammer-stones, I stone disk. (Presented by Mr. F.J. Richards, I.C.S.) Two "Popladies," ceremonial cakes in human form made at St. Albans on New Year's Day or Lady Day. (Presented by Mr. W.W. Skeat, M.A.) Specimens collected by Mr. D. Jenness in the islands of the Massim district, British New Guinea, comprising clothing, personal ornaments, domestic appliances, carved bowls, food-spatulae, tools, stone axe or adze blades, pottery and appliances used in its manufacture, slings, clubs, spears, model canoes, canoe-ornaments, fishing-appliances including a new type of fish-hook, fishing-kites, mask of palm-bast, drums, jews'-harps, flutes, objects used in games, tobacco-pipes, betel-nut appliances, and objects used in magic. (Presented by the Committee for Anthropology.) Specimens collected by Miss Barbara Freire-Marreco, Somerville College, in New Mexico and Arizona, at the expense of the Research Fellowship Fund of Somerville College and of the Trust established by the Will of the late Miss Mary Ewart, 1912-13. Presented by the collector— From the Tewa of Hano, Moqui Reservation, Arizona: apparatus for seven games, two rattles, musical rasp, rabbit-stick, series of twenty-one specimens to illustrate the making of coiled pottery, twelve pieces of pottery, various pottery fragments from ruins, two painted tablets of the Marau type, sixteen katsina dolls, four conventional representations of the squash-blossom, ears of corn used in name-giving ceremony, "lightning" carried by dancers, feather ornaments, mineral paints, stone used to scrape body when bathing, yucca root for soap, medicines, stone fetishes for sheep, four prayer-sticks and a number of prayer-feathers, seven stone implements, brass bracelet, dancer's bow, ear-pendants, tinder, photographs, &c. From the Moqui of Walpi, one prayer-stick; Moqui of Second Mesa villages, five baskets; Moqui of Oraibi and Hotavila, three baskets and pipe. From the Gavapai and Mohave-Apache, McDowell, Arizona, red, black and yellow ochres for face-paint, medicine. From the Maricopa, near Phoenix, Arizona, piece of pottery. From the Tewa of New Mexico, drum, rattle, pipe, tobacco, cornhusk for cigarettes, medicines. From Temez, steatite pendant. From the Keres of Cochiti, leaves smoked with tobacco. From Montreal, Canada, nine French-Canadian remedies. (Presented by Miss B. Freire-Marreco.)
Ivory foreshaft of harpoon, Central Eskimo. (Greening.) Ovate flint palaeolith, Savernake gravels, Wilts; Acheulian flint blade, Bushey Mills, Herts. (Fenton.) Eight Moriori stone adzes, Chatham Islands. (Mr. C. Christie.) Sulu sheath-knife. (Cookson.) Old percussion duck-gun, Colchester; 2 English powder- flasks and a shot-flask. (Storey.) Carved-wood spindle, Northern France. (Paris.) Two daggers with etched blades, Eastern Sudan. (Evans.) A number of Aurignacian flint implements, 4 bone instruments and 3 plaster casts of rock-engravings from the Abri Blanchard, Sergeac, Dordogne; ditto from the Solutrian layer, Fourneau du Diable, Bourdeilles, Perigord; ditto from the early Magdalenian layer, Abri Raymonden, Chancelade, Dordogne; 35 arrow-heads and other flint implements, Tunisia; I93 flint arrow-heads and other implements of delicate workmanship, Port St. Etienne, Cap Blanc, Mauretania, N.W. Africa. (Mr. L. Didon.) Coco-nut husker, small handfishing-net, New Guinea 2 stone-headed clubs, Evorra, Port Romilly, New Guinea coral rasp, Berlinhafen, N. G.; pottery-mallet, Doreh, N. G.; candles made from nut-kernels, Yare tribe, Purari Delta, New Guinea; sewing-awls of fish-bone, twine, 2 double-edged knives set with sharks' teeth and a slender tapered rod, Matty Island; head-ornament of dolium shell, New Caledonia; human figure carved in cuttle-bone, betel-nut mortar, small fish-trap and wooden sail-needle, Solomon Islands; 2 canoe paddles, Choiseul, Solomon Islands; palm-leaf head-dress Bougainville, Solomon Islands; human figure carved in chalk, New Britain; gorget of mounted diwarra shells, Gazell Peninsula, New Britain; set of 7 head-rings, Cape Gloucester, New Britain; string of shell money, Nusa, New Britain ; club with carving resembling New Zealand workmanship, Fiji Islands; adze of shell, Lepers' Island, New Hebrides; adze of tridacna shell, Sta. Maria Island, Banks Islands; palm-leaf tapa-printer, piece of European calico printed with native tapa patterns, Samoa; missile of stalagmite, Niue, S. Pacific; 2 grooved blocks upon which tapa is beaten, stone for polishing calabashes, shell blade and board used for scraping olona fibre, Hawaiian Islands; carved staff, Easter Island; 3 pendants of sperm-whale teeth, long belt of strung shell disks, Gilbert Islands; rough handle for stone adze, native dredge for shell-fish and model of canoe, Maori, New Zealand; wooden chisel for knocking out incisor teeth at initiation, Finke R., Central Australia; bamboo pipe, Cairns, Queensland; circular stone axe, N. Australia; ditto, Central Australia; 3 leaf-shaped spear-heads of quartz, N.W. Australia; ochre used as pigment, Australia; Eskimo spear-thrower, Alaska; string of cash and purse, China. (Mr. J. Edge-Partington.) Eight flint scrapers of Aurignacian type, Ireland. (Webster.) Two stone-headed clubs) Orokolo, New Guinea; 6 small stone ornaments) 8 bronze plaques (?from scale armour), 15 bronze ornaments, 2 pairs of bronze tweezers, and some thin bronze bowls, from ancient tombs, Corea. (Stevens.) Ancient Mexican pottery flute-a-bec and whistle; modern Mexican toy whistle; 2 boxing weapons of wood and brass, Ceylon; pair of horse-skin boots, Patagonia. (Oldman.) Two Sumatran swords; Russian clapper of wood and iron. (Graham.) Seven flint implements formerly used for polishing playing-cards, England; circular stone axe, N.W. Australia; 4 Chellean flint implements, Swanscombe, Kent; I ditto, Galley Hill, Kent; 3 discoidal early palaeolithic implements, Bury St. Edmunds, Eriswell and Warren Hill, Suffolk; neolithic re-worked core and worked flake, Kenny Hill, Mildenhall; scraper, flaked blade and worked flakes, Icklingham, Suffolk; narrow flaked celt, Mitchell's Hill, Icklingham All Saints; part of a flaked blade and a worked flake, Eriswell; triangular flint blade, Lakenheath; and other flint implements. (Mrs. L Warringtom) "Goa stone ", used medicinally, mounted in a globular wooden box, with printed Portuguese document (dated 1736) explaining its use, India. (Dr. Henry Woodward, F.R.S.) Model loom. (Cox.) Eight brass stamps used for printing charms, Moslem, Syria; Moslem engraved black stone pendant-charm, Jewish silver charm-case, 4 Jewish engraved silver charms and Jewish silver hand with inscription, Syria. (Miss K. Reynolds.) A large number of N. American stone arrow-heads, lance-heads, and other stone implements, many of fine workmanship; 4 stone arrow-heads from Eskimo graves, Upernavik, Greenland; stone lance-head, Western Eskimo. From the collection of Robert Day. (Sotheby.) Early palaeolithic flint implement from gravels at Summertown, Oxford. (Plasted.) Decorated leather saddle of elaborate workmanship, with stirrups of leather, Argentine. (Brown.) Collection of specimens procured from the Ifugao tribe of N. Luzon, Philippine Islands, viz.: head-hunter's skull trophy, 4 carved wooden figures used as charms for good luck, I3 carved wooden rice-spoons, bamboo lime-box, 2 tobacco-pipes, tobacco-press, 2 tinder-pouches, 2 carved wooden rice-bowls, 2 small knives in one sheath, 2 hafted stone hammers, cylinder bellows, carrying-basket, ornamental cloth pouch, 2 iron-bladed spears, palm-wood spear, 2 bamboo-bladed spears, bolo knife with sheath, ditto with girdle of shell rings, shell rings and pendant from another girdle, 2 boar's-tusk armlets, 2 wooden helmets, large cotton blanket with designs recording a head-hunting raid, blanket in which the dead are wrapped, rain-cover of palm-leaves, wooden gong, 2, jews'-harps of brass and wood, stringed musical instruments of bamboo. (Mrs. Turnbull.) Hand-loom (now obsolete) for weaving horse-hair cloth, Spixworth Hill, Norfolk. (Mrs. Burdett.) Two carved wooden spoons with animal designs, S. Africa, hide shield, Masai, German E. Africa. (Godfrey.) Specimens from Swiss lake-dwellings, viz.: From Neolithic village at Concise Neuchatel—fine axe-hammer of serpentine, perforated axe, perforated stone hammer, long axe blade of serpentine, plano-convex ditto, tanged knife of serpentine, small polished celts, 4 small celts hafted in deer-horn, 3 chisels of red-deer tines, 5 deer-horn sockets for celts, 8 arrow-heads of polished serpentine, 15 small celts, 3 perforated pendants of serpentine, hammer-stone of saussuritej harpoon-head of deer-horn, horn bodkin, horn pendant, horn gorge and comb, 2 roundels from human skulls perforated as amulets, large bead of horn, teeth and bones of animals. From Bronze Age village at Onnens, L. Neuchatel—carved stone symbol, pendant crescent of tin, bronze knife in horn handle, engraved and perforated horn plaque, beads, bronze pendant, decorated bronze rings, bronze pin, small bronze chisel, 2 small bronze awls, 4 bronze needles, 4 broken pottery vessels. (Roulin.) Sinew-backed bow and arrows, Moqui of Hotavila, Arizona; boomerang-shaped throwing-club, Tewa of Hano, Arizon (Miss B. Freire-Marreco).
Jade figure of Buddha, Burma. (Lent by Mr. F.C. Conybeare, M A.) Acheulian flint implement, Wolvercote; ditto, Summertown Oxford; fine quartzite ditto and a narrow Acheulian implement, Wolvercote; twisted ovate palaeolith and very small palaeolith, Bryce's Cross, Limpsfield Common, Surrey; flint scraper from brick-earth pit, Limpsfield Common; Acheulian implement from drift-gravel, Limpsfield Common; small flint lance-head from Ridland's Farm, Lower Greensand escarpment. (Lent by Mr. A. M. Bell, M.A.) Maori cloak of native flax covered with apteryx feathers, S. Island, New Zealand. (Lent by Mrs. Cleghorn.) Five flint "fish-hooks" made for experirnental purposes. (Lent by the Curator.) North American Indian's skull and pottery vessel found in a grave on the Winnipeg River. (Lent by Mr. H.N. Dickson, D.Sc.)