Rumbek Jur stool

Accession Number:
[Southern Sudan]
Cultural Group:
Rumbek Jur
Date Made:
By 1930
Wood Plant
Carved , Stained , Polished , Decorated , Incised
Ht = 160, total L = 737; tail L = 95, W = 21, th = 18; seat L = 221, W = 180, th = 9; handle L = 423, diam = 25.5, diam end column = 36 x 30.8; leg Ht = 105, feet L = 35, W = 25 mm [RTS 13/4/2005].
>1000 g
Other Owners:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Field Collector:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Purchased 31 December 1930
Collected Date:
1926 - 1930
Stool carved from a single piece of wood and consisting of an oval seat that is convex across its width and concave along the length.
A long cylindrical handle extends from the front end, round in section, terminating in a vertical column that serves as an extra support.
This rises slightly above the level of the handle, with a flat oval top covered with incised crosshatching, now largely worn away; at its base a short foot that extends at right angles.
This whole section may represent a stylised animal neck and head.
A short tail extends from the back of the seat, extending up and then out from it; this has flat sides and a rectangular section.
The seat has a flat underside, with two pairs of joined legs extending out from it at a forty-five degree angle.
These also have flat cut sides, except for the front face which is slightly bowed in each case, and end in short out-turned feet.
At the centre of each pair the surface of the wood has been grooved to create four angular decorative ridges.
The wood has been stained a reddish brown colour (Pantone 732C), and polished, particularly on the seat, handle and tail areas.
It is nearly complete, with a small part of one foot broken off and missing; there is evidence for wear in several places and tool marks clearly visible on the underside and feet.
It has a height of 160 mm, and a total length of 737 mm.
The tail is 95 mm long, 21 mm wide and 18 mm thick; the seat is 221 mm long, 180 mm wide and 9 mm thick; the handle is 423 mm long, with a diameter of 25.5 mm along its body, and measuring 36 by 30.8 mm around the front column, while the legs have a height of 105 mm, and measure 35 by 25 mm across the feet.
Collected by Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard in the Rumbek district, which lies in the modern administrative area of El Buheyrat, probably sometime between March and April 1929.
Rachael Sparks 18/9/2005.
Collected by Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard in the Rumbek district, which lies in the modern administrative area of El Buheyrat, probably sometime between March and April 1929.
Rachael Sparks 18/9/2005.
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry
[BIV, p.
138] - 1930 [insert] 86 [end insert]
31 Dec.
Specimens collected by himself in the EASTERN SUDAN, etc.
[...] [p.
139, insert] 53 [end insert] - Low wooden four-legged stool, with long handle, carved from one piece of wood.
[total of items 1930.86.1-65] - P[ai]d by cheque 31 Dec £
Added Accession Book Entry [page opposite 138] - 1930.86 See Related Documents File for letter from Henry Balfour to Evans-Pritchard concerning the purchase of this collection.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 27/4/2004].
Related Documents File - This contains a letter from Balfour to Evans-Pritchard, dated 31 December 1930 that specifies the objects which he would like to purchase for the Pitt Rivers Museum, and suggests a price of £25, which was one quarter of his annual budget. The list matches the objects ultimately accessioned quite closely. This item appears on the list as "1 carved stool (Jur)" [RTS 17/5/2004].
Pitt Rivers Museum label - AFRICA, Sudan. JUR. Low wooden 4-legged stool with long handle. Coll. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, purchased from him 31 Dec. 1930. 1930.86.53 [plastic coated label, tied to object; RTS 13/4/2005].
Written on object - Sitting-stool. JUR, E. CENT. AFRICA. Evans-Pritchard coll. Pur. 31.12.1930 [RTS 9/4/2005].
Added Accession Book Entry [page opposite 138] - 1930.86 See Related Documents File for letter from Henry Balfour to Evans-Pritchard concerning the purchase of this collection.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 27/4/2004].
Related Documents File - This contains a letter from Balfour to Evans-Pritchard, dated 31 December 1930 that specifies the objects which he would like to purchase for the Pitt Rivers Museum, and suggests a price of £25, which was one quarter of his annual budget. The list matches the objects ultimately accessioned quite closely. This item appears on the list as "1 carved stool (Jur)" [RTS 17/5/2004].
Pitt Rivers Museum label - AFRICA, Sudan. JUR. Low wooden 4-legged stool with long handle. Coll. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, purchased from him 31 Dec. 1930. 1930.86.53 [plastic coated label, tied to object; RTS 13/4/2005].
Written on object - Sitting-stool. JUR, E. CENT. AFRICA. Evans-Pritchard coll. Pur. 31.12.1930 [RTS 9/4/2005].