S&SWM PR papers L1877
And. Sept. 11/97
Waterloo House, Wimborne | ... Mark Barnes, Saddler & Harness Manufacturer ... | 1897 July 15
Dear General
I have taken the liberty to send you on an old Candlestick and Candle. It was found in The Oldest House in Wimborne where Matthew Prior lived, it was taken from and old Bricked up Cupboard. I have lived here 53 years - and I knew the people who lived in the House, over 60 years - one of my men has had it for 3 or 4 years given to him by the man who lives in the House now A friend of his. Another man who works for me showed me the earthen work He got it from Weymouth. He said it was a Bed Candlestick an [sic] a Money Pot I was so pleased with my visit to your grounds I said I would send it for you to see and if any use to you you can let me know next Bank Holloday [sic] When I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you again. If I may be allowed to speak to you Mr Harder knows me and beg to remain
your obt servant
Mark Barnes
Barnes & Mullins Celebrated Banjo Players are engaged to play I hear Barnes is my son
These items do not appear in the catalogue of the second collection
Ansd Sep 18/97 | 3/- sent for Barnes' man
Wimborne | Sep 12/97
Dear Sir
Expecting the Candlestick of Mathew Prior. That was mine and I told the General that He was welcome to it. And The General promised me He would show it. Dont you think its A Curious old bit. I wish I could get hold of more old stuff. I do I shall have great pleasure in sending it to the General if he would accept it. With regard to the Earthen stuff when I was going to track up the Candle one of my men said he had an old Earthern Candlestick His Grandfather brot from Weymouth Many years ago. I said let me have it and Ill send it along now if you think it worth while to send my man a trifle for that why do so; and he would be very glad with anything as he is poor and it was no use to him
Your obt servt
Mark Barnes
Saddler | & Corn Dealer
Any little order from to General [sic] would be highly esteemed
Transcribed for Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project by AP July 2011