2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
Lhodrag Region > Guru Lhakhang
54 X 43 mm
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Richardson's 1950 Lhodrag tour
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '4 LHOBRAG 1950' 'Gongkar. Dzaring La. Lha khang Dzong. Sras. Pemaling Tso. Ku la kangri.' written in white in Richardson's hand.
Manual Catalogues - Notes in negative album '4' - Folio 87. 'do.' [Guru Lha khang].
Manual Catalogues - Richardson Handlist- Album 4. 'Journey starting at Gong-dkar rdzong on Gtsang-po, 29. 18. N 90. 48 E', '[nos.] 87-89. do.' [Gu-ru Lha-khang (La-yag Gu-ru Lha-khang) founded by Gu-ru Chos dbang 1212-1273. 28.26.N. 90.37. E.']
Other Information - Background: Richardson describes the site in High Peaks, Pure Earth , London, Serindia Publications, 1998, p. 324, "Not far to the west [of Lhalung] is the distinctive little square tower of Gu-ru Lha-khang (1950), properly know as Bsam-grub Bde-chen. Originally founded by Padmasambhava as instructed by Khri Sronglde-brtsan, it was taken over and rebuilt by Guru Chos-dbang in the thirteenth century. It was recently almost completely rebuilt. ...".
Other Information - History: Guru Lhakhang is known as Layag Guru Lhakhang (la yag gu ru lha khang) or more formally as Samdrup Dechen (bsam grub bde chen). The monastery was founded by Guru Chowang in 13th century. The plain for the temple is said to be based on Nalanda monastery in India. The monastery was renovated in 1949, a year before Richardson's visit. (TS)
Other Information - Dates: The date is derived from Richardson’s negative album No.4, the cover of which is marked with ‘Lhobrag 1950’. These images seem mainly to have been developed as part of a batch arising from a trip to Mug, Lhobrag etc in 1950, as well as images taken on other trips during this year (eg: Talung/Reting). The batch development numbers 608-615 on the back of the contact prints run sequentially and the images seem all to have been developed at the same time, and must therefore have been taken in or around this date. In addition, 2001., one of this batch, has also been identified on the back as having been taken in 1950 [MS 22/12/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Guru Lhakhang monastery"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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