Mandari schoolchildren

56 x 56 mm | Negative film nitrate
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A formal group portrait of a group of Mandari children, with a young man posing beside them, possibly their teacher.
The children have been asked to form two lines, one kneeling below and the other standing behind.
The boys are wearing Euorpean shirts and shorts and the girls body cloths, after the manner of married women.
This possibly indicates a practice of covering child nakedness in colonial spaces such as schools.
This may be the Catholic-sponsored school at Kiritnumbor that Buxton mentions visiting in 1951, having around 30 boys.
Jean Carlile Buxton
Date of Photo:
1950 - 1952
[Southern Sudan] Bahr el Jebel Tali Kiritnumbor
PRM Source:
Ronald Carlile Buxton via Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Donated 1988
Other Owners:
Jean Buxton Collection
Colonial , ?Education , Child Care , Clothing
See Related Documents File. Buxton field notebooks in Tylor Library.
Other Information:
In Religion and Healing in Mandari (Oxford, Clarendon Press 1973) Jean Buxton notes (page 15) that 'Schools in the remoter areas almost inevitably failed.
At Tali the position was more favourable.
The Catholic-sponsored school at Kiritnumbor, sited near permanent water, had around thirty boys when I visited it in 1951.
This and all the remaining bush schools were later closed, and a government elementary school opened at tali; offering bording facilities.' [Chris Morton 25/4/2005]
Christopher Morton 28/2/2005 [Southern Sudan Project]