BMH.E.86.1 (Film negative)
Arthur Hopkinson
A. J. Hopkinson
December 31st 1927?
Gyantse > Palkhor Chode
115 x 85
Negative film nitrate
A. J. Hopkinson's Tour of Duty as British Trade Agent, Gyantse, 1927-28
In Negative - 'E86' has been written on the bottom edge of the negative in blue-black ink. The top edge of the negative has been very crudely cut and there perforations, caused either by a blade or by a fault in the camera, on the bottom edge of this portrait format image [MS 31/07/2006]
Manual Catalogues - [Caption in A. J. Hopkinson's negative album 'Tibet E']: 'Main street' [MS 04/05/2006]
Other Information - Description: [Extract from taped interview, Richard Blurton and Mrs Hopkinson] '86 - a street inside the monastery compound at Gyantse. A large chorten and teh Palkor Chorten (to the left) are seen; in the background is the monastery precinct wall' [MS 29/07/2006]
Other Information - Dates: This photograph was probably taken on December 31st 1927. On this day Hopkinson commented in his journal that his ponies had to be rested and “so I went photographing round Gyantse ... some people came up and asked me to go into their house to photo them. ... I was amused to find the walls papered by 1927 Weekly times editions - bought they said at the Fort. Also there was a photo of a Tibetan who’d been to England, got up in cowboy style, with chaps, on a huge artificial horse this shape [line drawing inserted in text]. I also photod [ sic ] some rather jungly Kham-bas, going on pilgrimage from Kham via Lhassa to Shigatse. It took three months they said from Kham to Lhassa, and they expected me to produce the picture immediately I had pressed the button” [A. J. Hopkinson Archive, OIOC British Library, Mss Eur D998/54, Journal Letters from Gyantse and Various Camps, 1927-28, commencing December 30th 1927, Gyantse, pages 4-5]. Also comments that he tried to photograph some criminals, who kept laughing and was accompanied on the way back by a young monk from Drepung [ibid., p. 5]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Scene in Palkhor Chode, Gyantse"
05 Dec. 2006. The British Museum.
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