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Events in the history of the Pitt Rivers Museum that took place in 1887.

Readers are reminded that this table is a work in progress and may be amended or added to at any time.

Go to 1886

Month Day Event Source of Information Notes
January 25 Notice placed in University Gazette that the work was 'sufficiently advanced' to allow the ground floor of the museum to be open to members of the University and visitors between 2 and 4 o'clock Tuesday to Friday University Gazette
February 5

Tylor begins course of lectures about Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford 'Development of Arts as illustrated in the Pitt Rivers Museum' in Hilary and Trinity terms

Oxford Chronicle and Berks and Bucks Gazette 5 February 1887; Alison Brown pers comm.
February 7 Report on PRM published, first section of displays opened to public The Times 7 February 1887; Oxford Times, 12 February 1887; Times of London 7 February 1887
March 12 Balfour writes to Acland about his role in the Museum OUMNH ms collections
June Moseley first becomes ill, and recovers Gilbert Bourne, 1892
August Moseley has relapse Gilbert Bourne, 1892
September 2 BAAS meeting in Manchester, Tylor presents paper on witches ladder Chris Wingfield. See here
September 5 Pitt-Rivers pays for reprinting of Notes and Queries The Times 5 September 1887 
October No day  Tylor lectures I II III Development of missile weapons and IV V VI Origins of ornamental form and decoration Alison Brown pers comm.
October 21 Acland writes to Pitt-Rivers to ask his advice about Balfour's future in light of Moseley's illness and suggests he is kept on for further 3 years. Moseley ill and unable to work on PRM displays Letter from H.W. Acland to Pitt Rivers, dated 21 October 1887, 1885/1 History of OUMNH 1874-1902 Box 2, OUMNH archives; DNB entry
November 3, 20, 21,  Tylor writes to Pitt-Rivers about the continuing debates in the University about Balfour's future S&SWM Pitt-Rivers papers L405, 419 420, 424 
November 22 Notice of a decree to be proposed for £1200 expenditure arranging and cataloguing the PR collection. Includes a letter from Balfour to Dr Fowler about the work and referring to Moseley's illness University Gazette
November 29 Decree for increased expenditure passed in Convocation 47 to 10 University Gazette [undated] PRM ms collections PRM papers Box 1 Foundation of museum
December Pitt-Rivers writes to Henry Acland thanking him for work in explaining purpose and mode of arrangement of collection PRM ms collections PRM papers box 1 Foundation of museum letter 
December 13  Pitt-Rivers writes to Henry Acland reporting progress on printing plates of items in his collections and saying he is too busy to visit Oxford PRM ms collections PRM papers Foundation of museum  PRM box 1 letter 
December 13  Pitt-Rivers writes to Henry Balfour suggesting that Balfour visit him to discuss plates [see above] PRM ms collections Foundation of museum PRM box 1 letter 
Unspecified Moseley awarded Royal medal by Royal Society DNB entry
Unspecified William Beale, attendant in PRM, starts job Annual Report 1894-5
Unspecified The Tylors travel to Switzerland Megan Price pers comm.


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