2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
1938-40 or c. 1950
Gyantse > Gyantse dzong
55 x 55 mm
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album (outer case) - (on front) 'Kodak NEGATIVE FILE' in red and yellow lettering and a white label with 'Z.' in black ink'; (on reverse) 'Kangchenjunga. Gangtok Dances. RETURN of DL. Yak dancers etc. BIRDS etc.'; the letter 'A' in the top left hand corner and '8' in the right hand corner all written in white. (On spine on yellow "Subjects" label) ' GANGATOK . LHASA . PEOPLE . D.L. animals Birds; [Dates] 1936-40' written in Richardson's hand in blue ink; (below the label) the number '8' in white overwritten by the letter 'A' in pencil. Notes on negative album - (on cover) '8, Kangchenjunga. Gangtok Dances. RETURN of DL 1939. Yak dancers. Lhamo. Officials Tests. BIRDS...'. (On the spine) "KODAK NEGATIVE FILE 2 1/4 X 2 1/4 IN. (6 X 6 CM.) in embossed gold lettering; the letter "A" in white in Richardson's hand. Notes on negative index inside the negative album under 'Subject' - 'GYA[NTSE]'. [KC 11/2/2006]
Research publication - Hugh E. Richardson, High Peaks, Pure Earth , 1998, London: Serindia Publications, Plate 84. "Rgyal-rtse Rdzong." [KC 10/11/2006]
Other Information - Dates: The contact print for this image is one of a group of sixteen images that were all developed as a batch as they share the number '601' printed in red ink. The back of 2001. in this batch says ‘Nyethang 1950’, but many of the image negatives have been included in a negative album labelled ‘1936-40’. Richardson seems to have acquired his Reflex Korelle camera with which he could take 6x6 negatives in 1938 [MS 22/12/2005]
Manual Catalogues - '10,11,12 from West and South West, showing Turquoise bridge in centre' (Typewritten list of contents in the album by Richardson. At the top of the page 'Book 8 - Z' is handwritten. The heading for this list is, 'Album in case, marked 'Z' on case. The list of contents in album should be ignored. Following is the proper list.') [KC 10/2/2006]
Other Information - Location: F Spencer Chapman describes the fortress at Gyantse in Lhasa: The Holy City, 1938, London: Chatto and Windus, "To reach the dzong we rode up and up a rough roadway. Massive wooden gates with crudely stuffed wild yaks and mastiffshanging in the rafters as emblems of ferocity.//... The dzong is full of small monasteries. ... The dzong which is half ruined, is built tier upon tier to the summit of the steep rock; ... Went right to the top. There are no staircases so that we had to pull the ladder up from roof to roof. ... Superb view:green barley fields, blue winding rivers, russet and sienna hills. The big monastery of Tse-chen lies on the southern side of a rocky hill a mile or two to the north-east." (pp. 54-5) [KC 11/2/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Gyantse dzong"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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