1998.285.69.1 (Glass negative)
Rabden Lepcha?
Sir Charles Bell
February 6th 1921
120 x 163 mm
Negative glass plate gelatin , Negative Half Plate
Donated 1983
St Antony's College, Oxford.
Lantern Shortened image
Sir Charles Bell's Mission to Lhasa 1920-21
Royal Central Asiatic Society
Rabden Lepcha?
See H.64
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry for H.64: "[No. of chapter] IV. [Subject of Chapter] History up to 1900. [Subject of illustration] H.64 (r) Foot soldier, old style. [Remarks] L.31 (D.L.)
Other Information - Related Images: Bell's List of Illustrations does not distinguish between 1998.285.69 & 1998.285.70. The two images are very similar, although some movement of the shield is visible and slightly different incorporation of the balcony in the background and position of the subject's head and movement of the tassels on the headgear. [MS 14/5/2004]
Contemporary Publication - Published in 'Tibet Past & Present', Bell, C. A., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, facing p.29:"A foot soldier, old style"
Other Information - Description: Bell's Diary entry for March 3rd, 1921: 'The Sim-chung-ngas wear high head-dresses. They contain among other adornments a row of 7 or 8 peacock's feathers and fluffy, round white balls made from the soft down of vultures, the latter a sacred symbol, for they are worn also by the 'Protectors of the Faith' (Cho-kyong). // Each man receives a small fief from the Tibetan government. This descends from father to son and the duties of a sim-ching-nga descend with it. I am told that they are all men of Central Tibet"
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Tibetan foot soldier with old style armour and shield"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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