Balfour to Price 15 June 1890

Transcription of a letter from Henry Balfour to Professor Price dated 15 June 1890 regarding Balfour's long term employment. This letter is held in the PRM ms collections (PRM foundation volume):

‘It is difficult to see how this can be, I thought that I had made my meaning clear, and shewed the letter to others before sending it off. The condition that I make, before undertaking the work for another year, is that I shall be allowed to assume the title of Curator of the collection for that time, and also that I shall be place upon the same footing as other heads of departments, with regard to having a right to attend Delegates meetings and having a voice in affairs of Museum interest.’ Have, for some years, performed duties without privileges or title. As Tylor admits he could not devote one quarter of the time required to manage it, and does not know the system of working the department, ‘I am somewhat surprised that he should be so ready to accept the responsibilities’. To my disadvantage to carry on working full time if cannot take the credit for the work I do. Using the title would assist in correspondence with scientific people outside Oxford. Hope University will appoint a permanent working curator later, and will not make the title one of empty meaning. As election of Deputy Linacre Professorship, which carries curatorship with it, upcoming, this seems a good time to make a change. Tylor writes that a collapse must happen if I resign my post. Would be sorry for this, but it would underline the necessity and reasonable nature of my conditions.'

Feel sure in interests of University to accept them.

Transcription by Frances Larson for the Relational Museum project, 2002-2006


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