1999.23.2.66 (Print)
H. Staunton ?
Harry Staunton
June 1940
Lhasa Area
119 x 79 mm
Print gelatin silver
Donated 1999
Diana Hughes
H. Staunton
Diana Hughes
Notes on print/mount - "Coracle being carried back to Lhasa. Sheep carrying provisions, June 1940" written on reverse of print in blue ink in Staunton's hand.
Contemporary Publication - F Spencer Chapman writes ( Lhasa: The Holy City , 1940, London: Readers Union Ltd, p.64) "The coracles are rectangular and made of yak-hide stretched over a framework of willow branches. Each boat is about 8 feet by 6 feet, and weighs 80 - 90 lb. During the crossing they get swept down nearly half a mile, so the boatmen lift the coracles onto their heads and walk up-stream again, afterwards propping the boats up on one oar to dry. They float very high out of the water and are absolutely unstreamlined."
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Three men and a coracle boat and sheep"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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