1998.131.374.4 (Print black & white)
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Frederick Spencer Chapman
February 14th 1937
Lhasa > Kundeling
203 x 258mm
Ritual Activity
Print gelatin silver , Enlargement
Donated 1994
Faith Spencer Chapman
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Frederick Spencer Chapman
E.5 [view film roll]
Notes on print/mount - 'SC Roof of Gundeling Monastery' has been written on the back of the print in pencil [MS 22/03/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Caption in Chapman's hand-written list of negatives made whilst on the Mission to Lhasa, 1936-7 [See PRM Manuscripts Collection]: 'Full pl. Between 1 & 2 Ditto [Trumpets at Gundeling]'; PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 2: ‘16/2 - On the roof of Gundeling Monastery ceremonial trumpets’ [MS 22/03/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: Images prefixed with 'E' comprise a group of negatives containing images of Kundeling, Drepung, Gyantse, Karo La and Ralung bridge. They seem to have been taken in the last days if the Mission and after departure [MS 22/03/2006]
Other Information - Cultural Background: The radung is a very difficult instrument to play and requires perfection of a special circular breathing technique [MS 22/03/2006]
Other Information - Background: Richardson mentions this site in High Peaks, Pure Earth , London, Serindia Publications, 1998, p. 303. "The monastery of Kun-bde-gling (1936-9, 1944, 1946-50) was built by the Chinese in 1794 for their protege,the Regent Rta-tshag Ye-shes mgon-po, in celebration of their victory over the Gurkhas. It was very generously endowed. A stone stele recording the foundation, inscribed in Tibetan and Chinese, stood at the entrance of the monastery. Further north on a rocky hillock known as Ba-ma-ri (or Ba-mo-ri) stood a little temple of the Chinese war god Kuanti, known to the Tibetans as Ge-sar. ... The Ge-sar Lha-khang was popular with Tibetan pilgrims for the reading of fortunes from bamboo slips chosen at random from a tall vase." [KC 13/10/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Monks blowing radung , Kundeling"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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