1998.285.632 (Lantern Slide)
Willoughby Patrick Rosemeyer?
Sir Charles Bell
March 13th 1922?
Lhasa > Jokhang > Sungchora
81 x 81 mm
Lantern Slide
Donated 1983
St. Antony's College, Oxford
Sir Charles Bell's Mission to Lhasa 1920-21
Sir Charles Bell; Royal Central Asiatic Society
Lt Col R. S. Kennedy?
British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections
'Portrait of the Dalai Lama', Sir Charles Bell, London: Collins, 1946 [view list of illustrations]
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry: "[No. of chapter] V. [Subject of Chapter] The Dalai Lama [Subject of Illustration] P.52 (ak) The Dalai Lama's yearly sermon in Lhasa in the early morning of the 15th of the first Tibetan month, during Prayer Festival. Pulpit in background in left centre. [Remarks] See Diary of Feb. '21. See also I, 18. L.49 (D.L)."
Other Information - Photographer: The negative from which this slide was made is not in the PRM Collection. It seems to have been made from a Postcard-sized negative. This size was not typically used by Bell during his time in Lhasa and it may be that this image was taken by Willoughby Patrick Rosemeyer in 1922 or subsequently. He used this image size and made many visits to Lhasa from 1922 onwards relating to the establishment of a telegraph line. The close proximity of the photographer to the crowd on this auspicious occasion suggests that it was probably not taken by Lt Col Kennedy either. Kennedy, as Medical Officer on bell's mission, was sometimes able to get closer, more intimate images than Bell, who felt the constraints of his official status. However, at this time there was a great deal of discontent in the large monasteries of Sera and Drepung, partly related to the presence of the British Mission, and it may be, therefore, that Kennedy would not have entered a crowd of monks at this time [MS 20/8/2004]
Notes on print/mount - '34' has been written in blue-black ink. This slide seems to have been used by Bell as slide 34 in a lantern lecture titled 'The Dalai Lama' [MS 20/8/2004]
Contemporary Publication - Published in 'Portrait of the Dalai Lama', Bell, C. A., London: Collins, 1946, facing p.273:"Dalai Lama's public sermon delivered yearly during the prayer festival."
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Dalai Lama's sermon in square outside "
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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