S&SWM PR papers L1946
Welch's Irish Views ... | Antiquarian, Geological, Peasant Life, ... | 49 Lonsdale Street | Belfast Sept 21st 1897
Views Parcel Post
Dear Sir
I forward you via Parcel Post today 111 Ethnog. &c views you selected (permanent Platino) and as you are so specially interested in this particular branch of Scientific work I offer a few notes which may make many of the prints of more interest, Prof Haddon has often promised to help me list them with descriptive notes and I suppose I will do so some time on the lines of my Geol. lists the notes of which Prof Cole always supplies. With the exception of about 5 or 6 more views these 111 exhaust my set, others are on the borderland and come more especially as to prehistoric times as indeed the Kitchen-midden views I send may do, although there is just the chance that they may be connected with life at a much later period, I cannot say more on that subject at present as a report on the matter will be presented to the R.I. Academy soon by some friends whom I accompanied on a little research expedition there and to the much larger midden at Bunowen near Ch...[illegible]
I would be glad to let you see my very early Irish [illegible] at any time many of the views are unique I have taken the Camera often to places where a camera was never seen before
Yours truly
R. Welch
Welch's Irish Views ... | Antiquarian, Geological, Peasant Life, ... | 49 Lonsdale Street | Belfast Jan 13th 1898
115 was [sic] sent | Sept 21 & 24th
Ansd H Gray
Dear Sir
Do you wish to retain all the Irish Ethnog. photos (permanent Platino) sent last Sept. 14 days is the usual time allowed for selection but as I knew that you had a special interest in this branch I did not stipulate for such prompt return if not of any not selection [sic]
Yours truly
R. Welch
Note on back:
This letter requiring answer | The general is at | Thorpe | Chertsey | [illegible] to me here by return only Alice Pitt Rivers
Pitt-Rivers had fallen ill whilst on a visit to London over the Christmas period Dec 1897-Jan 1898, presumably Alice Pitt-Rivers was at Rushmore
Transcribed by AP for Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project July 2011