Image:DSC_2186.jpg (Photographer's Handlist Page) (page 348/456)
[‘1/2 Group of brocaded monks’ - nb: this caption does not match the image in the album] [David Macdonald with Basil Gould]
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 3: ‘4/3 - Senior monks gather round to bless the ceremonies. The central staircase in background is reserved for the Dalai Lama only’ // PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibeta
February 10th 1937
6x9 NegsNew Year
A group of negatives containing images of Jigme and the Tsarong family, dancers and monks. There is an instruction to ‘1/2 cut sides’ of this image, as marked in red pen in the album, on the list for C.1 negatives in Chapman’s handlist
1/2 2 dancers Kashag [Hashang?] just showing
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 3: ‘4/5 - masked dancers. In the foreground is Hashang “The Laughing Buddha” and attendants. Applique awning over band on right’
February 10th 1937
6x9 NegsNew Year
A group of negatives containing images of Jigme and the Tsarong family, dancers and monks
1/2 2 dancers. Kashag [Hashang?] in [?]
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 3: ‘5/1 - Two grotesque masked dancers perform before Hashang and his attendants. Nine such pairs come and go’
February 10th 1937
6x9 NegsNew Year
A group of negatives containing images of Jigme and the Tsarong family, dancers and monks