1998.286.203 (Glass negative)
Sir Charles Bell
Sir Charles Bell
78 x 103
Negative Quarter Plate , Copy Negative
Donated 1983
St Antony's College, Oxford
Copy Neg
Sir Charles Bell
British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections
'Tibet Past & Present', Sir Charles Bell, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1924 [view list of illustrations]
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry: "[No. of chapter] XL. [Subject of Chapter] The Language [Subject of Illustration] Q191 (g). Tibetan bookcover and 2 English books. [Where placed - book page] I, 152"
Contemporary Publication - Published in 'Tibet Past & Present', Bell, C. A., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, facing p.152:"A Tibetan book-cover in richly carved wood"
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Tibetan book cover"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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