S&SWM PR papers L1201-1400

S&SWM Pitt-Rivers papers L1201-1400


Rushmore | Salisbury | Mar. 18/95


Your testimonials being satisfactory and your character or discharge from the Army "Very Good", I shall be happy to engage you as one of my assistants, and shall be glad if you will come here as soon as possible as my work is somewhat in arrear. Your work for the present will probably be indoors, but excavations will be going on shortly. When you are away on excavation duty, you receive 2/- a day in lieu of board and lodgings and find yourself, but in all probability the others will go out at first and you will remain here.

There will be a month's notice on either side on the completion of the engagement, but I see no prospect of the work terminating for some time. There must also be this additional provision that if you give me notice to quit, you will remain to finish the particular plate or drawing that you may be about at the time, otherwise the plate would be lost. I think that no plate usually occupies more than a week's time.

For the present you will have a bed-room to yourself, but when the house is full, or if I obtain another extra clerk you may have to be in the same room as one of the other clerks. We have not had to do this for some little time, but there is a prospect of it.

A. Pitt Rivers

I return your discharge Documents.



Chideock Vicarage | Bridport | Mar. 22

Dear General Pitt Rivers

I am much obliged for the cheque for the Neapolitan "saddle".

I observed in Naples that boar's tusks fringed with badger hair &c were hung on the headstalls of cabhorses on enquiry I was told it was to keep off the Evil Eye. You mention the brass ornament of harness in Naples - I remember reading a while ago a very interesting paper in some Antiquarian periodical on that subject - but dealing chiefly with our own English horse ornaments - they were, as you say, stated to be survivals of the crescent of Diana, & the disk of Sol, &c &c.

Mr Ralls of Bridport exhibited here last winter a dried animal's heart stuck full of pins, which had been found in an old chimney at Netherbury & handed to him: and he stated that he knew of an instance [insert] lately [end insert] of a person saying his pigs had been "overlooked" - & he moved the sty to save his pigs from his neighbours "evil eye"!

In looking at a large collection of the bronze articles called "mirrors" used by the ancients - & observing many of them engraved all over the surface that [insert] which [end insert] one would have expected to be quite plain, I wondered if some of them were not fans: & I thought I saw in some fresco an indication of this from the way a lady was holding it. If you know the things I refer to [drawing]

I was much interested by a small relief in the Lateran gallery showing a tall crane of timber in use for raising blocks at a building, & actuated by a very large hollow thread-wheel.

It is very pleasant to hear that you find the photographs of the Neapolitan cart useful.

I have not seen those good Carib worked flints you mention, but shall keep my eyes open in Museum.

Yrs faithfully C.V. Goddard



Ansd Apr. 9/95

The Burlington Fine Arts Club | 17 Savile Row, W. | London | 30 March 1895

My dear General

This club is about to have a show of Egyptian Art & Antiquity - I write on behalf of the Comm'ee to invite you to contribute to it some of yr. Egypt'n things.

We don't want very large ones, as we have limited space.

Hoping you will see yr. way to sending some thing

I am with best regards to Mrs Pitt Rivers & yourself

Yrs very sincly

FG Hilton Price

P.S The show will be in May - but we are getting in things directly



Smithsonian Institute | United States National Museum | Washington, April 10 1895

Dear Sir.

I have been lately reading with great care and interest your paper in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute on navigation. Of course you have done much more since that was printed and I have been wondering whether you had published in other works the continuation of that study. Have you seen Schrenke, Reisen und Forschungen in Arme-Lund, St Petersburg? It continues the bark canoe to the Giliak area opening into Okholsk sea. And, what is more curious, the same form sharpened under the water exists today on the upper Colombia. [Drawing] We are looking over all our ethnic types here and shall be glad to consult your latest work.

I am very respectfully yours

O. Mason

Maj. General Pitt-Rivers, 4 Grosvenor Gardens, London, England.



Harrison | Ans'd Apr. 30/95

Ightham | Ap 25. 95

General Pitt-Rivers


I have for some time past been engaged in sketching & carefully arranging the Rude implements found in the excavations on the Plateau which will presently possibly be a [illegible] index if the Impts are brought forward at the B Asn. [presumably British Association for the Advancement of Science]

It so happens yesterday I was showing to a Scientist who put the question to me

Has Genl. Pitt Rivers seen these [insert] for I feel sure he would like to [end insert]

This question has now been put to me three times & this prompts me to forward the book for your inspection

These implements all found at depths of from 6 to 7 ft beneath stratified deposits.

I may mention also that I am desirous now to dispose of series of rude impts & should have written before but for the fact I determined not to put into circulation until hall marked

The time has now come as all through I have been working on the lines laid down by yourself I beg to give you first offer

It is now some 6 years ago that Professor Prestwich gave me a copy of your address on Museums in which you advocate a large Anthropological Rotunda. I was much struck with the idea & so sketched in mind the plan were I call upon to act.

Since that time no pains have been taken to give [illegible] of Evolution & much work has been done with I am pleased to say good results

I enclose my fanciful sketch which will at least show I have thought over the question. [Drawing of rotunda marked Pal. and Eolithic in centre, Neolithic and Bronze in inner ring and Egyptian on outer ring

I remain, Sir

Yours respectly

B Harrison

P.S. I forward No 4 as a specimen to illustrate



Savage | Ansd. May 17/95

c/o Mrs Berriman | 24 Church Road | Richmond | Surrey | 6.5.1895

Dear Sir

Before leaving home I printed a new set of N.G. photographs for myself, intending to keep them, as it was uncertain when I might be able to print more. The ones that you saw I gave to my mother. But if General Pitt Rivers wishes to purchase them I will chance being able to print others for some time, which will probably not be for a year at least.

I could not afford to seel them at less than 2/- each, so if General Pitt Rivers cares to purchase them at this price, I will, on receipt of a reply, instruct my mother to pack them and send them on to you. There are about 3 or 5 of them which were given me by a friend; these I should ask my mother to keep.

The whole of them are nicely mounted, and form a most valuable collection.

Kindly let me know what General Pitt Rivers thinks

Yours faithfully

E.B. Savage

Harold Gray Esq.


List of Objects

One native wood Pillow in shape of crocodile

Four carved Bark Belts - two from Maipua & two from Bushmen, Fly River.

One Belt worn by boys & young men before taking to the larger bark ones

One Kilt worn by boys up to about the age of 15 or 16 years

Three carved Drums or tomtoms coming from 3 different tribes. The one from Saibai is the finest I have seen in New Guinea.

Two carved objects called by natives Gopi - used suspended by long strings in front of verandah.

One skull of small crocodile from Katau River N.G.

One Grease Pot made of coconut shell - from Kerepunu N.G.

One Food Dish, two spoons made from coconut, two shell do. [spoons] & 1 Laddle [sic]

One Dugong Charm composed of mother & little one on her back, and two stones one on either side. Used by dugong man of the tribe who has the supposed power of attracting the Dugong.

One model of Dugong painted various colours by native boy

One Stone Hatchet, two stone adzes with very long extra stone to one of them

One ornamented native human Skull, purchased by me at Wabuda by [insert] from [end insert] the man who slew the victim. There is something protruding from the eye-sockets & the nose covered with seeds, fixed on with wild honey.

One Human Skull (non ornamented) which I found in a cave

One instrument used in war times, composed of large beans, held in the hand and shaken, producing a rattling noise

Two stone spinning tops

One mourning decoration worn cross-wise over the shoulders

One mourning ornament with hair of deceased inside - worn round the neck

Two other decorations worn in mourning

Two Bamboo knives used in decapitating an enemy, notched to keep the tally of heads cut off by it - one has 5 notches and is stained with blood - the other has 9 notches

Two slings always carried with the above Knives for the purpose of taking home the skulls when severed from the body.

One native Drill for boring holes in shell ornaments etc. Very ingenious.

One Brush for sweeping floor

One Tongs for seizing anything hot

One Wooden Bobbin used in making fishing nets

One Fan

One small Rush Basket

Two Bird-of-Paradise Plumes worn as head-dresses.

Two Carved Figures called Umuruburu, one representing a mgu, the other a woman. Worn round the neck in the native dance.

One carved figure of a woman, called Mimia, used in the initiation of lads - Very difficult to obtain. I secured this one from a chief named Kuruka who is now dead.

One Ear Pendant worn by widow in mourning. Fits round the forehead and the pendants hang at either ear. Made of reeds cut in two - Job's tears.

Two Dugong's Tusks

Two small decorations for the arm made of scented grass

Two carved charms supposed to keep away sickness

One very fine shell nose ornament, & two small ones of bamboo

Two shell armlets worn round the upper arm (biceps) for decoration Also used as money in trading. Considered very valuable by natives

One shell wristlet very difficult to obtain as natives do not like to part with it

Four armlets of boars' tusks, each being made of two tied together

One armlet being an unusual growth of one tusk so as to form a circular armlet

One necklace of crocodile's teeth.

One fine necklace of Dog's teeth

Two fine shell necklaces with pendants

One long necklace of small shells worn round the neck several times

One long necklace of seeds - Job's Tears very pretty

One long necklace of a mixture of shell & some black substance

One neck ornament composed of a black fungus & white shell

One forehead ornament of Dogs' teeth

One forehead ornament of shells - very valuable

Two circular forehead ornaments of white shell as a background and overlaid with carved tortoise-shell worn in centre of forehead

Two circular forehead ornaments other kinds

The ornament worn at back of head composed of dog's teeth and human hair. Difficult to be got.

One carved comb for combing out the hair.

Nine carved combs of different shapes used to decorate the head mostly mounted with a tuft of feathers

Two long feathery arrangements & 1 shorter one worn at the back of the hair

One Bone Fork said to be used for eating human flesh.

One Belt of shells worn in the dance and making jingling noise

One wooden Image (not an idol) used in much the same way as Mimia above mentioned

One Stone Image - same use

Two large water Bottles made from coconut

Two small water Bottles made from coconut

One head ornament of Parrots' feathers

Two netted bags showing two different kinds of native work

One specimen of native cloth together with mallet used in beating it out

One peculiar netted dress worn only by widows in their early mourning

One anklet and similar thing worn just below the knee

Two Head-dresses of cassowary feathers with Bird-of-Paradise plume in the centre

Two head-dresses made entirely of Bird-of-Paradise feathers

Two head-dresses of different shapes

One white head-dress of cockatoo feathers

Two large Head-dresses called Bome, used only in war

One large head-dress used only in the dance

One War Ornament of tortoise-shell, edged with half-circles of white shell, and a centre of seeds. This is held between the teeth to denote ferocity

Two others of a similar use but made of boars tusks, one ornamented with feathers & human hair

Two Belts covered with seeds (Job's Tears) and worn cross-wise over the shoulders. From a tribe, called Tugeri in Dutch

Two daggers made from the leg-bone of the Cassowary.

One instrument for opening coconuts made of same

Musical instruments - 1 panpipe, 1 sort of flute, 2 jews harps, 1 bamboo arrangement unnameable

A goodly number of ear-rings

Two lime gourds (1 large 1 small) used for carrying the lime used in chewing the araca nut.

Two beautifully carved spoons for conveying the lime to the mouth - one is the figure of a man holding a drum and is, I think, a fine piece of workmanship for a New Guinean. Both of Ebony

One Charm (a large bivalve shell tightly closed) used by sorcerors to kill an enemy at a distance of course without touching him. Some incantation is used, with it. It is called "Maid-lu" and the "maid" man who uses it is a much dreaded individual.

Two arm protectors when using bow & arrow, with plumes attached

One shihi or girdle worn round the waist and between legs as a suspender for penis & testicles, with long streamers behind. Made of bark beaten out thin.

Two Belts of the Fly River district

Eight armlets of various kinds from Fly River

Three spears used by Motu tribe. These are thrown by the hand. This tribe has no bows & arrows

Four canoe paddles - 2 from Fly River, 1 from East end, 1 from Tugeri tribe from Dutch N.G.

Two native spades, also used by women in village quarrels

One Fish spear

One fish basket, for catching fish, with opening at the top. It is put quickly down upon the ground in somewhat shallow water, thus enclosing fish, which are taken from opening at the top.

One native carved sword from East end. Made of ebony

Two Bows of different tribes, with 28 arrows of various sorts, some bone-tipped and poisoned, nearly all more or less barbed, and many of them carved. There are two methods of poisoning them one by vegetable poison, the other by the juices from a dead body. The latter far more effective.

One tall mask with grass appendage, worn by Kaivakuku or policeman. He is entirely hid beneath it, and is much dreaded by would-be thieves and other offenders against the unwritten laws.

One beautiful tortoise-shell mask with representation of flying bird on the top, Worn in the dance principally by chief

Two figured wooden shields worn to protect vital part from arrow thrusts. They are so adjusted over the shoulder as to leave both arms free for the use of the bow & arrows.

Two large figured decorations used in Dubu or man's house. Both have large representations of faces.

One smaller figured decoration central figure is also a face

One man-catcher or lasso of cane, with spear run down the centre so that when it is thrown over the head and thrust forward it penetrates the back of the neck.

The pig-catcher or lasso of cane, but not with spear as in that for man

Two stone clubs - one from Motu tribe and one from Maipua. The Motu one has a tuft of feathers at the top and some human hair bound round the handle

Five long feathery ornaments worn in the armlets and reaching up to and above the shoulders

Three long wooden figures flattened at one end for the purpose of opening coconuts

Five womens' & girls grass petticoats, the only covering worn by the women. They are nicely made & dyed different colours

One girdle worn by men of Fly River

One girdle with arrangement at back, worn by bushmen or inland tribes round about the Fly River

Four Bamboo pipes from which tobacco smoke is inhaled. They show the different carving of different tribes

One instrument that makes a whirring sound when used

One fine specimen of native cuscus. It is not properly stuffed, but only sufficiently so to bring home



7 Kempsford Gardens | Earls Court | SW | 7th May 1895


Yours of the 4th duly received & in reply wish to say that I will make a drawing in the museum of some archaeological specimens or you being an archaeologist will know of some particular specimen which you like I will do so well, so that you will then have a proof of my ability in that line of work.

I dont think I told you that I am a qualified art master I have got my certificate from the Department of Science & Art which is a guarentee that I have had a proficient scientific training as well as artistic

I need hardly say that I will do my utmost to give you full satisfaction if you should employ me in your archaeological work.

I remain yours faithfully

G.F.W. Johnson

To | General Pitt Rivers, F.R.S. | Rushmore | Salisbury



7 Kempsford Gardens | Earls Court | SW | 11th May 1895

Dear Sir

I understand that I go to Tisbury being the nearest station to Rushmore. I suppose there will be someone there to meet me? I purpose leaving here on Wednesday 15th May by the 11.45 train from Waterlook arriving at 3.29 If this is not convenient to you, you might let me know which train I ought to take.

Yours sincerely

G.F.W. Johnson

Genl Pitt Rivers F.R.S.



Savage | Ansd by Gray May 27/95

24 Church Road | Richmond | Surrey | 6.5.1895

To General Pitt Rivers | Rushmore

Dear Sir,

If you will send the selected photos to me at the above address, I will write particulars about them, and return to you. Kindly send the unselected ones to my mother.

I am glad you found my salient description of curios of some value.

There were a few photos of Australian aborigines which I took on Murray Island, but I cannot tell if these are among the ones you have selected till they come. I know them all so well that there can be no mistake about locality.

With many thanks

Yours truly

E.B. Savage



Ralls | Ansd. by Gray May 27/95

Bridport | May 24th 1895


Hearing from the man at Broom Quarry, Hawkchurch, that they had recently found some implements I went there yesterday & received what they had & inspected the place. With several gangs of men there continually at work sending out two ballast trains a day the place will soon be a thing of the past & I  much regret that no record has ever been made of this prehistoric Sheffield The cliff at which they are working is about 45 feet high & I should judge it about 65 ft in all above the present Axe.

I herewith send you per parcel post a few of the best I received thinking they may be worthy of a place in your Museum. Should you prefer to buy them please send me what you think they are worth, but if I may be so bold I should far rather have a spare vol of your "Excavations" for my personal use & can assure you that its influence will not be wasted while I live. I have the rough unfinished specimens, flakes, & raw material quite at your service should you think them worth sending.

Yours respectfully

James Ralls

[Published records of sections]

General Pitt Rivers F.S.A. | Rushmore



Bottlesford | Pewsey Wilts May 31.95


Knowing you to have the reputation of being a most eminent and zealous archaeologist in the British islands, I take the liberty of submitting to your notice, a photograph of a model of the Parthenon, constructed by my son; it was intended for the Royal Academy, but they will find no place for models.

This perfectly original, gleanings from various histories having supplied the design

I also beg to enclose my own business card [he was a fireworks manufacturer] humbly craving your interest & patronage.

Respectfully yours

A.J. Peacock



Hotel Belle Vue | Villars S/ Ollon | Alpes Vaudoises | July 21st [?Thompson suggests 1895]

Dearest Papa

I have bought you an iron anvil from a peasant here he does not use it now as they have plainer ones now, this one belonged to his father I send you back your little drawing to show where the ornament is. I did not get you a hamper. There is nothing here particular except a wooden bowl and spoon that they eat cream out of in the mountains they wear no ornaments, they say Berne is the place to get those sort of things we are going to this peasants house tomorrow to see if he has any thing he brought us a glass this morning with 1774 on it which he said belonged to his grandfather but as it was not Swiss I told him I did not want it. The landlord of the Hotel thinks I am rather mad I am afraid I have very little room in our boxes for putting things, they are very heavy as it is. We leave here next Thursday the 26th and go to Chamonix. The air here is lovely and I feel  much better and Marcia is quite rosy. The view is beautiful today Willy hears from Thorpe his corn is dreadfully beaten down and some of his hay spoilt. I hope you have got yours all in.

your affec. daughter

Ursula Scott



Herbert Spencer | Ansd. Aug 2/95

The Mount | Westerham | Kent | July 24, 1895

Dear General Pitt-Rivers

In giving a brief sketch of the early stages of human progress I am referring to your view concerning the development of  various implements out of the primitive stick or club. Being without my books here, and away from libraries, I cannot get access to your original paper on the matter. Possibly you can send me a [insert] copy of some [end insert] reprint of your original paper, but if not, would you be so kind as just to name the various implements which you proved to be thus naturally developed from a simple original type? I am merely briefly stating the facts as demonstrated by you and do not want details.

Not having this summer taken up my abode in Wiltshire I have not heard any reports of either your activities or your state of health. I hope you are keeping clear of your constitutional enemies, & that Mrs Pitt-Rivers also is well.

I am,

Truly yours,

Herbert Spencer

Typed reply

Copy | Rushmore | Salisbury | August 2nd, 1895

Dear Mr Herbert Spencer,

I have been obliged to send for the papers that I send you to-day from London, which accounts for the delay in answering your letter. Please remember they were written 28 years ago, and if you would kindly return them when done with I should be glad, as I have only 1 or 2 copies of them. There is besides the Catalogue of my Collection at S. Kensington, and now at Oxford (weapons), but that I think I need not send you.

I have marked in pencil some of the parts I thought might interest you, but I see that in Part II, I have marked it all, so you will have to choose.

I dont care about the first part much now, and think that many things might have been left unsaid and much better said.

I am very glad to see that you are still at your great work. I have been in a very poor state of health, having suffered from the same ailment for the last 13 years. But I keep on excavating here, and have just finished my 4th big volume of "Excavations in Cranborne Chase".

Yours very truly

A Pitt Rivers



Le Masurier | Ansd Aug. 12/95

96 Victoria Road, Guernsey | 25th July 1895

My dear Sir,

I send you by tomorrow morning's parcel post, a box containing a figure dressed in what, less than half a century ago was the characteristic costume of the Guernsey peasantry. I have had it specially made for your museum by a countrywoman, who not only remembers seeing the Costume worn, but has preserved one as a relic of the past.

I must ask you to particularly notice the unfinished stocking on the hand. This class of work accompanied the women wherever they went; whether to the dairy, poultry yard, field, going to market or in their country walks. In fact it was inseparable from their existence, and every leisure moment allowed them by the nature of their farm or other occupations was utilized in stocking knitting. The colour was invariable.

The figure represents a woman going to market, the can of milk on the right arm, a basket of eggs and butter on the left, and the stocking which, when too long was tucked inside the apron band.

If by some mischance any of the contents of the basket have got adrift in the enveloping paper please restore them for the absence of one  or other would destroy the character of the figure.  The shells represent eggs, the yellow wax on green paper the pounds of butter on cabbage leaves. The costume is precise in every detail from the shoe upwards, not omitting the pocket in the dress under the apron. The cloak was always red.

I hope the Customs Authorities at the General Post Office will not open the parcel.

Accompanying it is a roll inside which are two large views of our town and harbour.

I also send you a newspaper in which  the Curator [insert] of the Library [end insert] thankfully acknowledges your handsome and valuable present, one which I assure you, Sir, is highly appreciated. To his thanks I must write mine for having so very kindly responded to the representations  I made to you when I had the pleasure of visiting Rushmore.

I remain

Yours very truly

Giffard Le Masurier



Hotel Mont Cervin | Zermatt | Canton Valois | Switzerland | July 27th [?Thompson adds ?1895 but probably 1894]

Dearest Papa

If I can find another anvil I  will get one, I saw some more after I had got the one  I wrote to about [sic] exactly the same only much larger, and we made the man show us how he used it, that was at Villars. I could not find any thing else there. We are not going to Berne now as we go to Lucerne by the Turka Pass driving but I will get the stools at Lucerne do you mind sending me some money by a registered letter as we are only have [sic] a certain sum with us and when it comes to an end we must go home. so if you want two musical stools at about 2£ each with other things you see it would come to nearly 5£ which would mean two or three days more away and of course if I do not find the things or they dont come to as much I can give it you back, I wish you were here I am sure it would do you so much good the air is lovely 5400 ft. high and we went up on mules today to the Gorner glacier the children were so excited especially Marcia she notices every thing I think more than the others. The mountain railrode [sic] from [illegible] here winds up by the river [illegible] which is a torrent in some places and the whole way it is quite lovely, it looks very dangerous in places right on precipices. We are going to [illegible] tomorrow on mules for the day 7305 ft high. We had a long journey, yesterday from 9 to 6. I was tired but today able to do this long expedition and now writing, when I first came every thing tired me. I think I shall be as strong as a horse when I get back. Who did Blossie say was rude to her and why did she say it what made her write about it. I hope you are pretty well. Douglas would like this place such a curious village and old tumble down places all dark brown wood and then the mountains behind and the guides about with their ponies & mules. We leave on Thursday Aug 2nd

Your affec. daughter

Ursula Scott




Tollard Royal | July 95

Gen P Rivers

Dear Sir

Allow me to address you a line or two on a matter of business. I was out to your museum a few days ago, and could one spend a week there: There are plenty of chances to obtain knowledge of the past, and the present, of the manners and customs of other nations. As you are fond of gathering Relics, from all parts of the world, I would like to inform you that I have the authority to sell one of the finest collections of Indian relics in North America. They were collected by a physician who wrote a history of the Indian massacres in the Wyoming valley he was forty years in getting them together, a little while before he died he became paralysed in his lower limbs and could not get around to see his patients. Before he passed away - over [sic presumably meaning PTO] He requested me to assist his widow to dispose of the collection as she would need their value more than the relics Among my letters in the United States I have a list of the articles which are all labelled and among them the skeleton of a man seven feet high. They are all packed up in boxes, and if you wish any correspondence upon the subject, a letter should find me at Tollard Royal.

Your respectfully


Rev John Davy



Whittaker [sic] | Ansd Aug 18/95

33 East Park Terrace | Southampton | 16 Aug 95

Dear General

As I now see a chance of getting into your neighbourhood & of doing myself the pleasure of paying you that visit which I have long looked forward to, I write to ask whether it would be convenient if I were to be with you just at the end of the month.

I fear that you may be thinking then of little else than [2 words illegible] But please don't scruple to put me off, if the following suggestion does not thoroughly suit your convenience.

I want to visit a colleague, at Salisbury, before the Brit. Assoc. meeting. He will be away, on holiday, till the 31st: so it struck me that I might go to you that afternoon & have the Sunday with you, going on to Salisbury on Monday Sept.2.

I might, instead, go to you (from Salisbury) in the afternoon of Sat. 7 Sept. But I expect that I ought to be at home at that time; for it is very likely that I may have to start early in the morning of Mon. 9 Sept, for London, where I have some business to do  before going on to Norwich the next day.

As I'm Pres. Elect of the Geol. Section, I hope to have your support at the meeting.

Please don't scruple to negative the above notion.

Yours very truly

W Whitaker

I suppose that in collecting weapons you ignore such atrocious modernisms as sword-sticks! I happen to have 2 types, both fairly old, & one with a fine blade. Shall be glad to hand over, if of any service. One is a prodder, with a short blade coming out with a spring.



Wardour Castle | Tisbury | Wilts

July ? 1895

Dear General Pitt Rivers

I do not know of anything here - small in size - which would be of special interest to you - for your exhibition - except a cutlass said to used by the poachers in Cranborne Chase - If you wish for it I could send it to the Tisbury Station to be called for

I remain

Yours very truly

Arundell of Wardour



Hotel Belevédére | Zeggio [?] | August 10th

Dearest Papa

I have just got into letter of the 7th I am so very sorry to hear you have not been well those sort of attacks are most unpleasant, and I was hoping you would have no more as you have not had them lately I hope you will not have another. I bought you the musical chair it was 65 frs also a musical mug and they have both been sent off. The steel headdress pin and necklace I have with me I have tried to get an anvil here but not yet succeeded but am going with the landlady of the Hotel to some peasants house and will try there I suppose a doll would not suit you with the Bern dress they are quite correct as I have looked at them and they are exactly like the whole costume the women wear I am afraid we must give up Bern but I could get a shop at Lucerne to get me the chains they are worn just like your little drawing hanging under the arm to the waist 4 or 5 chains from a round ornament about this size which fasten on to the shoulder back and front the chains go from front to back hanging in loops. [Drawing] I hope the chain will arrive safely it ought to come next week I have 4£ left I am very sorry about [illegible] and Blossie, but hope all will go well in time. I send this note to Alice to give you as she is going to Oxford too and by sending my letter to her in London it will be forwarded quickly. What a dreadful accident with the engine what child was it?

Your affec. daughter

Ursula Scott



Ansd Aug 12/95

Will General Pitt Rivers kindly let Miss Clara Green know the date for the delivery of exhibits for the Exhibition opening Sept 2nd also to whom they should be addressed whether to Rushmore House or the Larmer Grounds.

The intended exhibits are Guipure lace & two oil paintings.



Wardour Castle | Tisbury | Wilts

Aug 14 1895

Dear General Pitt Rivers

I send today by parcel post registered [insert] registered [end insert] the crystal fac-simile of the Pitt Diamond. Please acknowledge receipt The cutlass will be sent to the Tisbury Station to be called for [4 words illegible]

Arundell of Wardour



Hotel Belvédère | Zeggio [?] | August 18th

Dearest Papa

I have bought you a Bern costume and it is sent off by post today or tomorrow - all except the chains which I have got with me. The costume cost 100 frs and the chain 26 frs. so I have spent so far over the ten pounds you sent me I can not find another anvil here they only use the same as in England stone thing you rub up and down on the scythe Willy saw your paper in the Times when he went into Lucerne I have only seen the Daily News which mentioned it but did not say much. I hope you will have fine weather for the sports we have had rain every day.

Your affec. daughter

Ursula Scott



Ansd Aug 24/95

Aug. 23.95 | Chalbury Rectory | Wimborne

My dear Sir,

We shall beg your acceptance of the bottle found in digging a grave here this day week.

Will any of the objects named on the opposite page be suitable for the exhibition on Sept 2nd or later days? If so, we will gladly send them as soon as we can ascertain if there is a carrier to Handley the days has gone from Wimborne

We hope it will be a successful show in all respects.

Believe me

Very faithfully yours

G.H. Billington

[All crossed out in pencil]

Wood cut "Chalbury Hill" published by Ackermans (Strand) in 1815 12 ins x 9 framed

Engraving of a Railway train, with an Engine like "Puffing Billy" in [insert] South [end insert] Kensington Museum published Fullers, London [insert] Dated [end insert] 1825 framed 28 x 12 inches

"Sampler: framed 19 x 15 ins worked by Sarah Brown (of Chalbury) in 1832

Tangore Bowl, 12 ins. diameter [insert] Miss Billington [end insert] 9 ins depth

3 or 4 Bags or Pockets, made by the women of Old Calabar, worked with beads



Ansd/ Sept 18/95 | Crespi

Cooma | Wimborne | August 25th 1895

My dear Sir

I am just publishing a long article in "Cyling" and in it I have distinctly mentioned our conversation the other day, at the Larmer Tree. You will remember telling me that you were thinking of forming a series illustrating the evolution of the Cycle. You may get some letters from readers of my article offering to put machines at your service for the puprose, and my note will prepare you for any such offer of help.

I was charmed with the Larmer Tree and hardly know how to thank you for your generosity and goodness in providing such places as the Larmer Tree grounds and the Museum

Believe me, dear Sir,

Yours truly

Alfred J.H. Crespi

Member Royal College of Physicians

Formerly Editor of the Sanitary Review



Whittaker [sic] | Ansd Aug 27/95

33 East Park Terrace | Southampton | 25 Aug. 95

Dear General

I'm sorry that I can't manage to stop with you beyond the Monday morning, when I must get to Salisbury, but I can start early on Saturday, so as to leave a bit of a ramble on that day, if it will suit you.

I find that, for morning trains, the Blandford route is the better: by starting from S.West at 9.14 I can get to B. at 10.57, whereas the equivalent journey to Tisbury means catching the 8.29 train at Northern.

I will however do what suits you best, by going to Blandford I shall have the advantage of a different route to that by which I must come back, & there's something in that, especially to someone who likes to see everything, in the way of country.

I will gladly take the sword sticks with me, & have them properly bestowed

Yours very truly

W Whitaker



Ansd | Sept 6/95

University College | Grove St | London W.C. | 4 Sept 95

My dear Sir,

Shall I send down for your museum a selection of the pottery of the New Race? If you will accept it, it will give me much pleasure. I have not yet got the photo prints of your knife handle; so I have not yet drawn it, as I hope to do

Yours sincerely

W.M. Flinders Petrie



Whittaker [sic] | Ansd Sept. 11/95

33 E. Pk Terr | Soton |6 Sept. 95

Dear General

The stick-dagger has turned up, so I now send it. The top brass is somewhat loose, but the prodder shakes out fairly.

I also enclose the word-lock. The word is G u l f (which should be duly registered). The letters must be brought in line with the marks on the side. It seems to be a fair specimen.

I am glad to be able to contribute to your Museum, & wish that I could do more

I wonder whether you would care for any of the shoe-soles noticed in the enclosed bit of Revise of a G.S. Memoir If so that bit of print might serve for a label.

A chunk of the Royal George would hardly be of service, unless to show the commencement of peatiness. I have also a like specimen from under Old London Bridge.

I had a very pleasant time with you, & on Tuesday came across an old friend, now a Wilts. Rector, who I had not seen for many years. He is at Sherrington, & his rectory adjoins the peculiar moated mound by the river, which I hope he will annex to his garden.

On the Monday I saw another river-fortress, though much larger, but I forget whether it was at Berwick St James or Mapleford. Are these Saxon in part at [illegible]?

In that district the Chalk block is worked for road-metal.

By the way, in driving into Berwick St John, on Monday, I saw a small pit that seemed to show 2 layers of flint, close to the bottom of the Chalk. I've seen the like near Maiden Newton & other westerly sites.

Yours very truly

W Whitaker



Ansd | by Telegram | Sept 11/95

Bridport | Sept 10th 1895


I take the liberty of informing you I received a note from the men at Broom Quarry this morning saying that they have another lot of flint implements better than you [insert] I [end insert] have had before. I thought that this offers an opportunity of receiving them direct from the men, & seeing the exact depth they are found. I shall be very proud to meet you [insert] at Chard Junction [end insert] at any time you may appoint & if you cared to return via Bridport I could order a carriage to meet you there. In returnin we should pass Pilsdon, & Lewesdon, also the Roman site from whence I have gathered my best antiquities.

Yours respectfully

James Ralls

General Pitt Rivers | Rushmore

The nearest station is on the South Western line Chard Junction

Should you be unable to go, would you like me to send on another lot of these implements.



Linden | Wellington, Somerset | Sep. 23 1895

Dear General Pitt Rivers

The photograph of the wonderful flint knife & its handle has come on to me here, & some day I hope to be able to examine the original. It seems a most interesting feature that the carvings of animals should not be a hieroglyphic inscription but a procession of animals, no doubt characteristic of the country of the tribe who made the knife. One thinks of the carved horns from the other side of Africa

The prospects of Anthropology at Oxford are just now really cloudy. When the scheme of an examination & degree in Anthropology was thrown out at the last stage by Convocation at the end of the past term, it was said more than once that anthropology ought to be given over to the Faculty of Literae Humanioies to be placed among the extra subjects of the "Greats" examination. Apparently the main motive of the successful opposition to Anthropology having an examination in the Science Faculty where it belongs was that it might be captured thus by the Classical School. You know I think what sort of answer I shall give to such a proposal if it comes to me in a definite form, but in that case I shall communicate with you at once and ask you to intervene.

Yours very truly

Edward B Tylor


All transcribed by AP June 2011


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