S&SWM PR papers L1432
Ansd Nov. 25/95 | Perks
The Soldiers Home & Evangelistic Mission | ... Winchester | Novbr 22nd
Dear Sir
Knowing the deep interest you take in anything belonging to Cranborne Chase perhaps you would like to purchase the following which [insert] are the [end insert] property of my Father. He used to occupy Woodcutts Farm but now lives at the Friary Winchester where the articles can be seen, if you cared sufficiently for them for your Museum. I understand the keeper's hat is rarely if ever to be seen - this is a very good one.
Believe me
yrs truly
L. Perks
1. Chase-keeper's hat, worn by Moses Brixey
2. Cutlass or Hanger with deer-skin belt worn by Moses Brixey
3. A wire or noose used for catching deer in Cranborne Chase.
4. End of weapon picked up near Rushmore House the morning after an engagement with Keepers & Poachers [insert] when [end insert] A Poacher is supposed to have been killed
5. A Pocket swingle or weapon of defence used both by poachers & keepers in Cranborne Chase
6. Pair Antlers unpolished from the Chase
Perks | Ansd Dec 20/95
The Soldiers' Home and Evangelistic Mission ...| Dec'r 12th
Dear Sir
The delay in answering your letter has been caused by my absence from home, and therefore not being able to consult my Father. I have however seen him to day, and he says he should like the relics of the Chase to go together and considers £20 a very fair price for them
Believe me
yrs faithfully
L. Perks
These items are not listed in the catalogue of the second collection, Pitt-Rivers exhibited similar items at the Art Exhibition from September 1895, see here, so he may have already owned examples of most of these.
Transcribed for Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project by AP June 2011