2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
March 4th 1937
Lhasa > Lubu
54 X 43 mm
Ritual Activity
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
In Negative - There is a small diagonal cross on the left of the negative. [KC 31/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '5' 'Yaso. Serpang. Byamspa gdan dren. Taarpa gling Oracle, lhosar [?] ceremonies. Jo mo lhari, Phari' is written on the negative album in white in Richardson's hand. [KC 31/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative index - Folios 1 - 6. 'YA SOR AT KLU SBUG SGAR SGRIG'. [KC 31/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Richardson's Handlist - 'Vol. 5' Nos. 1 -7 'The Ya-sor, two noble offficials appointed annually to conduct various New Year ceremonies; see Album 1. They are formally appointed on the 22nd of the lst month and making their headquarters in a decorated tent on the Klu-sbug plain on the south of the Potala where they read the Kashag's order to them. Their retinue in very smartly dressed and they are served tea and chang by maids of honour. The photographs, in a rather dark tent, are not good but I know no others. The ceremony is known as Klu sbug sgar-sgrig, “setting up the camp at Klu sbug”. [KC 31/7/2006]
Other Information - Note that negatives sleeves 1 - 3 are inserted in the negative album in the order of: 3, 2, 1 (then 4, 5...) [CF 6/9/2002]
Other Information - Background: See Hugh Richardson, Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year , 1993, London: Serindia Publications, pp 31-33 for a description of this event. "Early on the twenty-second a beautifully decorated tent in a small enclosure is set up on a grassy meadow across a small branch of the Kyichu south of the Lingkor, where it passes the boudary of the Shuktrilingka south-east of the Potala. This is to be the headquarters of two noble officials who have been appointed with the Mongol title of Yaso as commanders of two wings of the ancient militia to leadthe military exercises of the next two days. ... they ride in state round the Barkor to Lubu where a crowd of their relations, friends and onlookers is waiting. The ceremony of the Lubu Gardrik ("Preparing the Camp at Lubu") follows. The Yaso take their seat on thrones with low, carved and painted wooden tables in front and their attendants line up on either side. The Yaso robes are of the most costly brocade embroidered with dragons on the front and back, and so heavey they can stand up by themselves. They wear large, round, flat hats with a fur brim and red silk crown with a vase-shaped gold and turquoise ornament and a coral button on top. The robe is girded by a wide gold belt and they wear a dagger, an embroidered purse and a silk coverred cup case. ..." (p.31) [KC 31/7/2006]
Other Information - Dates: Richardson used this size of image in the first weeks following the departure of the full Mission party under Sir Basil Gould. He soon reverted to using a full size image for this type of camera, reverting to the smaller 6x4.5 frame only towards the very end of his time in Lhasa in 1949-50, when again concerns over supplies of film, development issues and transportation may have been a concern [MS 19/12/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Group of officials in a tent at Lubu Gardik ceremony "
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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