1999.23.2.49 (Print black & white)
H. Staunton ?
Harry Staunton
1940 - 1941 [April]
Lhasa >
112 x 67 mm
Ritual Activity
Print gelatin silver
Donated 1999
Diana Hughes
H. Staunton
Diana Hughes
Notes on print/mount - "Velox" and the number 512? are printed on the reverse of the print in black ink. [KC 1/11/2005]
Manual Catalogues - Hugh Richardson notes, "Second month?". [Hugh Richardson in conversation with Roger Croston, detailed in H. Staunton undated Related Documents File, PRM Manuscript Collections] [KC 1/11/2005]
Other Information - Setting: Hugh Richardson wrote of the setting of this image in Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year [London: Serindia, 1993, p. 76]: "...the procession sets off round the Barkor ... Then comes a line of monks in yellow hats each carrying a similar umbrella [yellow, red and blue fringed umbrella]." Also see photo p.80 [ibid.]. [KC 1/11/2005]
Other Information - Dates: This and 1999.23.2.48 may both have been taken on the same day and relate to a group of images with the number 611 stamped on the reverse in red ink. The latter were taken on the 23rd and 24th days of the first Tibetan month in the year 1940. On the other hand, Hugh Richardson thinks it may have been taken in the second month. In this case it is most likely to be of the The Golden Procession of the Assembly of Worship which took place on the 30th day of the second Tibetan month. [KC 1/11/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Procession of monks with ceremonial umbrellas"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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