1998.285.119 (Glass negative)
Rabden Lepcha?
Sir Charles Bell
March 21st 1921?
Lhasa > Bangyeshar House
120 x 163 mm
Negative glass plate gelatin , Negative Half Plate
Donated 1983
St Antony's College, Oxford.
Copy Neg
Sir Charles Bell's Mission to Lhasa 1920-21
Royal Central Asiatic Society
See H.104
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry for H.104: "[No. of chapter] XVI. [Subject of Chapter] The Aristocracy. [Subject of Illustration] H 104 (o) Bang-gye-shar house at Lhasa, showing Palha Kenchen's living rooms. [Remarks] L.75 [lantern slide 75]"
Other Information - Related Images: Bell does not distinguish in his List of Illustrations between H.104a and H.104b [1998.285.118 & 1998.285.119] and both images may be referenced by the caption for H.104. However, 1998.285.119 is a re-photograph of 1998.285.118 in which the centrality of the central gateway of the house and the verandah above is emphasised and the dog is cropped from the scene. The re-photography has been done carefully to ensure that the edges of the new image are symmetrically aligned against the peripheral window frames [MS 18/5/2004]
Other Information - Description: Bell's Diary Notes for 21.03.21: "Visited Bang-gye-shar house, in the eastern quarter of Lhasa with Palhese. It is in the usual pattern. Some of the rooms are let out to the monks of the Gyu-pa monastery on rent. I noted that in the kitchen the food is cooked not only for the family but for the upper servants, Treasurers, Stewards etc. also. The Treasurers (Chamdzo) have an office to themselves with two assistants, and the stewards have also an office to themselves. The ordinary records are fastened to pillars and walls, among these in the Steward's office is one detailing the butter lamps to be offered in the event of a Dalai Lama's death. The important records are locked away in strong chests. // The present occupants, the Palha Kenchen, occupies a large sunny room along one side of which are ranged a row of boxes piled one on the other. Some contain his clothes; others his stable requisites. There are practically no cupboards, the only one being below the altar holding articles of worship. In one verandah a school mainly for the sons of servants is held" [MS 1/6/2004]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Bangyeshar's house, Lhasa"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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