The work in this department during the past year [1890] has not been confined to any special part, but has been distributed over a number of series.
In the Upper Gallery several additions, partial re-arrangements, and improvements have been made, and a large number of descriptive labels and sketches have been added in order to render the series more interesting and intelligible to the public. It is hoped during the present year to continue this work as far as possible.
In the main Court similar work has been done. The collection of musical instruments (wind) has been re-arranged and labelled in detail, with maps showing the geographical distribution of certain instruments, and sketches, and the specimens have been catalogued. The final arrangement and labelling of the musical instruments (percussion) is now in progress, and, when the third section (stringed instruments) has been completed, it is hoped that a detailed catalogue of the whole series may be published, with references to literature etc.
Labels for the public have been added in all the wall cases, and many additions and slight re-arrangements made.
It is necessary still to keep the Lower Gallery closed to the public, in order that the work of the department may be conducted therein; but it is greatly to be hoped that the small additional building, consisting of working rooms, for which an application has been made, will be granted, in order that the entire main building may be thrown open to the public, and the whole series displayed; and also that a small hand-book of the whole may be prepared for the use of ordinary visitors.
Numerous additions have during the year been made to the department by donation; a few by purchase, exchange, and on deposit.
Footnote:2 Dec. 1890. That Henry Balfour, M.A., Trinity College, be appointed a Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum, to hold office until December 31, 1891, and that during that period he have the same status in regard to the University Museum with the Professors teaching in the Museum.