2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
Lhodrag Region > Sekhar Gutog
54 X 43 mm
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Richardson's 1950 Lhodrag tour
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '4 LHOBRAG 1950' 'Gongkar. Dzaring La. Lha khang Dzong. Sras. Pemaling Tso. Ku la kangri.' written in white in Richardson's hand.
Manual Catalogues - Notes in negative album '4', Folio 54. 'Sras'.
Manual Catalogues - Richardson's Handlist. 'Album 4. Journey starting at Gong-dkar rdzong on Gtsang-po, 29.18 N. 90. 48 E. [nos. 50-57] Sras-mkhar dgu thog monastery, attributed to 11th century, founded by Mi-la ras-pa, enlarged in 1539. 28.10.N. 90.47 E.'
Other Information - Background: Richardson describes the site in High Peaks, Pure Earth , London, Serindia Publications, 1998, pp. 322-3, "From Lha-khang Rdzong a path descends steeply to a bridge over the Lho-brag-chu, then climbs through the gorge to a precipitous path high above the river. It winds its way some twenty-five miles to Sras Dgu-thog (1950) in the northwest - a spectacular nine-storey white stone tower built by Mi-la-ras-pa for Mar-pa's son. It has a large gold rgya-phibs beneath which is a broad band of gilding decorated with seated Buddha figures. A chain around the top allows pilgrigms to clamber around it. There are embrasures in the tower, suggesting an original defensive purpose, but inside it is purely a place of religious pilgrimage. Each floor contains relics connected with Mar-pa, Mi-la-ras-pa and other lamas. ... At the foot of the tower is a large complex of temples and monastery buildings."
Other Information - Sekhar Gutog is one of the most revered religious sites for the Kagyu school of Tibetan buddhism. Sekhar Gutog (sras mkhar dgu thog) means 'nine-storeyed house of a son'. It is said that Milarepa built this nine-storyed tower as an ascetic penance. [TS 13/6/2005]
Other Information - Dates: The date is derived from Richardson’s negative album No.4, the cover of which is marked with ‘Lhobrag 1950’. In addition, 2001. has also been identified on the back as having been taken in 1950 [MS 22/12/2005]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '4 LHOBRAG 1950' 'Gongkar. Dzaring La. Lha khang Dzong. Sras. Pemaling Tso. Ku la kangri.' written in white in Richardson's hand.
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Nine-storyed tower at Sekhar Gutog in Lhodrag"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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