2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
25th July 1948
57 X 55 mm
Ritual Activity
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '5' 'Yaso. Serpang. Byamspa gdan dren. Taarpa gling Oracle, lhosar [?] ceremonies. Jo mo lhari, Phari' is written on the negative album in white in Richardson's hand. [KC 31/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative index - Folio 52. [blank] [KC 31/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Richardson's Handlist - 'Vol. 5' 'Nos 48-54. Gtor rgyag chen-po. A special gtor rgyag on 25th July 1948 directed against the threat from Chinese Communists. Prayer ceremony near old Chinese Yamen on east south of city. Large body of monks chanting and clapping hands slowly; a special gtor ma lit by the Gnas chung Oracle, contained many strange things including a human skin. At the end of the ceremony a great storm of wind, dust and thunder suddenly blew up from a clear sky.' [KC 14/8/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Crowds at the Torgyag chenpo in Lhasa"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
For more information about photographic usage or to order prints, please visit the The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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