Man writing book in ‘bookshop’
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 4: ‘11/3 - In Lhasa bazaar, writing prayer flags for sale’
City and People1/2 Pl glossy sent to Mr F? for choice
A group of negatives containing images of patients from Dr Morgan’s hospital, Mir Khan, curio sellers, bookshops, street scenes, Jo Khang, willows and Chapman
2 monks
A group of negatives containing images of patients from Dr Morgan’s hospital, Mir Khan, curio sellers, bookshops, street scenes, Jo Khang, willows and Chapman
Willows in marsh behind Potala
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 1, From Gangtok to the Natu La August 1936: ‘34/1 - Curious twisted willows in Snake Temple grounds
September 3rd 1936
A group of negatives containing images of patients from Dr Morgan’s hospital, Mir Khan, curio sellers, bookshops, street scenes, Jo Khang, willows and Chapman