2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
May 1948
Lhasa Area > Sangda
55 X 56 mm
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
‘Mk’yen Brtse’s guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet’, Alfonsa Ferrari, Rome: ISMEO, Serie Orinetale Roma XVI, 1958 [view list of illustrations]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on front of negative album in Richardson's hand in white: '2' 'Ramagang, 'Ushang, Tshurphu rgyal, Misc pillars'. On the reverse of negative album written in blue ink on white labels in Richardson's hand: 'Hu zhang, Pa blon chen, Pha bong ka, Nyenchen thang lho, Rva sgreng, Khro 'brug, etc. etc.' [KC 10/3/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative index - Folio 21. 'Blo ldan shes rabs tomb'.
Manual Catalogues - Richardson's handlist: Album no.2. [no.] 18. ' Tomb of Lama Blo-ldan shes rab (born 1059, died 1117. known as Rngog Lotsawa. Tomb is a[t] Gsag mda' north of U Zhang.'
Other Information - Setting: Richardson mentions this site in High Peaks, Pure Earth, 1998, London: Serindia Publications, p.314, "Six miles further downstream [from Skar-cung at Ramagang four miles from Lhasa] at Gsang-mda', the mouth of the valley leads to the ancient monastery-retreat of Gsang-phu. In a small enclosure is the reliquary chapel (sku-'bum) of Blo-ldan shes-rab."
Research publication - See David L. Snellgrove and Hugh Richardson, A Culture History of Tibet. 1968, London: George Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd., p. 38.
Biographical Information - [Note that detailed information will be found on the related file named Biographies, see button at top of database] : 'Blo tsa-ba blo ldan shes rab kyi rnam that mdor bsdus (A brief biography of Lotsawa Loden Sherab)" / / Brag sgang blo bzang rdo rje/ / Bod ljong nang bstan . 1997-1 (21), pp.17-25 [TS 16/2/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Reliquary chapel of Loden Sherab at Sangda"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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