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To give an idea of the level of use of the website for 2 months towards the end of the year-long project:

Total number of visits in June 2013 = 776

Total number of visits in July 2013 = 682

Total number of unique visitors in June = 554

Total number of unique visitors in July = 560

Average number of pages per visit in June = 5.92

Average number of pages per visit in July = 2.70

The majority of the visitors were from the United Kingdom (364 / 299) and United States (71 / 104) but visits were also made from Australia, Philippines, Thailand, France, India, Portugal, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. In August the number of visitors etc and the patterns were very similar to July 2013 but there were also a number of visitors to the site based in Switzerland.

Most visitors either came via a google search or directly to the site, with a slightly smaller number coming via the Pitt Rivers Museum site

AP July / August 2013 based on information from Google Analytics


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Supported by the John Fell OUP Research Fund


(c) 2012 Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford