S&SWM PR papers L1695
Torr | Ansd Nov 24/ 96
23.11.96 | 11, Ladbroke Gardens, W.
Dear Sir,
I believe that a terra-cotta model of a boat, which was found in Rhodes some years ago, was sold to you as lot 527 in an auction at Sotheby's on 5 December 1885.
I want to engrave this model in a History of Ancient Shipping that I have in hand at the University Press at Cambridge. will you allow me to do this?
And can you tell me whether the boat is down at Rushmore or at your London house? I should like to have the drawing made by a man who has already made a number of drawings for this book, as I want to get the illustrations as much as possible in the same style.
Faithfully yours
Cecil Torr
General Pitt-Rivers
Torr | Ansd. Nov. 30/96
11 Ladbroke Gardens, | London. W.
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for your letter I saw the boat before the sales, and recollect that it was pretty rough. But I have fourteen of these models drawn already, and I want to add the other four of which I know, in order to make this section of the work complete.
It is rather a serious matter to send the draughtsman down to Farnham for so small a thing.
Of course it would have suited me much better to have had the drawings done in town. But as you do not wish to send the thing away, I will make arrangements for his going down, as soon as he has cleared off the work he has in hand.
Faithfully yours,
Cecil Tor
Friday 27 November.
Ansd Jan 15/ 97
11 Ladbroke Gardens, W.
Dear Sir,
I am very much obliged to you for your suggestion of the photograph. That would quite answer my purpose.
Might I ask that the photograph should give the boat at exactly half the actual size, and that the boat should be put a little on one side, to give a view of the interior as in the engravings I enclose?
With very many thanks,
Faithfully yours
Cecil Torr
1 December 96
23.1.97 | 11 Ladbroke Gardens | London, W.
Dear Sir,
The photographs of the galley reached me this morning, and I feel very much indebted to you for your kindness in having them taken for me. They will answer my purpose admirably. I shall instruct the draughtsman to make a pen and ink drawing from one of them in the same style that he has used in drawing the other terracotta boats. As soon as his drawing has been zineotyped and worked in to a plate of illustrations, I will send you a proof of the plate. Of course, this will take some weeks; or possibly months.
I imagine that the photographs represent the galley at half its natural size. Would you mind sending me a line to say if that is really so?
With very many thanks
Faithfully yours,
Cecil Torr
This is Add.9455vol2_p185 /4. Strangely Cecil Torr (1857-1928) appears to have published a book 'Ancient Ships' with CUP in 1894 but nothing about this topic after 1896 that I can find trace of.
Transcribed for Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project by AP June 2011