BMH.C.6.1 (Film negative)
Arthur Hopkinson
A. J. Hopkinson
June 21st 1927?
Gyantse > Palkhor Chode > Goku Tramsa
85 x 108
Ritual Activity
Negative film nitrate
A. J. Hopkinson's Tour of Duty as British Trade Agent, Gyantse, 1927-28
In Negative - 'C-6' has been written on the left edge of the negative in blue-black ink. The negative has been cut very crudely along the left and right edges [MS 01/07/2006]
Notes on print/mount - Three contact prints made from this negative are contained in A. J. Hopkinson's negative case with the negative. One print, made on Velox paper, has 'A. J. Hopkinson' and 'C.6' written on the back in pencil. The second , also made on Velox paper, has the reference 'C-6' on the back in pencil. The third is a facsimile print intended for marking up reproduction instructions in readiness for publication. This has a number of annotations and crop/size reduction instructions and the number reference 'P1353' [MS 01/07/2006]
Manual Catalogues - [Caption in A. J. Hopkinson's negative album 'Tibet C']: 'Ki-go' [MS 28/04/2006]
Other Information - Description: [Extract from taped interview, Richard Blurton and Mrs Hopkinson] 'The Kigo, textile hanging, now gone' [MS 01/07/2006]
Contemporary Publication - This photograph was published in 'The Sphere' magazine on September 29th 1928. It was placed under the heading "A Sacred Banner of Buddhism" and had the caption: "The greatest religious banner in the world: The Ki-go, a sacred figure of teh great Gautama, wrought on silk. This gigantic relic is some 70ft in height. Like St Veronica's handkerchief, it is exhibited once a year at Gyantse, a place over 13000 ft above the level of the sea. The period of its exposure is from dawn until the last ray of the sun reaches it. Services are held before it, and it is jealously guarded in the Pal-kor Cho-den Monastery" [MS 24/08/2006]
Other Information - For dating of image, see A. J. Hopkinson Archive, OIOC British Library, Mss Eur D998/54, Journal Letters from Gyantse and Various Camps, 1927-28, commencing June 26th 1927, Gyantse, pages 1-3 [MS 01/07/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Large thangka displayed at Palkhor Chode"
05 Dec. 2006. The British Museum.
For more information about photographic usage or to order prints, please visit the The British Museum.
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