2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
Gyantse Region > Thegcholing
43 X 54 mm
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
Manual Catalogues - Notes on front of negative album in Richardson's hand in white: '2' 'Ramagang, 'Ushang, Tshurphu rgyal, Misc pillars'. On the reverse of negative album written in blue ink on white labels in Richardson's hand: 'Hu zhang, Pa blon chen, Pha bong ka, Nyenchen thang lho, Rva sgreng, Khro 'brug, etc. etc.' [KC 10/3/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative index - Folio 63. 'Padma Karpo at Theg mchog'.
Manual Catalogues - Richardson Hand List. 'Album No. 2 [no.] 43. Statue of the 'Brug-pa Lama Padma-dkar-po at Theg-mchog gling.'
Other Information - Dates: The contact print of this image was developed with a related batch of negatives identifiable by the batch number '609', of which there are twently nine similarly marked 6x4.5 contact prints in the Richardson Collection in the Pitt Rivers Museum. Some of these prints have been dated by Richardson to October 1950, and others relate to places that he visited only in 1948-9 and it seems likely, therefore, that this image was taken within this period [MS 17/12/2005]
Other Information - Person: Padma Karpo (pad ma dkar po, 1527-1592) Also known as Drugchen Padma Karmpo ('brug chen pad ma dkar po), Ngawang Norbu (ngawang dbang nor bu) personal name. Kunga Namgyal Norbu, (kun dga' rnam rgyal nor bu) ordination name. [TS 22/3/2005]
Other Information - Dates: The contact print of this image was developed with a related batch of negatives identifiable by the batch number '609', of which there are twently nine similarly marked 6x4.5 contact prints in the Richardson Collection in the Pitt Rivers Museum. Some of these prints have been dated by Richardson to October 1950, and others relate to places that he visited only in 1948-9 and it seems likely, therefore, that this image was taken within this period [MS 17/12/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Statue of Padma Karpo at Thegcholing"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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