2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
1940 - 1948
Lhasa > Jokhang (main entrance from Doring house)
58 x 55 mm
Ritual Activity
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '1' 'Chipsha: Dzonggyab [rdzong rgyab]: Torgyap [gtor rgyag] ----- [illegible]' is written in white in Richardson's hand. Notes inside negative album: white label with Richardson's name and address in St. Andrews. [KC 8/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative index - Folio 24. 'Mipon'. [KC 17/7/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Richardson's hand list: Negative album No.1 'New Year Ceremonies at Lhasa'. The Smon-lam gtor-rgyag Ceremony on 24th of 1st month for driving out evil. No. 22-4. 'The rkang-dmag , foot soldiery, known as Gzimg sbyong-nga , arrive led by the city magistrates, mi-dpon . The soldiers wear old armour and carry wicker shields, Tibetan-made muskets and some have bows and arrows and quivers.' [KC 17/7/2006]
Other Information - Background: See Hugh E. Richardson, Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year , 1993, London: Serindia Publications, pp 39-49 for a description of the Monlam Torgya ( mon lam gtor rgyag) ceremony. "The ceremony of Monlam Torgya is the longest and the most spectacular event of the New Year celebrations. It is the high point of the Yaso's tenure of office and the day for which the Tsisher was the preparation. It brings together religious and secular elements and marks the formal end of the Monlam Chenmo." (p.39) [KC 23/10/2006]
Other Information - Dates: This photograph was probably taken after 1939 as the structure that previously stood over the bench where the Shengo would sit during ceremonies in the First month of the Tibetan year has been removed. Between 1940 and 1948 alterations were made to the Jokhang, an additional window was placed in the wall on the left of the image and the small roofed structure was removed. This has assisted the dating of this image [MS 17/6/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Officials at Monlam Torgya outside entrance of Jokhang"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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