Ditto [Yaks going along by lake]
A group of negatives containing images of the route to Lhasa including rock paintings, a ‘ghost scarer’, environs of Nyapsu La, Singma, boats on the Tsangpo, birds and flowers. The list is referred to as ‘P’ in Chapman’s papers, but all the images were prefixed ‘CP’ in the draft album and related prints int he Pitt Rivers Museum collection are also annotated as ‘CP’
Potala and the road across water meadows
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 2: ‘1/2 - Potala and road to Nurbhu Lingka (Jewel Palace) and south to India’
September 17th - 18th 1936
A group of negatives containing images of beggars, Gundeling monastery, Potala, telephoto views of Potala, Tibetan dancers, Tibetan band, dancing girls, Tibetan telegraph master, female body cutters, old city magistrate, Austin car