Lion shot in Nuerland

35 mm | Negative film Kodak Panatonic
Same Image As:
Previous PRM Number:
WT.Southern Sudan.10.23
Accession Number:
A group of Thesiger's porters with his interpreter Malo (with gun, right) and servant Idris Daud (left), standing behind one of forty lions Thesiger shot in southern Sudan.
He later wrote that lions were then considered vermin in the region, and were especially abundant in the Western District.
Thesiger's two servants were both issued with guns and proved skilled and enthusiastic shots, invariably accompanying him on regular hunting forays.
Wilfred Patrick Thesiger
Date of Photo:
1938 - 1939
[Southern Sudan] Wahda
Malo, Idris Daud
PRM Source:
Wilfred Patrick Thesiger
Accepted as Art in Lieu of Inheritance Tax by H.M. Government and allocated to the Pitt Rivers Museum, March 2004
Other Owners:
Fauna , Weapon , Hunting
Animal Lion , Firearm , Spear
Primary Documentation:
Manual Catalogue (Thesiger album card) - 'VOL E p.
34/LION shot by me in the Western Nuer District' [Elin Bornemann 25/5/2004]
In The Life of My Choice (Harper Collins 1987) Thesiger notes (page 273) that 'I know that today it sounds unforgiveable to have shot seventy lion in five years, but that was fifty years ago and circumstances of that time cannot be judged by those of today. Lion were then rated as vermin in the Sudan, and were especially abundant in Western Nuer District.' Chris Morton [16/9/2004]
In The Life of My Choice (Harper Collins 1987) Thesiger notes (page 273) that 'I know that today it sounds unforgiveable to have shot seventy lion in five years, but that was fifty years ago and circumstances of that time cannot be judged by those of today. Lion were then rated as vermin in the Sudan, and were especially abundant in Western Nuer District.' Chris Morton [16/9/2004]
Elin Bornemann [11/12/2003] Christopher Morton [21/9/2004] [Southern Sudan Project]